Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-Abonnenten können ab sofort das MultiVersus: MVP Pack Drop 2 einlösen. Dazu gibt es noch Apple TV+ als Perk!

Wer von euch ein Xbox Game Pass Ultimate-Abonnement hat, der kann ab sofort einen neuen Perk abgreifen. Diesmal gibt es das MultiVersus: MVP Pack Drop 2 für euch. Den Perk könnt ihr ganz einfach über eure Konsole oder in der Xbox App abrufen.

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

Da wir unseren Code nicht benötigen, posten wir ihn hier: „WTQ69-4VPXV-64FXJ-TKXHT-HTDK?“

? = Z

Gleiches gilt für Apple TV+, wobei ihr beim Einlösen zu einer Website weitergeleitet werdet. Apple Music gibt es als weiteren Perk.

Apple TV+ Code: NPTAJTPR3A33

Falls auch ihr Perk-Codes übrig habt, dann teilt sie gerne in den Kommentaren mit der Community.

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
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Go through our solutions below to get back to error-free gaming

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and... read more

Published on November 4, 2022

Reviewed by Vlad Turiceanu

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming... read more

  • If the Xbox app won't install in Windows 10 it's pretty sad because you can't play with your friends.
  • Start by resetting the app package by running the command below in Powershell.
  • Another, more complicated solution is to run the License Service Script.
  • The wsreset app is useful in clearing the Microsoft Store cache. Try installing the Xbox app after.

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10


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This means that the Xbox app allows users to play games from the Microsoft Store with fellow Xbox players, create scoreboards, share their social content, and more.

However, some of our readers reported that the Xbox app is not installing in Windows 10, so we’re going to find a solution for this problem in this article.

Why is my Xbox app not installing on my PC?

There is a vast number of possible explanations as to why the Xbox application cannot be installed on your Windows PC.

The most common known causes might be any one or a combination of damaged or corrupted system files as well as interference from an antivirus or firewall.

For optimal functionality, the Xbox App must have the Microsoft Store App installed first. If there is a problem with the App Store app, then many applications won’t run and they won’t download anything.

How do I fix Xbox app if it won’t install?

In this article

Before getting to the actual software tweaks, make sure that you’ve got through these preliminary steps:

  • Make sure that you’ve got a stable Internet connection.
  • Try to reboot your system. After that, see if you can open the app normally once again.
  • Download and install the Xbox app from Microsoft Store directly, not from third-party websites.

If you have checked these prerequisite measures, go ahead and apply the following fixes.

1. Reset the Xbox app package

In order to repair the Xbox app on your PC, you can follow the quick guide below using the PowerShell commands.

1. Go to Search, type Powershell, and open PowerShell from the results.

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

2. Enter the following command, and press Enter: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

3. Wait for the process to finish

After performing this PowerShell command, try to run your Xbox app for Windows 10 again. If you’re still unable to run it, try the solution listed below.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Keep in mind that resetting the cache will remove any saved passwords and private information stored in the app. It’s not ideal, but sometimes the cache can deem the software unusable.

2. Run the License Service Script

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Paste the following text into Notepad: echo offnet stop clipsvcif “%1″==”” ( echo ==== BACKING UP LOCAL LICENSES move %windir%serviceprofileslocalserviceappdatalocalmicrosoftclipsvctokens.dat %windir%serviceprofileslocalserviceappdatalocalmicrosoftclipsvctokens.bak )if “%1″==”recover” ( echo ==== RECOVERING LICENSES FROM BACKUP copy %windir%serviceprofileslocalserviceappdatalocalmicrosoftclipsvctokens.bak %windir%serviceprofileslocalserviceappdatalocalmicrosoftclipsvctokens.dat )net start clipsvc
  3. Save the file as license.bat.
  4. Execute the script from the Command Prompt (search for cmd and click on Run as administrator).
  5. The script will uninstall the app, so head over to the Microsoft Store, and reacquire Xbox app.

This script was introduced in Windows 10 Technical Preview, when users had problems running certain Windows 10 apps.

We didn’t test if it works in the full version of Windows 10, and with Xbox app, but you could give it a try, it won’t hurt.

You can find more information about a similar problem in this quick guide dedicated to fixing the Xbox app if it’s not opening on Windows 10.

3. Clear the Microsoft Store cache

  1. Press Windows Key + R to launch Run.
  2. Enter wsreset.exe and hit Enter.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
  3. Once the reset process finished, restart your PC and then check if the Windows Store App works as it should.

The Xbox App depends on the Microsoft Store App to run properly. So, if there is something wrong with the Store app, many apps won’t launch or won’t download anything.

In this case, resetting the Store cache can fix the problem, so make sure you do that by following the steps above.

4. Check for the latest Windows updates

  1. Click the Start button and select Settings.
  2. Pick Update & Security to open the Windows Update window.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
  3. Click the Check for updates button and wait a few seconds to see if there are any new ones.
  4. If there are, click on Install now. The Xbox app won’t install on D drive issue will be solved afterward.

Not having the latest Windows updates installed can cause problems with the installation or running any apps so this is an important step to take.

Read more about this topic

  • FIX: Xbox Game Pass remote install not working in Windows 11
  • Xbox game bar not opening/not working on Windows 10/11 [Fix]
  • Can’t install Game Pass games on PC [Guaranteed Fix]

5. Run the Windows Apps troubleshooter

  1. Click on the Start button and select Settings.
  2. Now click on Update & security.
  3. Select Troubleshoot from the left pane.
  4. Click on Additional troubleshooters from the right pane.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
  5. Scroll down until you find Windows Store Apps, click on it, and select the Run the troubleshooter button.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
  6. Follow the steps to carry on the troubleshooting process. The Xbox app not working on PC issue will be fixed.

Like any app, the Xbox one is prone to regular problems, but you can fix them by running the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter as shown in the steps above.

How do I manually install the Xbox app?

  1. Press Windows then type Microsoft Store and open the top result.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10
  2. Input Xbox inside the search bar at the top of the window, press Enter then click the Get button next to the Xbox app result.
    Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10

A lot of users also reported that the Xbox app keeps closing in Windows 10. We have an excellent guide dedicated to fixing Xbox app closing issues.

As was the case with solution #1, you’ll have to keep in mind that, deleting the cache will remove any saved information from the MS Store, including login credentials, payments, etc.

Some of our readers also suggested changing the Windows region from Settings to United States and reset the Microsoft Store service before downloading and installing the Xbox app so you should try that too.

If you also have problems opening the Xbox app in Windows 10, our team has devised a comprehensive step-by-step guide to resolve that issue.

That’s about that, as you can see, the solution to this problem lies in resetting the app. In case these solutions didn’t work for you, or you have some solutions of your own, let us know in the comments.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven't solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

Hilfe abrufen mit der xbox-app in windows 10


Wie öffnet man das Xbox Menü auf dem PC?

So öffnen Sie die Xbox Game Bar Drücken Sie die Windows-Logo-Taste  + G, um die Game Bar über dem Spiel, der App oder dem Desktop zu öffnen.

Was kann man mit der Xbox App machen?

Mit der Xbox-App bleibst du auf deinem Mobilgerät oder Tablet mit deiner Gaming-Community verbunden. Teile ganz einfach Spielclips und Screenshots, chatte, zeige Errungenschaften an, und erhalte Benachrichtigungen. Spiele außerdem Spiele von deiner Konsole aus.

Warum funktioniert die Xbox App nicht?

Starten Sie Ihr Smartphone neu. Deinstallieren und neu installieren. Drücken Sie auf das App-Symbol, bis die Option App entfernen angezeigt wird. Installieren Sie dann die App erneut aus dem App Store.

Kann man auf der Xbox Windows installieren?

Windows 10 wird nicht nur für Computer, Tablets und Smartphones, sondern auch für die Xbox One entwickelt.