What is any direct and personal communication with customers to assess and satisfy their needs?

blending of the four marketing elements of product, distribution, price, and promotion

the number of times per advertisemnt, game, or show that a product or service is asscoiated with an athlets, team or entertainer 

the means of making customers aware of products and encourages them to buy 

is any direct and personal communication with customers to assess and satisfy their needs 

the study of economics of the entire society 

the amount of satisfaction a person recives from the consumption of a particular product or service 

divided into stages in which poeple advance from childish behavior to mature and resposible behavior based on principles 

developed to predict the cost of expenses and expected revenues from an event 

legally responisble for damages 

high standards or guidelines 

a group of organizations involved in producing or handling the same product, group of products, or type of service 

the underlying framework supporting economic devleopment, including water, sewers, and roadways 

a writer who listens to an author's story and then commits it to paper for a fee 

responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and susatins the well being of the local people 

a hired professional who plans the marketing campiagn and personal apperarnces for authors 

pehnomenon of international econcomic relationships with goods and services flowing quickly around the world 

focused on satisfying customer needs 

Difference between customer expectations and the service that is actually received

capability to produce products or services mroe efficiently and economically than the competition 

point at which all of the expeses for porducing a product are covered 

percentage of total sales of a product or service that a company expects to caputer in relation to its competitors 

the value that people believe they recieve from a product or service 

when staff researchers work with external research agencies 

when inforamtion is gathereed that is very speicifically focused on a single target market, 

google, help users find relevant web sites 

processes by which tactics are implemented 

information gathered about competitors 

way a product or service is differenetiiated in the minds of customers from comptitors' products 

all of the products a company has available for customers at any one time 

represents the final form and the total assorted features for new products 

items added to the product to make it more attractive to the target market 

group of similar products with slight variations to satisfy different needs of consumers 

name, symbol, word, deisng or comibination of these elements that identifies a product, service, or company 

occurs when sports channels and specific sports programs are offered outside the basic cable or satelite packages 

refers to the spontaneous and changing entertainment 

combination of independent businesses formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of a product 

amendment in 1972 to federal education law that prohibits discrimination agaisnt females in school sports 

agreement controls the marketing mix and governs the distribution of professional games, including the location and number of teams 

the point where the supply and demand curves intersect 

individuals who purchase products to satisfy their needs and wants 

the lack of resources or lack of money to spend on sports and enterainment events 

occurs when related buisnesses conspire to charge higher prices 

distinct categories of merchandise based upon price, quality, and features 

occurs when prices for goods and serivces rise faster than consumer income 

economic periods of moderate demand 

costs associated with running business 

product is integrated into the plot of a movie or television show 

any unpaid media attention, both negative and positive, about a business and its products, serivces, or events

television and magazine advertising 

the number of people in the target market expected to recieve the message through the chosen medium 

the number of times the targeted customer is exposed to the media 

the creation of customers positive feelings about the business 

promotion where a few online mentions turn into a real buzz about a movie and propel it into a mega hit 

involves underwriting an event for the purpose of gaining positive assocaition for a brand with the event 

are held on an annual basis and usually are centered around a specific seasonal activity 

provides information that is subjective and dpends on interpretation 

Games produced expressly to serve as brand commercials.

awards presented by the national acadmey of recording arts and sciences 

satisfying exchange relationships 

studying of the economics at the whole society 

amount of satsifaction people recive from entertainment 

possibility of financial gain, loss, or personal injury 

documents that show assets, liabilites, and net worth 

studies relationships between individual consumers and producers 

relization of self potential 

lasts 1 or 2 days and focuses on one skill

segmentation divides north, west, south

data that has already been collected for a different use 

first step in market research 

discover and define the problem 

research conducted by independent company, then offered for sale in everyone in the industry 

includes reports of other completed research used to define the problem 

purhcases based upon sound thought and careful reasoning 

final step for marketing research 

implement and evaluate results 

involves how the product or service arrives to consumers 

physical features that can be seen and felt 

information gathered about competitors 

legal protection of words or symbols 

first stage of brand recognition 

highest point of growth in economy 

allows consumers to negotiate prices 

first step to develope a promotional plan 

most prestigous awards given by academy of motion picture 

first step to determine price of goods and services 

What a business offers customers to satisfy needs?

A product is what a business offers customers to satisfy needs. Products include goods, such as athletic shoes, and services, such as video rentals.

What indicates the number of viewers the programming attracts?

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Final.

What involves gathering and using information about customers to improve business decision making?

It's called marketing research. Marketing research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting marketing information that can be used to answer questions or solve problems so as to improve a company's bottom line. Marketing research includes a wide range of activities.

What is the primary focus for businesses when satisfying customers?

Marketing Chapter 1 Vocabulary Review.