Sotto voce bedeutung

Sotto Voce, "suspiros suaves" en italiano, se refiere a los auriculares de audio que Silversea ofrece en muchas excursiones.

Sotto Voce, im Italienischen für "leise Flüsterer", bezieht sich auf die Kopfhörer von Silversea, die auf vielen Ausflügen angeboten werden.

Solo tenía que esperar que escaparan de Sotto Voce, y que me guiaran al tercer huevo,

Ich musste warten, bis ihr Sotto Voce entkommt

Conseguiré la huella, tú, el teléfono de Sotto Voce.

Ich besorge den Daumenabdruck, du Sotto Voces Handy.

Señor Presidente, me informan de una cierta consternación en esta Casa por los comentarios que, al parecer, el Sr. Aznar, sotto voce pero a micrófono abierto, ha hecho a propósito de esta sesión.

Herr Präsident, man hat mir von einer gewissen Bestürzung in diesem Hause wegen der Bemerkungen des Herrn Aznar zu dieser Sitzung berichtet, die er zwar sotto voce, jedoch bei eingeschaltetem Mikrofon von sich gegeben hat.

Kazantzakis me confiesa sotto voce, que, a pesar de estar extraído de la vida real, él mismo se metamorfoseó en Alexis.

Kazantzakis hat mir sotto voce gestanden, dass auch wenn dieser Charakter von einem Menschen aus dem wirklichen Leben inspiriert sei, er sich selbst in Alexis metamorphosiert hat.

Sotto Voce es un macho alfa de 1.65 m con el típico complejo de Napoleón.

Er ist ein kleiner Alpha-Mann mit einem Napoleon-Komplex.

Así que si podemos bajar la voz a un "sotto voce", ayudaría.

Bien. Serás mi acompañante en la fiesta de Sotto Voce.

Gut, begleite mich auf Sotto Voces Party.

Aparte de obvias libertades el único cambio intencional fue en 'Loving on Borrowed Time' donde la introducción y final sotto voce fue tirado al sótano y el terrible corte de batería 'Phil Collins' fue ritualmente asesinado.

Abgesehen von offensichtlichen Freiheiten war die einzige beabsichtigte Änderung bei gelassen und der gefürchtete ,Phil Collins' Schlagzeugschwung rituell gemeuchelt wurde.

Rubrik: Dictionary Music 1879-1890 / sotto voce | Autor: George Grove (Hg.)

22. Dezember 2016

 von George Grove (Hg.) · Published 22. Dezember 2016 · Last modified 25. September 2018

Sotto voce (1883)

SOTTO VOCE, 'under the voice', in an undertone; a direction of frequent occurrence in vocal music, where its meaning is obvious. It is transferred however to instrumental music, where its meaning is less clear. By some performers it is considered that the diminution in tone should be produced by artificial means, as by the soft pedal on the piano, or the sordino on the strings, while others take it as simply equivalent to a kind of pp. It may be taken as a universal rule that a sort of hushed effect is intended. A notable instance of its use occurs in the opening of the Choral Symphony. (J.A.F.-M.) [J. A. Fuller-Maitland in: Grove Dictionary 1883, 640] Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Italienisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Natürlich auch als App.

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He was a dazzling stylist, but his rapping always had a riveting sense of proximity — a sotto voce intimacy that allowed you to feel the precise distance between his mouth and your ear.

  • Any restaurant with a sustained fame ends up becoming a set, of sorts, and on that front, Sotto Sotto cinched it.

  • In that context, Sotto Sotto was one of the all-out survivors.

  • The family behind Sotto Sotto says that they plan to rebuild, but an insider tells me it may be a while.

    • Pig [growling sotto voce behind his hand, mock-furtive as a Disneyland Foxy Loxy]: Take 35 percent off the top and split!

    • A local Dad joked sotto voce to his wife “And afterwards there will be a reception who will be in the auditorium!”

    • You would notice sotto voce that when ways and means were being discussed, times were always hard.

    • He believed in the value of viva voce discussion, and discouraged all unnecessary inter-departmental correspondence.

    • They wait patiently until his task is done, all the time purring gently and rhythmically in a sort of sotto voce accompaniment.

    • Here, too, elections were held viva voce under the beeches, at the foot of the wooded spur now known as Imboden Hill.

    • “Not the first time a man has obtained rank through his ‘baggage,’” observed one of the officers, sotto voce.