Which statement by the nurse is true regarding the disaster triage tag system

Triage of the Acutely Ill Child

Robert M. Kliegman MD, in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2020

Physical Examination

Observation is important when evaluating the acutely ill child. Most observational data that the pediatrician gathers should focus on assessing the child's response to stimuli. Does the child awaken easily? Does the child smile and interact with the parent, or with the examiner? Evaluating these responses requires knowledge of normal child development and an understanding of the manner in which normal responses are elicited, depending on the child's age.

During the physical examination, the pediatric practitioner seeks evidence of illness. The portions of the exam that require the child to be most cooperative are completed first. Initially, it is best to seat the child on the parent's lap; the older child may be seated on the examination table. It is also important to assess the child's willingness to move, as well as ease of movement. It is reassuring to see the child moving about on the parent's lap with ease and without discomfort.Vital signs are often overlooked but are invaluable in assessing ill children. The presence of tachycardia out of proportion to fever and the presence of tachypnea and blood pressure abnormalities raise the suspicion for more serious illness. The respiratory evaluation includes determining respiratory rate, noting the presence or absence of hypoxia by Spo2, and noting any evidence of inspiratory stridor, expiratory wheezing, grunting, coughing, or increased work of breathing (e.g., retractions, nasal flaring, accessory muscle use). Theskin should be carefully examined for rashes. Frequently, viral infections cause an exanthem, and many of these eruptions are diagnostic, such as the reticulated rash and slapped-cheek appearance of parvovirus infections and the stereotypical appearance of hand-foot-and-mouth disease caused by coxsackieviruses, as well as measles, chickenpox, and roseola. The skin examination may also yield evidence of more serious infections, including petechiae and purpura associated with bacteremia and erythroderma associated with a toxin-producing systemic infection. Cutaneous perfusion should be assessed by warmth and capillary refill time. The extremities may then be evaluated not only for ease of movement but also for the presence of swelling, warmth, tenderness, or alterations in perfusion. Such abnormalities may indicate focal infections (e.g., cellulitis, bone/joint infection) or vascular changes (e.g., arterial or venous thromboembolus).

When an infant is seated and is least perturbed, the examiner should assess the anterior fontanel to determine whether it is depressed, flat, or bulging. While the child is calm and cooperative, theeyes should be examined to identify features that might indicate an infectious or neurologic process. Often, viral infections result in watery discharge or redness of the bulbar conjunctivae. Bacterial infection, if superficial, results in purulent drainage; if the infection is more deep-seated, tenderness, swelling, and redness of the tissues surrounding the eye may be present, as well as proptosis, altered visual acuity, and impaired extraocular movement. Abnormalities in pupillary response or extraocular movements may also be indicators of cranial nerve abnormalities and if new, are indications for head imaging.


Sharon E. Mace MD, Thom A. Mayer MD, in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2008

Introduction and Background

Triage is the prioritization of patient care (or victims during a disaster) based on illness/injury, severity, prognosis, and resource availability. The purpose of triage is to identify patients needing immediate resuscitation; to assign patients to a predesignated patient care area, thereby prioritizing their care; and to initiate diagnostic/therapeutic measures as appropriate.

The term triage originated from the French verb trier which means to sort. During the time of Napoleon, the French military used triage to serve as a battlefield clearing hospital for wounded soldiers. The U.S. military's first use of triage was during the Civil War. Triage on the battlefield was a distribution center from which injured soldiers were sorted or distributed to various hospitals. For the military during World Wars I and II, triage was the procedure that determined which injured soldiers were able to be returned to the battlefield. Military triage continued to evolve during the Korean and Vietnam wars with the tenet of doing the “greatest good for the greatest number of wounded and injured.”1 Refinements in battlefield medicine and military triage have continued during more recent conflicts, including Iraq.

Other situations in which the triage process has been employed, in addition to the battlefield, are during disasters, following mass casualty incidents (MCI), and in emergency departments (EDs). Triage during a disaster involves field triage, which sorts disaster victims into categories ranging from the walking wounded to those with injuries who are salvageable to the unsalvageable and the dead.

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Acute Coronary Syndrome : Unstable Angina and Non–ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Lee Goldman MD, in Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2020

Risk Assessment and Triage

The initial evaluation of the patient with possible or suspected ACS should focus on an assessment of the patient’s risk of acutely sustaining a cardiac ischemic event (death, MI, or recurrent ischemia).5 Patients considered to be at low risk for a cardiac ischemic event may be observed in a chest pain evaluation unit for several hours, with repeated troponin level and ECG. If the findings of that brief evaluation are normal, the patient should be discharged home, with further evaluation performed on an outpatient basis.

Noninvasive cardiac testing performed within 3 days of the initial presentation is associated with a modestly reduced subsequent risk of serious cardiac events, but its value in patients with normal troponin levels is likely small.5b Conversely, patients not at low risk should be hospitalized for further evaluation and treatment. The availability of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays has significantly impacted the initial triage for patients with symptoms suggestive of an ACS (Fig. 63-2), and a negative test at presentation and 1-3 hours later is associated with a sufficiently low risk as to permit discharge with a 0.4% 30-day risk of myocardial infarction or death.6,6b,A2b In making this assessment, the greatest safety comes from continued observation or admission of patients who have a positive troponin level on presentation or at serial testing, have evidence of ischemia on their ECG, or have symptoms indicative of an acute exacerbation of prior coronary disease.7,7b

After the initial triage decision is made, therapeutic interventions are based on the risk of adverse events in the ensuing hours, days, weeks, and months—estimated by either the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) or Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk algorithm—balanced against the risk of a bleeding complication from intensive medical therapy (Table 63-1) or an adverse event from an invasive cardiac procedure. On the basis of this initial assessment, the patient’s therapy should be tailored to minimize the likelihood of adverse events.

Although serum markers of myonecrosis represent only one of the TIMI or GRACE risk variables, the presence of this variable alone identifies the patient as being at high risk. However, although elevated serum markers indicate myonecrosis, they provide no insight into its cause because myonecrosis can occur with disease entities other than coronary artery disease (e.g., pulmonary embolism, decompensated heart failure, severe hypertension or tachycardia, anemia, sepsis). Thus, in evaluation of the patient with possible ACS, the presence of elevated serum markers should be assessed in conjunction with other variables.


Elizabeth Foley, Andrew T. Reisner, in Ciottone's Disaster Medicine (Second Edition), 2016

What On-Site/Hospital Documentation Will Be Used?

The triage tag, a minimal document that can be attached to each casualty, might be the only practical method of communicating findings, interventions, and so on, as countless casualties are passed through a chain of emergency care. However, it has been argued that triage tags are impractical to use, and geographic triage (see later) can obviate the need for tags.3 In a disaster, hundreds or thousands of tags for each triage category must be immediately available to the responders, who need to be exceptionally familiar with the tags to use them properly under trying circumstances, and frenzied casualties may not take proper care of the tags. After an enormous disaster (thousands of casualties), tags might be especially challenging to use properly, although they could also be especially useful.

Consideration of the use of triage tags requires some research on the part of the customer, since there are over 120 triage label systems in use internationally.42 Hogan and Burstein47 suggested the following criteria for the optimal triage tag: (1) It must attach securely to each casualty’s body, (2) it must be easy to write on, (3) it must be weather-proof, and (4) it should permit the documentation of the patient’s name, gender, injuries, interventions, care-provider IDs, casualty triage score, and an easily visible overall triage category. It must also permit changes to be made, because triage is always dynamic. One unfortunate potential limitation for such a tag is the presence of contamination that may limit the ability of the triage tag to persist through hospital-based decontamination efforts if the patient is not decontaminated prior to transport.

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Prehospital Management of the Trauma Patient

Andrew M. Cameron MD, FACS, FRCS(Eng)(hon), FRCS(Ed)(hon), FRCSI(hon), in Current Surgical Therapy, 2020

Prehospital Field Triage

In the United States, in-hospital and 1-year mortality are significantly lower in trauma patients treated at trauma centers compared with those treated at nontrauma centers. Having a predetermined system in place to address injuries and triage patients saves lives. Trauma centers are divided into different tiers based on their capabilities. Level I trauma facilities have the resources for all-encompassing trauma care, including subspecialty providers, research capabilities, education, outreach, prevention, and rehabilitation. Level II trauma centers retain almost equivalent resources and can provide resuscitation and stabilization of patients, but do not provide similar education and research opportunities. Level III trauma centers have more limited resources and staff. They are able to treat minor traumas and possess the capability to stabilize and transfer more severely injured patients to a higher level of care. Allocation of trauma patients into these systems requires the use of thoughtful triage parameters in the field. Proper triage in the prehospital setting can lead to expedient transfer of the most tenuous patients to definitive care. The key is to maintain a balance between guaranteeing that the majority of critically ill patients are transported to a higher level of care facility and ensuring that these systems are not overburdened with patients who have sustained minimal injuries. A 50% overtriage rate is tolerated to attain a 5% or lower undertriage rate per the ACS-COT.

Prehospital triage situations can be divided into field triage and mass casualty. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients, a step-by-step algorithm is critical to filtering patients into appropriate avenues of treatment (Fig. 2). When measuring vitals and assessing GCS, patients with an SBP of less than 90 mm Hg, a respiratory rate of less than 10 or more than 29 breaths/min (<20 breaths/min in infants aged <1 year), the need for ventilator support, or a GCS score of less than 14 should be transported preferentially to the highest level of care available within the defined trauma system.

Similarly, EMTs assess anatomy and location of injury and mechanism and evidence of high impact. Specific injury patterns require evaluation in a Level I trauma center or at an institution with the most advanced care within that trauma system. The particular injuries of concern include penetrating trauma to the head, neck, torso, and extremities proximal to the elbows and knees; flail chest; two or more proximal long bone fractures; crushed, degloved, or mangled extremities; amputations proximal to the wrist or ankle; pelvic fractures; open or depressed skull fractures; and paralysis.

Depending on the particular trauma system, if the patient does not have the aforementioned clinical signs or anatomic indications, he or she does not necessarily need to be transported to the highest level of care. Indications for transfer to at least a lower-level trauma center include high-impact mechanisms such as falls from higher than 20 feet (2 stories) in adults or more than 10 feet in children; intrusion of more than 12 inches in the occupant site or more than 18 inches in any site; ejection from a vehicle; death in a compartment; speed greater than 20 mph or patient thrown or run over in an automobile versus pedestrian or bicycle collision; and motorcycle collision at a speed greater than 20 mph. Decisions about transport to a trauma center or hospital capable of trauma management also should consider comorbidities; age, particularly older adults and children; burns; pregnancy greater than 20 weeks; premorbid conditions such as congestive heart failure and end-stage renal disease; an anticoagulation therapy are based on EMS judgment.


John Armstrong, David G. Burris, in Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 2008


Effective triage is a unifying thread through a functioning trauma system. Systems that perform daily care and train disciplines together provide the best preparation for mass casualty incidents—surge capacity and capability are practiced regularly. The Institute of Medicine's 2006 Report on The Future of Emergency Care offers a cautionary assessment of the current state of emergency and trauma care in the United States: the current situation of overcrowding, fragmentation, and resource shortages must be replaced with system planning, coordination, and financing, so that the needs of acutely injured patients are met individually and as a population.

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Responding to a Terrorist Incident

Ian Greaves FRCP, FCEM, FIMC, RCS(Ed), DTM&amp;H, DMCC, DipMedEd, RAMC, Paul Hunt MBBS, DipIMC(RCSEd), MCEM, MRCSEd, DMCC, RAMC, in Responding to Terrorism, 2010


Principles of triage

Triage is the sorting of patients by priority for treatment, evacuation or transport. Primary triage is carried out in the bronze area, and patients are usually re-triaged (secondary triage) at the casualty clearing station. Triage for transport will be carried out before patients leave the site in order to ensure the most appropriate distribution of casualties to receiving units.

Triage categories

Conventionally, casualties are divided into the categories shown in Table 2.1.

Immediate category

These casualties require immediate life-saving treatment.

Urgent category

These casualties require significant intervention as soon as possible.

Delayed category

These patients will require medical intervention, but not with any urgency.

Expectant category

Expectant patients are those whose injuries are so severe that attempting to save them would divert precious resources from other casualties with a greater chance of survival, with no significant chance of a successful outcome. The decision to invoke the expectant category must be taken at silver level and preferably only after discussion with gold command.

In the event that the expectant category is used, a universal patient triage and label system must be agreed and may include one of the following:

a blue card (not normally available)

a green card overwritten expectant

a green card with the green corners turned back to reveal red underneath.

Triage sieve

The triage sieve (Fig. 2.11) is a simple, rapid and reproducible triage system designed for use at primary triage and first contact with the casualty. It may also be used at secondary triage, depending on the casualty flow. Because it is physiologically based, different values must be used for children. Triage sieves for children appear on pages 71–73.

Triage sort

The triage sort (Table 2.2) is a more complex and therefore more time-consuming system designed for secondary triage. Because it requires measurement of the respiratory rate and blood pressure and an assessment of the Glasgow Coma Scale score, it is relatively time-consuming. Lack of staff or pressure of patient flow may mean that the sieve is used for both primary and secondary triage.

Triage in children (Figs 2.12–2.14)

The normal physiological values used in the adult triage sieve can be used in children but will result in significant over-triage. Substitute values are necessary. Sieves are available for children based either on length (top of head to feet) or weight.

Weight=(age in years+4)×2

As an alternative, a paediatric triage tape can be used. The child is laid by the side of the tape and the appropriate protocol read off according to the child's length.

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Emergency Medical Services and Transport

Michael G. Tunik MD, George L. Foltin MD, in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2008

Introduction and Background


Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems are groups of organizations responsible for delivering emergency care in the out-of-hospital setting. The collaboration of these organizations delivers appropriate out-of-hospital care, triage, and transport of children who are acutely ill or injured.

Medical Control

Off-line, or indirect, medical control includes the development and modification of equipment lists, treatment protocols, criteria for dispatch, the system's quality and safety programs, and triage.

On-line, or direct, medical control is the real-time communication between EMS care providers and authorized medical personnel who assist out-of-hospital providers with interventions, triage, and transport decisions. Communication is usually by radio or telephone. Medical personnel are typically based in the receiving hospital, or a centralized EMS system communications facility.

Protocols for Out-of-Hospital Care

Out-of-hospital protocols are written guidelines that are the standing medical orders directing the interventions, triage, and transport of acutely ill or injured children. These protocols are written by physicians participating in off-line or indirect medical control.

Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)

Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) is not a separate EMS system, but is the integration of the special needs of children into existing EMS system. The components of an EMS system that may need specific modifications for children1 are listed in Table 147-1.

Trauma System

A trauma system is a system of care involving out-of-hospital stabilization, care, triage (based on trauma severity scores), and transport to trauma centers capable of addressing the unique needs of traumatized patients, including emergency care, surgical care, anesthesia care, critical care, and rehabilitation.


Primary transport is the movement of a patient from the out-of-hospital location of an injury or illness to a hospital emergency department (ED). Secondary transport occurs when the patient is moved from the ED or hospital ward to a specialty center (e.g., trauma center, burn center) or definitive care center.

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Burn Management in Disasters and Humanitarian Crises

Herbert L. Haller, ... Leopoldo C. Cancio, in Total Burn Care (Fifth Edition), 2018

Triage and First Aid

Triage is a process whereby patients are sorted according to treatment priority, the purpose of which is to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Several schemes exist to define levels of triage. The Advanced Disaster Medical Response course37 is field oriented and outlines the following:

Level 1 triage occurs at the point of injury.

Level 2 triage occurs at the scene (or nearby) by the most experienced medical provider.

Level 3 triage is performed to determine evacuation priorities.

The Fundamental Disaster Management course37 is ICU oriented and describes the following levels of triage:

Primary triage occurs at the scene.

Secondary triage occurs upon arrival at the hospital.

Tertiary triage occurs in the ICU.

Finally, the ABA approach is burn center oriented and defines the following:

Primary triage is that occurring at the disaster scene or at the ED of the first receiving hospital.

Secondary triage is the selection for transfer of burn patients from one burn center to another when surge capacity is reached.

Clearly, triage is not a one-time operation but has to be repeated at each step of the way. There are several different algorithms for triage. Paramedics may use simple triage and rapid treatment (START) in both emergency medicine and mass casualties. The sensitivity for START varies from 85%38 to 62%.39 Medic in-field triage is another approach. This is done in an established triage area by medics assisted by teams of helpers. It consists of a brief history (time of accident, mechanism of injury, condition, how the patient was found, primary measures taken, actual discomfort, preexisting condition, medications, and allergies) and a quick head-to-toe examination:

Physical examination—external bleeding; penetrating injuries; thermal burns; chemical burns; neurologic status; and investigation of head, spine, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and extremities

Vital signs, including respiration rate, pulse oximetry, and temperature

Burn size is estimated by the rule of nines, and there is evaluation of suspected inhalation injury and of the need for intubation.

Triage classifies patients according to the following treatment urgency groups shown in Table 5.1. An easy-to-remember acronym is DIME, which stands for delayed, immediate, minimal, and expectant. The main factors to consider in burn patient triage are TBSA burn and age.

Emergency treatment at the scene is done in a treatment area by appropriately trained providers. Burns needing treatment for shock or intubation should be classified for urgent treatment. Because of the need to resuscitate as soon as possible, resuscitation should begin here!

In mass casualties, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is not performed as it binds resources for mostly futile efforts for victims initially classified as dead (no ventilation after airway opened, no pulse). This is especially after rescue from indoor fires (because deadly CO poisoning can be assumed) and in the setting of massive trauma.40

Triage group 4 (in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and some other countries) includes the unsalvageable, who deserve “expectant” treatment. This may be controversial because the duration of the disparity between supply and demand should be short and, when the period is over, this group's priority may change to 1 or 2. Group 4 needs staff at least for comfort care. Dead victims need neither staff nor transports in the acute phase.

If available, tags are attached to each patient. Tags are used not only to indicate triage category but also to provide each patient with a unique number. These tags facilitate victim identification and registration; tell about patients' history, medical treatment, injuries, urgency of treatment, and classification of injury; and specify the hospital for treatment. The tags must not be removed until all the following have occurred: hospital arrival, identifying the patient, and registering the tag number and treatment data.

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Burn management in disasters and humanitarian crises

Thomas L. Wachtel, K. A. Kelly McQueen, in Total Burn Care (Third Edition), 2007

Triage in a resource-rich environment

Triage ought to be conducted in a simple, straightforward, and experienced manner. Triage should be prognostic with a view toward singling out those among the burned who are likely to survive.25 The two most important aspects of triage have to do with who will perform triage and where. The initial triage will most likely be at the site of a burn disaster by bystanders followed shortly thereafter by other first responders. The triage area is an important consideration. Because of the nature of some burn disasters, it is important to establish triage stations somewhat removed from an immediate scene.16 This would be in response to hazards to the rescue and triage personnel such as bomb threats and potential explosions, interference by a crowd, or simply the fact that better facilities for triage are nearby and available. A safe triage area must be secured so that additional burn victims are not created because of lack of scene safety. The lobby of a hotel might serve as a good triage area, since it has good access and egress, appropriate space to work, and serves as a known location to all rescue workers and medical personnel.20 Sorting should, ideally, be performed at the site by an expert in burns.13,84,92 Expert triage may minimize the requirement for specialized burn beds.31 Few casualties with burn wounds of 30–70% TBSA (14% of those admitted) were encountered following fire disaster.31 Since bed availability in specialized centers is limited, it is clear that accurate triage is essential.31 With lack of sophistication at the scene, burn victims may be taken to the nearest hospital emergency department or accident ward for triage16 before they are transported to tertiary verified burn centers.16,58,83,84,93–95 The rapid evacuation of casualties to nearby hospitals is a realistic aim for all but the most isolated locations, aided by the fact that most burn victims are themselves initially mobile and cooperative50 (see Figure 5.4).

The organization of salvage work is affected by the number of casualties, the seriousness of their injuries, and the general conditions of a disaster.25 The actual triage of patients will be influenced not only by the total number of casualties and bed availability but also by such factors as depth and locations of wounds, complications such as inhalation injury, and extremes of age.31,52 With effective triage, the demand for care in a specialized burn center can be minimized for small minor burns. In the case of the Ramstein air disaster, the triage sites formed de novo where large numbers of patients were encountered, medical personnel congregated naturally, and supplies could be obtained for initial resuscitation. The patients were then carried a short distance to staging areas for helicopter pick up or for ambulance or bus loading. In the Ramstein disaster, complete triage on the scene was not possible. The triage response of emergency services at the air base was criticized,35,82,83 mainly because most of the victims were transported by a ‘load and go’ system to nearby hospitals who were use to patients being treated in the prehospital setting by trained anesthesiologists.

Patients must be triaged into categories for systematic referral to appropriate facilities. The triage category is based on the severity of injury and the potential for salvage. The overall goal is to do the most good for the most people. In general, when resources are unlimited and a disaster plan incorporates additional resources, even the most severely injured burn victim will receive optimal care if the triage is accomplished in the most favorable manner. Where resources are limited, triage may require a method for selecting casualties on a true priority basis. It may mean developing an expectant category for those so severely injured that they are not likely to survive (Figure 5.5).

The problem of triage can be simplified and facilitated by a flexible adaptation of certain formulas. The gravity of burns can be expressed in terms of the extent of TBSA burned and age of the patient. In Czechoslovakia, the sum of age and extent of burn that is greater than 90 has established an empirical 50% chance of survival. By flexibly bringing this number up or down, depending on the overall situation, one can extend or narrow the number of burn casualties who ought to be transported first.25 Immediate triage is essential in the presence of large numbers of burned patients. It has been observed that if a long period elapses before rescue teams can start triage and resuscitation, most of the severely injured die and many of the initially moderately injured develop serious complications.35 Triage may identify five important groups for victims of burn disasters13,59 (Table 5.6).

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Which client should be treated first according to the disaster triage tagging system quizlet?

Which client does the nurse plan to treat first according to the disaster triage tag system? Class I clients are emergent clients who are marked with red tag. These clients have an immediate threat to life and need attention first.

In which order would clients receive care based on triage tag color quizlet?

Red-tagged clients have major injuries, black-tagged clients are expected and allowed to die, and yellow-tagged clients have major injuries.

Which tag would be assigned to a client who has an open femur fracture?

Yellow-tagged clients have major injuries that should be treated within 30 minutes to 2 hours. A client with an open fracture with distal pulses would receive a yellow tag.

Which food item will a client diagnosed with tuberculosis and taking isoniazid be advised to avoid to prevent a food and medication interaction?

Patients should be advised to avoid foods containing tyramine (e.g., aged cheese, cured meats such as sausages and salami, fava beans, sauerkraut, soy sauce, beer, or red wine) or histamine (e.g., skipjack, tuna, mackerel, salmon) during treatment with isoniazid.