To study intercultural communication in the context of globalization and social justice means

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Intercultural Communication: Globalization and Social Justice, Third Edition, introduces students to the study of communication among cultures within the broader context of globalization. Kathryn Sorrells highlights history, power, and global institutions as central to understanding the relationships and contexts that shape intercultural communication. Based on a framework that promotes critical thinking, reflection, and action, this text takes a social justice approach that provides students with the skills and knowledge to create a more equitable world through communication. The new Third Edition includes additional case studies, expanded discussions of the rise of ethnonationalism and white nationalism, and the impact of new media on global communication.

NEW TO THIS EDITION: Expanded discussion of important, timely topics including backlash to globalization and implications for intercultural communication, and the rise of the increasing impact of religious fundamentalism throughout the world. Expanded treatment of new media's effect on global and intercultural communication New case studies illuminate intercultural relationships in a wide variety of contexts. Updated examples of current events and statistics

KEY FEATURES: This innovative book distinguishes itself among introductory texts in intercultural communication through its emphasis on: A globalization framework that introduces students to the complex ways globalization impacts and alters all topics in intercultural communication, including verbal/nonverbal communication, migration/cultural adaptation, media and popular culture, interpersonal relationships, conflict, and identity A critical social justice approach that provides students with the knowledge to understand current and historical social, economic, and political inequities that impact intercultural communication on individual and systemic levels. This approach also provides strategies and examples of how to challenge discrimination, prejudice, exclusion, and injustice in everyday situations using intercultural communication to create greater inclusion, equity, and justice Multiple case studies that highlight connections between local and global intercultural issues, and illustrate a multilevel framework of analysis that attends to the complexities of intercultural communication in the global context through stories and experiences of people from diverse cultures An emphasis on intercultural praxis, a process of critical thinking, reflection, and action, that offers students practical guidelines for applying their knowledge and skills of intercultural communication in their everyday lives, empowering them to use such communication as a means to challenge discrimination to create a more socially just world Pedagogical textboxes that allow students to explore vivid examples of intercultural communication in action to see how different facets of communication play out in the global intercultural context

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We gratefully acknowledge Kathryn Sorrells for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Hailey Gillen Hoke of Weber State University for developing the resources on this site.

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Culture is a site of contestation where meaning making is a struggle and not a static entity that remains fixed and stable.

Intercultural communication is always situated within specific, local contexts as well as broader global contexts.

Globalization has a minimal influence on intercultural relations in local contexts.

The study and practice of intercultural communication should be about critical engagement, democratic participation, and social justice.

What is globalization in intercultural communication?

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

What is the study of intercultural communication?

Intercultural communication is the process by which meaning and messages are shared and interpreted between cultures. The study of intercultural communication is focused on how variance in cultural symbols, values, and behaviors affects communication interactions across cultures.

Why it is important to study intercultural communication in the context of globalization?

Intercultural communication training is incredibly important to breaking down cultural barriers and building awareness of cultural norms, as well as enhancing self-awareness and communication skills.

Which of the following is are emphasized when we study intercultural communication?

Which of the following is/are emphasized when we study intercultural communication? U.S. culture emphasizes equality; yet unequal relations of power shape intercultural communication and relationships. U.S. culture tends to be future oriented; yet histories shape intercultural relations and dynamics.