A reflexive response elicited by a stimulus in the absence of learning is known as:

a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience

an approach to psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behavior and the role of the environment as a determinant of behavior

a basic kind of learning that involves associations between enviornmental stimuli and the organism's responses.

the classical-conditioning term for a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in the absence of learning

ex. an event/thing that elicts a response automatically/reflexively i.e., dogfood

the classical conditioning term for a reflexive response elicited by a stimulus in the absence of learning.

ex. the response is automatically produced i.e., salivate

the classical conditionng term for an initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response after being associated with an unconditioned stimulus.

ex. sight of food dish

the classical-conditioning term for a response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus; it occurs after the conditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus

i.e., sight of food dish = salivate

the process by which a previously neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response through association with a stimulus that already elicits a similar or related response

the weakening and eventual disappearance of a learned response; in classical conditioning, it occurs when the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus.

i.e. if the dog keeps seeing the empty bowl and it does not follow with food, he will stop salivating.

the reapparance of a learned response after its apparent extinction

in classical conditioning, a procedure in which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through association with an already established conditioned stimulus

i.e. the dog sees repeated pairings of the light and the dish in order to salivate

higher-order conditioning

after conditioning, the tendency to respond to a stimulus that resembles one involved in the original conditioning; in classical conditioning, it occurs when a stimulus that resembles the CS elicits the CR.

ex. middle c, but instead play middle d..still salivates

the tendency to respond differently to two or more similar stimuli; in classical conditioning, it occurs when a stimulus similar to the CS fails to evoke the CR

ex. middle c on piano (w/ food), then middle c on guitar (w/out following it with food)..salivate to piano

in classical conditioning, the process of pairing a conditioned stimulus with a stimulus that elicits a response that is incompatible with an unwanted conditioned response.

ex. afraid of rabbits - gave child milk/crackers each day w/ rabbit sitting closer. eventually wasn't afraid

the process by which a response becomes more likely to occur or less so, depending on its consequences.

ex. little girl's sobbing produces effects on the environment

the process by which a stimulus or event strengthens or increases the probability of the response that it follows

ex. dog begging, give it steak, begging increases

the process by which a stimulus or event weakens or reduces the probability of the response that it follows

ex. dog begs, say no, begging decreases

a stimulus that is inherently reingoring, typically satisfying a psychological need; an example is food.

a stimulus that is inherently punishing; an example is electric shock

a stimulus that has acquired reinforcing properties through association with other reinforcers

ex.money, praise

a stimulus that has acquired punishing properties through association with other punishers

ex. criticism, scolding

a reinforcement procedurein which a response is followed by the presentation of, or increase in intensity of, a reinforcing stimulus; as a result, the response becomes stronger or more likely to occur.

ex. behavior:studying, + reinforcer: good grade, result: studying +'s

a reinforcement procedure in which a response is followed by the removal, delay, or decrease in intensity of an unpleasant stimulus; as a result, the response becomes stronger or more likely to occur

ex. behavior:studying, - reinforcer: nagging ceases, result: good grade

the weakening and eventual disappearance of a learned response; in operant conditioning, it occurs when a response is no longer followed by a reinforcer

in operant conditioning, the tendency for a response that has been reinforced (or punished) in the presence of one stimulus to occur (or be suppressed) in the presence of other, similar stimuli

in operant conditioning, the tendency of a response to occur in the presence of one stimulus but not in the presence of other, similar stimuli that differ from it on some dimension

the application of conditioning techniques to teach new responses or to reduce or eliminate problematic behavior

reinforcers that are not inherently related to the activity being reinforced, such as money, prizes, and praise

reinforcers that are inherently related to teh activity being reinforced, such as enjoyment of the task and the satisfaction of accomplishment

theories that emphasize how behavior is learned and maintained through observation and imitation of others, positive consequences, and cognitive processes such as plans, expectations, and beliefs

social cognitive theories

a process in which an individual learns new responses by observing the behavior of another (a model) rather than through direct experience

What is stimulus that elicits a reflexive response?

An unconditional stimulus elicits a natural, reflexive response, called the unconditioned response (UCR).

Is the reflexive response to a stimulus in the absence of learning?

A reflexive response elicits by a stimulus in the absence of learning. Initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response after being associated with an US. Response that is elicited by a CS. Occurs after the CS is associated with the US.

What is a reflexive stimulus in psychology?

responses to stimuli that are involuntary or free from conscious control (e.g., the salivation that occurs with the presentation of food) and therefore serve as the basis for classical conditioning.

What is the term for the learned reflexive response?

The American Psychological Association defines a conditioned response (CR), also sometimes called a conditioned reflex, as "the learned or acquired response to a conditioned stimulus."1.