Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers quizlet?

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Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers quizlet?

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Terms in this set (97)

The double disadvantage suffered by ethnic minority individuals consists of

prejudice and poverty.

As an African American, George is likely to face __________ in his elder years.

racism and ageism

Although Kiesha lives in an affluent suburb with parents who are white-collar professionals, she still feels the stress of being an ethnic minority in America because

stereotypes and prejudice are pervasive in the United States and cut across economic levels

Which ethnic group of adolescents is expected to be the fastest-growing in the United States by the year 2100?

Asian American

Which two factors appear to be associated with greater poverty in old age

sex and ethnicity

Eddie's childhood is marked with persistent and long-standing poverty. He is most likely exposed to which of the following

A.environmental toxins
B.family turmoil
C.exposure to violence
--D.all of these

The _____ of poverty refers to the fact that far more women than men live in poverty


Research indicates that persistent poverty has several long-term effects. Which of the following is NOT one of those effects

a higher level of academic persistence

The _____ of poverty refers to the fact that far more women than men live in poverty.


Of the following, who is the LEAST likely to live in poverty?

non-Latino White family

According to Jean Piaget and Harry Stack Sullivan, what is the primary mode through which children learn from their peers?

reciprocal interactions

All of the following are true of social support in older adults EXCEPT:

it is linked with low self-esteem.

All of the following parental behaviors have been linked with children's social competence and acceptance EXCEPT:


Behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a group of people that are passed on from generation to generation are known collectively as:


__________ children often have more psychosocial difficulties later in life than __________ children.

Rejected; neglected

Compared to adult men, adult women tend to have _____ close friends and friendships that are more _____.

more; intimate

Cultures that value self-actualization, self-awareness, self-efficacy, and the like are labeled


Daniel Berlyne believes that play helps children:

explore new things as a way to satisfy their natural curiosity about the world.

The extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group is termed:

sociometric status.

Freud and Erikson believe that play helps children:

master anxieties and conflicts.

In a recent national study of 15,000 6th-9th graders, how many had been involved (as a perpetrator or victim) in bullying?

33 percent

In childhood, friendships are usually based on:


In which country do adolescents have the most leisure time?

the United States

In which play type does a child transform the physical environment into a symbol and act toward objects as though they are other objects?


John Coie suggests three reasons that aggressive, peer-rejected boys may have problems with social relationships. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of these boys?

lack of spontaneity and impulsiveness

Not all friendships are healthy or positive. Which of the following friend characteristics is NOT developmentally advantageous?


Personal choice, intrinsic motivation, self-esteem, and self-maximization are values that reflect _____ cultures.


Research shows that children who are isolated from or rejected by peers may be:

prone to depression.

Running, jumping, sliding, and throwing balls are examples of:

practice play

Socioeconomic status refers to grouping according to the characteristics of:

all of these

Sullivan believes that most adolescent friendships are built on a need for:


Television viewing is NOT linked to which of the following negative outcomes for children and adolescents?

low self-esteem

To whom are children most likely to turn in times of stress?


What does a child get from peers that he/she typically cannot get from siblings

comparison to others the same age

When does conformity to peers tend to peak?

9th grade

When employers do not hire older adults for new jobs or the employers ease older workers out of their jobs due to misperceptions about reduced competence, employers are practicing


Whenever Heidi and Melissa get together they end up discussing problems they are having with their other friends, boyfriends, and parents. This is an example of:


Whereas girls' friendships in adolescence often focus on intimacy, boys' friendships tend to emphasize:

power and excitement.

Which of the following activities has been shown to increase an adolescent's optimal development?

structured activities

Which of the following is a known benefit of vacation/leisure time?

better health and lower mortality rate

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about adolescents with older friends?

They are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors.

Which of the following is increasingly reducing children's time for play?

electronic media

Which of the following peer contexts influences child and adolescent development?

all of these

Which of the following statements is NOT true about friendship in late adulthood?

Older adults experience more negative than positive emotions with established friends.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of bullying?

Many bullies are not rejected by the peer group.

Which of the following terms refers to an individual's tendency to consider his/her own group superior to others?


Which of the following traits is linked to impaired peer relations?

negative emotionality

Which peer status and trait pair correlates with delinquent behavior in adolescence?


Which peer status group includes children who are not disliked by peers but who don't have best friends or a regular group of friends?


Which peer status group includes children who do not have best friends and who are actively disliked by peers?


Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers?


Which peer status includes children who have many friends and are not disliked by peers?


Which play type is characterized by having rules?


Which social aging theory states that older adults become more selective about their social networks and may seek greater emotional quality in relationships with friends and family?

socioemotional selectivity

Which theory holds the most positive view of the abilities of elderly adults?


Which type of play dramatically increases during the preschool years and involves turn taking, conversations, social games and routines, and physical play?


Which type of play happens when an infant selects novel objects for exploration, especially toys that make noise or bounce?


Young children's pretense/symbolic play fosters which of the following capacities?

balancing of social roles

Older adults are the fastest-growing segment of Internet users and are particularly interested in

getting health info
staying in touch with relatives

Brooke is 15 years old and spends a lot of time on the Internet. She uses chat rooms and has a MySpace account. Brooke's parents should do which of the following?

closely monitor Brooke's online activities

Television viewing is NOT linked to which of the following negative outcomes for children and adolescents?

low self-esteem

Daily media usage jumps by almost _____ hour(s) in adolescence from 1999 to 2009.


When asked who he is, Lee responds that he is a member of the Chaiox family, belongs to the chess club, and is on the soccer team. What type of perspective does this represent?


When asked who she is, Lucy responds that she is a medical student, a volleyball player, and a volunteer at a local soup kitchen. What type of perspective does this represent?


Cultures that value harmonious relationships and interdependence of members are labeled


Dr. Janz is comparing various aspects of several countries and religions. This type of study is termed


Alex is an older adult who frequently attends community meetings, participates in church activities, exercises, and travels with his wife. Alex is

aging successfully

Irma is an older adult. Although she has adequate food, health care, and other resources, she lacks non-assistance-related social support such as emotional closeness with others. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Irma's situation?

Irma has a higher risk of death.

Belle and Frank still get together with the friends they associated with as newlyweds. They have received and given much emotional support over the years as each couple has faced different challenges. This is an example of

a social convoy.

As a minister who is concerned about the welfare of her parishioners, Reverend Douglas creates many roles in the church for retired church members. Reverend Douglas appears to be applying _____ theory.


Jorge retires next month. He has promised to return to train new employees when needed and is looking forward to being more politically involved in the community and devoting more time to his hobbies. This is an example of which aging theory?


Mr. Carter will retire next month. He has slowly been removing his mark from the company, as well as lessening his interest and activity in the community. This is an example of the pattern predicted by which theory of aging?


What percentage of U.S. adults 60 years and older spend no time in leisure activities?

over 50%

Ted is a U.S. adult looking back on his life. He most likely regrets which of the following?

not engaging in more leisure activities

Bryn loves to see the toys on her bouncer seat move when she kicks her feet. In which of Bergen's play types is Bryn engaged?


Todd is playing in his room making creations with building blocks. In which type of play is he engaged?


Kenna and Maren play "store" together and use blocks and boxes for shelves and goods for sale. They are engaged in which type of play?


Pretense/symbolic play peaks when a child is _____ year(s) old and then gradually declines.


Kylie loves to watch her older sister playing computer games. She giggles every time the alphabet monster eats a letter. In which type of play (Sumaroka & Bornstein, 2008) is Kylie engaged?


Two-year-old Mac is playing with his cars. His mother stands at the bedroom door for some time before Mac notices her. In which play type is Mac engaged?


Nan holds the remote control to her ear and pretends to speak on the phone. In which of Bergen's play types is she engaged?


Marilee has turned to her close friend, Chuck, for support about a problem at work. Chuck is most likely to respond by

offering solutions to her conflict.

Sheryl and Lynda are close friends. Which of the following statements MOST likely characterizes their relationship?

They often get together just to talk.

Two friends are getting together to play golf. They are most likely:

male and will spend their time trying to win the game.

Fifteen year-old Ash doesn't have a close friend. What is a likely outcome of this circumstance?

loneliness and reduced sense of self-worth

Jacene is never bored with her friends. They seem to attract adventure. This is an example of which friendship function?


Jessica and Nicole feel secure disclosing private thoughts and personal information to each other. They have a high degree of:

intimacy in friendship

Anne encourages George-Michael to run for class president, assuring him that he is well-liked and capable. This is an example of which friendship function?

ego support

Jack is often sad, as he just experienced the loss of his favorite pet. His friend Jason frequently makes Jack laugh, and offers to take him to movies, etc. This is an example of which friendship function?


When Jose talks to his friend, he realizes that his feelings about his brothers and sisters are normal. This is an example of which friendship function?

social comparison

Trisha's small group of friends does most everything together. This is her:


Jake feels secure knowing that his friend Steve is available whether the activity is golfing or studying for an exam. This is an example of which friendship function?


Brad's group of friends is known as the "smart kids" at school. This is his:


A group of children is playing soccer at recess. The group is most likely comprised of:


In what type of play is DeLeon, a 7-year-old boy, MOST likely to engage?

large group

At what age do children begin to prefer to spend time with same sex peers?

3 years

Another student bumps into Kari in the classroom. As the student turns to apologize, teary-eyed Kari runs back to her seat feeling picked on. Kari has committed an error in

social cognition

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Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers quizlet?

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Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers quizlet?

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Which peer status includes children who are both actively liked and actively disliked by peers?

Controversial. Controversial children receive both positive and negative nominations. They are well liked by some children but actively disliked by others.

Which peer status is infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers?

Neglected children are infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers. Rejected children are infrequently nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.

Which five peer status groups have been identified?

Based on data from sociometric peer nominations, researchers have identified five types of sociometric status that children are classified as per the peer rat- ings: popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average (Newcomb et al., 1993).

Which peer status is consistently linked to development and maintenance of conduct problems?

Peer rejection and deviant peer affiliation are linked consistently to the development and maintenance of conduct problems.