Which one of the following students best illustrates the state of functional fixedness group of answer choices?


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Which one of the following students best illustrates the state of functional fixedness group of answer choices?

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Which of the following BEST illustrates the state of functional fixedness Nathaniel, a student using a ruler to draw lines, fails to realize that he can use its metal edge as a scraper to remove paint from his desk
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Which one of the following students best illustrates the state of functional Fixedness quizlet?

Which one of the following students BEST illustrates the state of functional fixedness? Nathaniel, a student who is using a ruler for drawing lines, fails to realize that he can use its metal edge as a scraper to remove paint from his desk.

Which of the following would be an example of functional Fixedness?

Functional fixedness is a type of cognitive bias that involves a tendency to see objects as only working in a particular way. 1 For example, you might view a thumbtack as something that can only be used to hold paper to a corkboard.

What is functional Fixedness psychology quizlet?

Functional Fixedness: the tendency to view objects as functioning only in their usual or customary way. Mental Set: the tendency to persist in solving problems with solutions that have worked in the past.

What is the difference between functional fixedness and mental set quizlet?

What is the difference between functional fixedness and mental set? Functional fixedness - a block to problem solving that comes from thinking about objects in terms of only their typical functions. Mental set- The tendency for people to persist in using problem-solving patterns that have worked for them in the past.