Which of the following statements is true of the cultural indigenous perspective to personality?

Which of the following statements is true of the cultural indigenous perspective to personality?

PSY101 MC practice questions


1.The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific

culture is called _____.

A. enculturation

B. globalization

C. grouping

D. motivation

2._____ refer to those processes that are consistent across different cultures. _____ refer to those

processes that are different across cultures.

A. Emics; Etics

B. Etics; Emics

C. Phonemes; Phonetics

D. Phonetics; Phonemes

3. _____ refers to the behaviors or patterns of activities that a society or culture deems

appropriate for men and women.

A. Ethnicity

B. Gender

C. Religion

D. Nationality

4.Which of the following describes priming studies?

A. They involveexperimentally manipulating the mindsets of participants and measuring the

resulting changes in behavior.

B. They test the equivalence of psychological measures and tests for use in a cross-cultural

comparative research.

C. They attempt to establish the linkages between the contents of culture and the variables of

interest in the study.

D. They examine whether a measure of a psychological construct that was originally generated

in a single culture is applicable, meaningful, and thus equivalent in another culture.

5._____ can be defined as a state or condition of similarity in conceptual meaning and empirical

method between cultures that allows comparisons to be meaningful.

A. Equivalence

B. Cross-cultural research

C. Operationalization

D. Bias

6._____ use countries or cultures as the unit of analysis.

A. Ecological-level studies

B. Individual-level studies

C. Hypothesis-testing studies

D. Linkage studies

In the context of psychology, which of the following is true of cross-cultural research?

It involves participants of differing cultural backgrounds and allows for comparisons of findings across those cultures

_____ refers to the structure of relationships that exist among individuals

. _____
to the behaviors or patterns of
activities that a
or culture deems
for men and women.

In the context of culture and race, which of the following statements is true?

Race is a social construction

Hofstede’s dimension of _____ has been used
to both predict and explain many differences
across cultures, especially in many aspects of thinking and emotions.

ndividualism vs. collectivism

The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific
culture is called _____.

_____ are beliefs about the underlying causes of behavi

_____ refer to those processes that are consistent across different
cultures. _____ refer to those
processes that are different across cultures.

Which of the following statements is true regarding cultural worldviews

Cultural worldviews contain attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and values about the world

_____ use rich, complex, and in
depth descriptions of cultures and cultural
differences to
predict and test for differences in a psychological variable

Indigenous cultural studie

_____ are studies that compare cultures on some psychological variable of interest,
often with the hypothesis that one culture will have significantly higher scores on the variable than the

Cross-cultural comparison

_____ use countries or cultures as the unit of analysis

_____ refers to how individuals may act in accordance with collectivistic cultural

_____ can be defined as a state or condition of similarity in conceptual meaning and
empirical method between cultures that allows comparisons to be meaningful

_____ is the tendency to give answers that make oneself look good

Socially desirable responding

_____ is the process by which we learn and
internalize the rules and patterns of the society in
which we live. This process, which occurs over a long time, involves learning and mastering
societal norms, attitudes, values, and belief systems

of the following generally refers to the products of the socialization process—the subjective, underlying, psychological aspects of culture that become internalized through

Parental cultural belief systems are also known as:

According to Mead (1978), in _____, adults continue to socialize their children, but peers
play a greater role in socializing each other.

Which of the following is one of the three criteria to define bullying as outlined by Olweus

Intentional psychological harm

According to Thomas and Chess (1977), what are the three major categories of temperament?

Easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up

Which of the following refers to how well a child’s temperament matches the
and values of the parents, environment, and cultur

_____ is an aspect
of temperament where a child shows signs of wariness, discomfort, or
distress when confronted with novel, challenging, or unfamiliar situation

. Identify the four stages of cognitive development proposed by Piaget (1952)

ensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations

Which of the following is a concern raised by cross
cultural research on Piaget’s theory of
cognitive development?

There is cultural variation in the order in which children acquire specific skills within
Piaget’s stages

Which of the following is a characteristic of Kohlberg’s postconventional stage of moral

It involves moral reasoning on the basis of i
ndividual principles and conscience

According to the thr
ee ethics approach to morality described by Jensen (2011), in the _____,
moral understanding relies heavily on considering one’s duties, obligations, and roles within the

Which of the following is true of the sel

Our sense of self is at the core of our being, unconsciously and automatically influencing
our thoughts, actions, and feelings.

In the context of the dynamic nature of the concept of self, which of the following statements
is true?

Self-concepts are multifaceted

In the context of independent construal of self in the United States as described by Markus
and Kitayama (1991b), which of the following is an accurate statement?

People believe that standing out and asserting themselves is a virtue.

Markus and Kitayama (1991b) explained that individuals with an interdependent construal of

strive to meet or even create duties, obligations, and social responsibilities

According to a meta
analysis conducted by Oyserman and colleagues (2002), European
Americans were _____ than Japanese or Koreans.

According to the Twenty Statements Test conducted by
Cousins (1989), Japanese

generated a greater number of abstract internal attributes than did the American

_____ refers to the ways by which we bolster our self-esteem.

The term _____ re
fers to a consistent pattern of behavior, feelings, and thoughts that a person
would usually display in relevant circumstances

Which of the following statements is true of the cultural indigenous persp
ective to

it rejects the possibility of biological and genetic mechanisms underlying the universality
of personality.

One of the most contentious parts of the five
factor theory is its suggestion that the origin of
the personality traits is at least partially _____ determined.

Which of
the following traits was included in the indigenous scale developed by Cheung and
colleagues to measure personality in China?

According to Church, Katigbak, & Reyes (1998) and Church, Reyes, Katigbak, & Grimm
(1997), the two additional traits, apart from the five dimensions, that described the Filipino
personality adequately were:

tempermentalness and self-assurance

People with a(n) _____ see their behavior and relationships with others as dependent on their
own behavior

internal locus of control

According to Yamaguchi (2001), in _____, one attempts to control the environment as a
member of a group, and the group serves as the agent of control

ich of the following theories states that people from all cultures share basic psychological
needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, but that the specific ways in which these
needs are met and expressed differ according to context and culture

determination theory

The term_____ is used to describe the behaviors that men and women may engage in that are
directly related to their biological differences and the process of reproduction

Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which a person adopts the gender
specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture?

According to Hofstede (2001), which of the following is true of the difference between
masculine and feminine cultures
in terms of sexuality?

Cultures high on masculinity tended to have moralistic attitudes about sex

In the context of Berry’s (1976) study on cognitive differences between males and females,
_____ cultures may
require a greater degree of conformity to traditional gender roles on the part
of both males and females.

Which of the following terms refers to a gender identity that involves endorsement of both
male and female characteristics?

_____ refers to the process of gathering information about the world through our sense

Which of the following best defines sensation

It refers to the feelings that result from excitation of the sensory receptors such as touch,
taste, smell, sight, and hearing

In  a  cross
cultural  study  by  Masuda  and  Nisbett  (2001)  involving  Japanese  and  American
to find the influence of culture on attention, it was found that

the Japanese students remembered more o
f the background objects.

Hudson,  in  1960,  conducted  a  study  that  highlighted  cultural  differences  in  perception  and
found that:

Bantu tribe members did not use relative size as a cue to depth

Which of the following statements is true in the context of culture and memory?

Cultural differences in memory as a function of oral tradition may be limited to meaningful

Which of the
following statements is true of positive logical determinism

It is a tendency to see contradictions as mutually exclusive categories, as either-or, yes-no, one-or-the-other types of categories.

Which of the following statements is true of dreams based on numerous studies on that topic

In  many  cultures,  dreams  are  an  important  part  of  the  cultural  system
,  involving  an
organized, conventional set of signs.

Which of the following is true of the Sapir

Whorf hypothesis
in the context of pain?

It suggests that the structure of language, which is highly dependent on culture, affects our
perceptions and cognitions of our pain experiences

Identify an accurate statement about basic emotions

Basic emotions are
triggered by a biologically innate system in human brain

According to Charles Darwin, which of the following statements is true of facial expressions
of emotions?

Facial expressions of emotion are biologically innate.

Studies of congenially blind individuals suggest that facial expressions of emotion are _____

genetically encoded and not socially learne

. _____ is defined as the process by which people evaluate
the events, situations, or
occurrences that lead to their having emotions.

_____ are culturally prescribed rules that govern how universal emotions can be express

_____ is the hypothesis that individuals can recognize emotions expressed by members of
their own culture relatively better than of those from a different cultur

Which of the following terms was coined
by Levy (1973) to refer to cultures that create many
words to differentiate many different emotional states?

Which of the following is true of the location of emotions in humans

Cultures that locate emotions within the body differ in the exact location

Pragmatics refers to the system of rules governing

language is used and understood in given social context

Which of the following is a difference between high-context cultures and low-context cultures

High-context cultures contain messages that are conveyed indirectly in context, while low-context cultures contain messages that are conveyed primarily and directly in verbal languages

_____ refer to nonverbal gestures that carry meaning, like a phrase or sentence

Which of the following is true of the factors that influence nonverbal behaviour

Expressive  cultures  use  louder  voices  with  high  speech  rates,  whereas  less  expressive cultures use softer voices with lower speech rates

_____ are directions that people of all cultures learn from early childhood about how to
decipher speech and behaviour

In intercultural situations, decoders can never be as sure as they are in intracultural situations
that they are interpreting signals and messages as origin
ally intended by encoders. This is the
result of _____

cultural differences in the use of all nonverbal channels

According to Kleinman et al. (2006), views of health in many Western countries have been
influenced by what many call the _____ of health and disease

The concept of _____ refers to maintaining ste
ady, stable functioning in our bodies when
there are changes in the environment

What are the three indicators of health used worldwide?

Life expectancy, infant mortality, and subjective well

Subjective well
being is _____ related to physical health

The _____ refers to the way immigrants tend to show better physical health compared to
nonimmigrants despite the many challenges of adapting and adjusting to a new country

Which of the following statements is true in terms of the national health system?

Cultural differences are related to the type of national health system a country is likely to

_____ refers to psychological disorders that encompass behavioral, cognitive, and emotional
aspects of functioning

Which  of  the  following  refers  to  a  viewpoint  that  suggests  that  psychological  disorders  can
only be understood in the cultural framework within which they occur?

Which  of  the  following  was  true  of  DSM-IV  (Diagnostic  and  Statistical  Manual  of  Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition)?

It included a list of 25 “culture
bound syndromes”
in the appendix.

There  is  a  common  misperception  that  schizophrenia  refers  to  having  multiple  or  split
due partly to the literal translation of the term schizophrenia which means ____

Which of the following is true of cultural syndromes of distress?

It  refers  to  patterns  of  symptoms  that  tend  to
cluster  together  for  individuals  in  specific
cultural groups, communities, or contexts.

_____ is an example of cultural syndromes of distress that is observed among Puerto Ricans
and  other  Caribbean  Latinos  and  its  symptoms  include  feeling  out  of  control,  trembling,
uncontrollable shouting, intense crying, heat in the chest rising to the head, and dizziness.

Traditional psychotherapy has its origins in Western Europe and can be traced to _____, the
father of psychoanalysis

In the context of contemporary psychotherapy, _____ emphasize the development of
strategies for teaching cognitive skills

cognitive behavioral interventions

The recognition that psychotherapy is a distinctively
_____ approach has led some
psychologists to challenge the use of psychotherapy with individuals of _____ background

Which of the following statements supports the argument by Kirmayer (2007) that

In the context of cultural limitations of psychotherapy, a(n) _____ culture considers
possession and
divination as effective healing systems

Which of the following is a finding of the study of “high risk” youth conducted by Garland et
al. in 2005?

African American and Asian American youth were only half as likely as European
American youth to utilize mental health services.

The reduced utilization of mental health services by Native Americans may be the result of
cultural beliefs that

sickness comes from disharmony with one’s community, nature, and spiritual world

_____  refers  to  the  process  of  forming  impressions  of  other
s.  This  includes  judgments  of
appearance, attractiveness, personality traits, and even recognizing other

In their study, Simmons, vom Kolke, and Shimizu (1986) found that romantic love was valued more  in  the  United  States  and  Germany  than  in  Japan.  In  this  context,  which  of  the  following
statements is true?

Romantic love is valued in cultures with few strong, extended family tie

Which of the following best defines conformity?

It refers to yielding to real or imagined social pressure

Which  of  the  following  statements  is  true  of  the  studies  conducted  by  Yamagishi  and  his
colleagues on cooperation?

Cultural differences in cooperation
exist because of the sanctioning system within which
individuals exist.

In  their  2004  study,  Allik  and  Realo  broadly  defined  _____  as  interpersonal  trust,  civic
engagement, and time spent with friends.

Perceptions of outgroups are often associated with _____, which is the belief that others are
less human.

Stereotypes about one's own group are called _____, whereas stereotypes about other groups
are called _____.

autostereotypes; heterostereotypes

In terms of contact hypothesis as proposed by Allport (1954), one of the conditions to optimize
effects of contact between groups is:

support from authorities, law, or custom

Which of the following statements is true of racial microaggressions?

It refers to brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities
toward a target person or a group.

In the context of acculturation, which of the following is a difference between assimilators and

Assimilators are individuals who reject their home culture and totally integrate to the host
culture,  whereas  integrators  are  individuals  who  want  to  maintain  their  home  culture  as
well as the host culture.

_____ refers to a shared perception of organizational policies, practices, and procedures, and
how people feel about them

In the context of organizational commitment, identify an accurate statement about
collectivistic cultures

The bonds between the people and their colleagues are stronger than those of people in
individualistic cultures.

In the context of the research conducted by Latané, Williams, and Harkins (1979) on group
productivity in the United States, which of the following is a factor that contributed to social

Reduced efficiency resulting from a lack of coordination among workers’ efforts
resulting in lack of activity or duplicate activity

According to Sinha (1979), some of the most effective leaders and managers in
organizations in India have been seen as much more _____, taking on a(n) _____ within the
company and in relation to their subordinate

Which of the following statements best describes the term teamthink?

It involves the encouragement of divergent views, open expression of co
ncerns and ideas,
awareness of limitations and threats, recognition of members’ uniqueness, and discussion
of collective doubts.

In the context of organizational fairness, _____ refers to fairness regarding the distribution
of resources, such as pay, the corner office, or perks

Which of the following statements is true of U.S. conception of the negotiation process

Negotiation is a business, not a social activity

What are the three characteristics of human cultures that differentiate them from animal cultures?

In my view these abilities differentiate human social and cultural life from that of animals in three important ways: complexity, differ- entiation, and institutionalization.

Which of the following is not a personality trait in the Five Factor Model of personality?

intelligence. Intelligence is not a trait in the five-factor model, but neuroticism, extroversion, and agreeableness are traits includes. It also includes openness and conscientiousness.

Which theory states that people from all cultures share basic psychological needs for autonomy competence and relatedness?

According to self-determination theory, cultures differ in the amount to which they support the satisfaction of peoples' basic needs, and thus some cultures will be thriving (on average) more than others.

Which of the following is true of research conducted on cultural calibration of how emotional expressions are perceived by individuals quizlet?

Which of the following is true of research conducted on cultural calibration of how emotional expressions are perceived by individuals? Individualistic cultures are better at recognizing negative emotions than are collectivistic cultures.