Which of the following statements best describe the agile manifesto? select all that apply.

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Agile Fundamentals >> Agile Software Development

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An agile coach says to the team “Documentation is of no use.”

If documentation is absolutely essential then create it.

Value delivering software over writing documentation.

A manager tells the team: “Writing certain documentation is company policy so we must create them irrespective of its use.

The Agile Manifesto specifies exact practices and processes that agile teams are expected to follow

Agile Manifesto was primarily based on theoretical knowledge

The Agile Manifesto consists of 4 values and 12 principles.

The Agile Manifesto is work in progress and we are continuing to learn.

A manager e-mails her team: “Meeting face to face just for a 15 minute discussion is inefficient, let us all just dial-in from our desk.”

A software vendor says to a client: “We must define exactly what the user needs and put that in the agreement.”

Manager: “The customer is suggesting another change in feature X which is complete according to the specification. They agree that it was built as we agreed upon but it lacks some functionality and will result in user frustration. Should we implement the change or not?”

Developer: “Yes, if it does not fulfill user needs, we should make the change.”

A manager providing a status update to a customer says: “We are done with requirements and design so we are 50% done.”

There is not enough time spent on requirements. If we spend more time early, we can define requirements very accurately.

Sometime the market shifts from time when the requirements were originally defined.

Translation issues. Requirements are misinterpreted.

Difficult to understand user needs.

“Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference for the shorter timescale”

We MUST release software to actual users every couple weeks.

We should frequently deliver software in some environment (not necessarily to production always) to gather user/client feedback

We should NOT release software to a production environment on a shorter timeframe. We should ONLY release it in lower environment (e.g., a test environment).

“ Working software is the primary measure of progress.”

On a 10 month project, the team has been working for 5 months. Thus, the project is 50% complete.

If a team has written the requirements and done the design for 5 out of 10 stories, then the team has made some progress (they are more than 0% done)

If a team has delivered 5 features out of 10 features (or stories), team has made progress (they are more than 0% done)

For a project where requirements are well known but the technology and solution are unknown (i.e., changes expected in the solution).

For a project where the customer wants to build an e-commerce website but the development team has never done something like this before. Further, the company knows that they want to build an e-commerce website but are not sure about the functionality at this time.

For a project where the customer has an idea of what they want to build but is not sure of his/her exact needs.

For a project where change is not expected. requirements are well known, and the solution is both well known and repeatable.

An agile methodology may help a team to go to market early by delivering with limited functionality.

Agile methods do not require rework because the team knows exactly what they building. No refactoring of code is needed.

Scrum is the best way to implement agile.

If somebody says, they use an agile methodology, they must be doing either Scrum or XP.

From the options below, select the ones that can help mitigate this challenge. (Select 3)

Automated Regression testing provides faster feedback which helps you detect defects quickly. This in turn, gives you confidence to make changes.

Try to define as many requirements as you can at the beginning of the project, and spend a good amount of time designing the system.

Keep design simple and just build what is required. It is easier to change a simple design than to update a complicated design.

Keep the code clean and continuously improve/refactor the design as needed. Don’t delay these changes for later.

No discussion sessions happen around what we want to build. We start with coding.

The team talks about the high-level software architecture / design as well as their approach for building software (the release plan) before directly jumping into coding.

The team does a detailed design before starting to code.

If required, the team may need to plan and conduct training, etc. for users before launching the system.

Release planning is never required on an agile project. We only plan for a day or for a week at the most.

Which statement best describes the Agile Manifesto?

The four core values of Agile software development as stated by the Agile Manifesto are: individuals and interactions over processes and tools; working software over comprehensive documentation; customer collaboration over contract negotiation; and.

Which of the following statement is from the Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto consists of four key values: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.

What are the 4 statements of the Agile Manifesto?

The Four Values of The Agile Manifesto.
Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools. ... .
Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation. ... .
Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation. ... .
Responding to Change Over Following a Plan..

Why was the Agile Manifesto developed select all that apply?

The Agile Manifesto was developed to help keep processes flexible and focused on people: both the team and the users, over the end products or deliverables. The Agile Manifesto was developed to help project managers meet deadlines and stay within their budgets.