Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership


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Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership

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A team's strong belief that it can be effective across a variety of situations reflects which of the following? High Potency
_____ is a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals. Team Process
Which of the following refers to the degree to which members of the team make useful recommendations to the leader? Staff Validity
_____ reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members. Hierarchical Sensitivity
Which of the following activities are boundary-spanning activities? Ambassador, task coordinator, and scout
While performing the boundary-spanning process, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with: People who are in high positions in the organization.
_____ involve communications that are intended to smooth the performance of work with people or groups in other functional areas. Task Coordinator Activities
Coordination loss is a necessary aspect of the team experience. True
When teams engage in routine decision making: activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions. False
. By making people write down ideas on their own, the nominal group technique increases social loafing and production blocking. False
Monitoring, evaluating, and providing performance-related feedback is associated with which of the following? Goal setting and performance management.
An employee with an excellent teamwork competency would be skilled in all of the following except: groupthink
Which of the following is a type of team process training? Action learning
The deepest level of cross-training involves _____, which gives members actual experience carrying out the responsibilities of their teammates. Positional Rotation
Cross-training may involve instructions at three different levels of depth. These levels are: Personal clarification, positional modeling, and positional rotation.
Which of the following refer(s) to the degree to which teams are capable of remaining together as ongoing entities? Team Viability
_____ memory refers to how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for team. Transactive
In communication, the _____ network is the most effective for teams handling complex tasks. All Channel
Which two network structures fall between the extremes in terms of the level of centralization? Circle and Y Network
_____ refer(s) to specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of working together. Team States
The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the degree of: Centralization
Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of: Interpersonal Processes
_____ involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work. Systems Monitoring
According to researchers, a cohesive team is always a high performance team. False
Noise increases the effort that the communicators need to exert to make the communication process work. True
Leaders who thoroughly understand the conflict resolution style of collaboration are likely to thrive in: Integrative bargaining negotiations.
Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution? Competing
A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used during which of the following situations? To merge insights from people with different perspectives.
Which form of conflict resolution is the most common? Compromise.
Which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-win approach? Collaboration
. Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party? Accomodating.
_____ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down. Avoiding
Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made? Competing
Organizational factors that are most likely to increase politics include all of the following except: Employees' need for power.
Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following tendencies do such employees have? Tendencies.
The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is called _____. Social Astuteness.
High levels of organizational politics have been shown to be beneficial to company performance as a whole. False
Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase political activity are those that raise the level of uncertainty in the environment. True
For a leader, internalization is the best outcome of influence tactics. True
Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and collaboration take advantage of organizational rather than personal power. False.
Personal power includes: Expert and referent power.
Martin George is the vice president of finance at Rutherford Inc. His position and title in the company give him _____ power. Legitimate.
Which of the following statements about legitimate power is false? People with legitimate power have a desire to identify and be associated with a specific individual.
_____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants. Reward
Which type of power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization? Coercive
Michael Jordan is an icon in basketball. Many people buy shirts with his name on them. Jordan's iconic status gives him _____ power. Referent
The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to: Substitutability
Discretion is defined as: The degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own.
Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called _____. Centrality
During the _____ phase of the leader-member exchange theory, the employee's own expectations for the dyad get mixed in with those of the leader. Role Making
In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's: Outgroup
_____ suggest that leaders are born, not made. Great person theories of leadership.
A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. Decision-making Style
Which of the following reduces the importance of the leader with no beneficial impact on performance? Neutralizers
According to the life cycle theory of leadership, a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but who lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles, are at which level of readiness? R1
Which of the following theories is also known as the situational model of leadership? Life Cycle Theory of Leadership
According to research on the time-driven model of leadership, which leadership style seems to be overused by managers? Consultative
LONG Statement. Dolce is displaying the _____ decision-making style. Facilitative.
Laissez-faire is an active and effective approach to leadership. False.
leader makes the decision without asking employees for their opinions/suggestions Autocratic Style
leader presents the problem to the employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions, and then makes the decision himself/herself; employees "have a say" in the process. Consultative Style
leader presents the problem to employees and seeks consensus with the leader's opinion only as important as every other employee's. Facilitative Style
leader gives employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions. Delegative Style
With _____, the leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors dynamically and takes corrective action when required Active Management-by-Exception
Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership? Shared Objectives
The time-driven model of leadership, autocratic styles should be used for decisions in which the likelihood of employee commitment is high. True
In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for decisions that are insignificant or where employee commitment is unimportant or for when the leader's expertise is high and the leader is trusted? Autocratic
There has been extensive research into the time-driven model of leadership. The results include all of the following except:: Managers overuse the autocratic style.
Transformational leadership is less motivational compared to other managerial approaches. False
Which of the following characteristics is most closely related to leader effectiveness? High Openness to Experience
_____ suggest that leaders are born, not made. Great Person Theories of Leadership
Tests of the leader-member exchange theory suggest that employees who are competent, likable, and similar to the leader in personality will be more likely to end up in the leader's in group. True
The degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals; the continued commitment of the unit's employees; and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads are all called: Leader Effectiveness.
Explain the time-driven model of Leadership: The model suggests that the focus should shift away from the leaders to the situations
What are the 7 factors associated with the time-driven model of leadership? 1) Decision significance; (2) Importance of commitment; (3) Leader expertise; (4) Likelihood of commitment; (5) Shared objectives; (6) Employee expertise; (7) Teamwork skills
In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's: Outgroup
During which phase of the leader-member exchange theory does a manager describe role expectations to an employee, with the employee attempting to fulfill those expectations with his or her job behaviors? Role Taking
Transformational leadership represents the carrot-and-stick approach to leadership. False.
LONG Statement. Which of the following leadership behaviors should Harry adopt to deal with his group's readiness? Telling
In the case of _____, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise and the leader's power goes unutilized. Laissez-faire Leadership
John believes he has quite a unique style of leadership. He waits around for mistakes and errors from his employees and then takes corrective action as necessary. Which of the following is John's style of leadership? Passive Management-by-Exception
Define Organizational Structure formally dictates how jobs and tasks are divided and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company.
What is an organizational chart, and how does it affect an organization? is a drawing that represents every job in the organization and the formal reporting relationships between those jobs. It helps organizational members and outsiders understand and comprehend how work is structured within the company.
The biggest weakness of a functional structure is that: Employees don't communicate as well across functions as they do within functions.
Which of the following statements is true about functional organization structure? Functional structures are extremely efficient when the organization has fewer product lines or services.
A company is now structured around four customer groupings: consumers, corporations, small and mid-sized businesses, and government and educational buyers. Which of the following organizational structures has this company created? Client-based
What is the primary reason for simple structures being perhaps the most common form of organizational design? There are more small organizations than large ones.
Although not much is known about the effect of restructuring on affective commitment, restructuring generally results in _____ level of affective commitment on the part of employees. A Moderate Negative
As organizations become larger, they tend to become more _____ in nature. Mechanistic
The method by which an organization transforms its inputs into outputs refers to its: Technology
Organizational restructuring has a moderate negative effect on organizational commitment True
The degree to which a job requires a number of different activities involving a number of different skills and talents is referred to as: Variety.
Which element of the organizational structure signifies formal authority relationships? Chain of Command
Define Matrix Structure Are more complex forms of organizational design that try to take advantage of two types of structures at the same time.
One strength of a Matrix Structure One strength from an employee's viewpoint is that this structure gives each employee two groups with which to interact and two sources of information to consider.
One weakness of a Matrix Structure One of the main weaknesses of this structure is that this structure, given the two chains of command, can create high levels of stress for employees.
Melissa is describing her company's organizational structure. Which of the following terms and concepts would she not use in her description? Cultural Values
Span of Control: refers tot he number of employees each manager is responsible for in the organization.
Which of the following typifies the structure that organic organizations rely on? Weak Chains of Command
The process of creating, selecting, or changing the structure of an organization is called: Organizational Design.
Restructuring efforts typically not enhance employees' trust in the organization. True
Define Span of Control represents how many employees mngr is responsible for in organization.Narrow spans of control allow mngrs 2 b more hands-on w/ employees, giving opportunity 2 use directive leadership styles while developing close mentoring relationships with employees
Describe the relationship between a span of control(SoC) and organizational performance. Organizational performance + w/ SoC,but only 2 the point managers no longer have ability 2 coordinate & supervise the large numbers of employees under them.Beyond that,performance - w/ + in SoC.Moderate SoC is best suited 4 an organization's productivity
Companies that have a small number of customers with similar needs and tastes must develop client structures to organize their business. False
Which of the following statements is true? A high level of work specialization tends to bring about a high level of work formalization
Which of the following is a characteristic of a mechanistic organization? Employees are given a very narrow view of the tasks they are to perform
Which of the following statements about an organization in a dynamic business environment is true? It requires organizations to have structures that re more adaptive.
Although matrix structures have been around since the 1960s, the number of organizations using them has declined because organizations prefer to work in groups rather than in teams False
A _____ span of control creates a _____ organization structure Wide; Flat
To keep the stress level low and avoid multiple chains of command issues, managers should adopt the matrix structure. False
The matrix structure gives each employee _____ chain(s) of command. At least two
Which of the following refers to the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors and decisions in an organization? Formalization
In Grand Stand Organization, a furniture manufacturing company, the arrival and departure times to and from work are specified to the minute, with time clocks used to control deviant behavior. It can be said that the company is high in: Formalization.
As companies become larger, they tend to use a combination of specialization, formalization, and centralization to control their activities, thereby becoming more mechanistic in nature True
Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for TP Pencils? Mechanistic
Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for Homely Furniture? Organic
Which of the following statements about companies that adopt a differentiation strategy is true? They believe that people will pay more for a product that is unique in some way
Which of the following is associated with decentralization in decision making? Wide Spans of Control
State at least two advantages of Work Specialization Having only one task to perform, it helps increase the productivity of employees. It makes training new workers much easier when replacements are needed.
State One disadvantage of Work Specialization (1) Highly specialized jobs can cause organizations to lose the ability associated with employees who can be flexible in what they do
State Another disadvantage of Work Specialization (2) By spending all their time performing specialized tasks well, employees fail to update or practice other skills. Organizations may also struggle with employee job satisfaction when they make jobs highly specialized.
Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered communal cultures False
Organizational culture shapes and reinforces certain employee attitudes and behaviors by creating a system of control over employees True
The three major components to any organizational culture are Observable Artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.
_____ are the manifestations of an organizational culture that everyone can see or talk about. Observable artifacts
The first major component of culture is: Observable artifacts, are the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about
The second major component of culture is: Espoused values, are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states.
The third major component of culture is: Basic underlying assumptions, are the taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior in a given situation
_____ cultures are those where all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his or her own thing. Networked
At NoFrills Corp, employees are distant & disconnected from one another. Based on this, the organizational culture at NoFrills can be described as: Fragmented
_____ consist(s) of anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization. Stories
At Rolce Technologies, the core design team has daily "stand-up" meetings. The core design team gather standing up for a rapid-fire update on current projects. These meetings are representative of what components in the organizations culture? Rituals
An outsider can fully grasp or understand the culture of an organization simply by looking at artifacts visible from outside the company False
Which of the following are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states? Espoused Values
Subcultures are more likely to exist in small companies False
Attraction and selection processes do not always align employees' personalities with organizational culture. True
At the annual holiday party, ABC Airlines gives awards to employees to recognize examples of "going above and beyond" to serve customers. Almost all the employees who possibly can, attend. This is an example of: A Ritual
Which of the following statements is false? Strong cultures are always good for the organization
_____ represent the deepest and least observable part of a culture Basic Underlying Assumptions
Job satisfaction is higher and stress is lower when there is a good person-organization fit True
In general, person-organization fit is more closely related to citizenship behavior than to task performance. True
Nike's "swoosh" is an example of a Symbol
Walker International Corporation recently published its vision statement. This is an example of: Espoused Values
A culture that attempts to help the greater social good is a _______ culture Sustainability Culture
First process that can be used to keep an organization's culture strong. The ASA framework holds that potential employees will be attracted to organizations whose cultures match their own personality. Organizations select candidates based on whether their personalities fit the culture, further weeding out potential "misfits."
Second process that can be used to keep an organization's culture strong. Socialization is the primary process by which employees learn the social knowledge to understand and adapt to the organization's culture. This process begins before an employee starts work and doesnt end until an employee leaves the organization.
In practice, there are two common ways to change a culture. They are: changes in leadership and mergers or acquisitions.
The goal of an organization's socialization efforts should be to minimize _____ as much as possible Reality Shock
_____ is(are) the primary process by which employees learn the knowledge that enables them to understand and adapt to the organization's culture. Socialization
Mergers often result in the creation of the strong culture that managers hope will appear when they make the decision to merge. False
Which of the following is a disadvantage of a strong culture? It attracts and retains similar kinds of employees.
Most merged companies operate under a _____ for an extended period of time. Differentiated Culture
Which of the following involve(s) making sure a potential employee has an accurate picture of what working for an organization is going to be like by providing both the positive and the negative aspects of the job? Realistic job previews
One of the major reasons that one company purchases another is simply to acquire the technology that it has. In such cases, the acquired company is usually expected to change to fit the buyer's culture True
Which of the following is a tactic designed to discourage adaptation to the organization's culture? Constantly affirm to newcomers that they are to be themselves and that they were chosen for the organization based on who they are.
A process by which a junior-level employee develops a deep & long-lasting relationship with a more senior-level employee in the organization is called: Mentoring
Rosy, Lily, Molly, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly, but they think differently and do their own thing. Rosy's firm can be described as having a _____ culture Mercenary

What is the time driven model of leadership?

The time-driven model of leadership suggests that the focus should shift away from autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegative situations to autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegative leaders.

Which of the following theories is known as the situational model of leadership?

The Goleman Theory of Situational Leadership® Coaching leaders, who work on an individual's personal development as well as job-related skills. This style works best with people who know their limitations and are open to change.

Which of the following traits characteristics is linked to leader effectiveness?

As well as providing direction, inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment, and ambition. They nurture the strengths and talents of their people and build teams committed to achieving common goals.

Which of the following traits characteristics is linked to leader effectiveness quizlet?

Leader emergence has been linked to a number of traits, including conscientiousness, disagreeableness, openness, extraversion, general cognitive ability, energy level, stress tolerance, and self confidence. Of that set, the last six traits also predict leader effectiveness.