Which is the priority nursing action when performing a physical assessment on a toddler?

1)Which is a common fear, in addition to separation anxiety, for the hospitalized pediatricclient between the ages of 6 and 18 months?

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2)The nurse is taking a health history From the family of a 3 year old child. Whichstatement or question by the nurse would be most likely to establish rapport and anelicit accurate response from the family?

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3)Infuse D5 half an NS 1000 mL IV over 8 hours how many mL/hr will the patient receive?

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4)Which neonate requires a close nursing assessment for the development of retinopathyof prematurity?

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5)Which is the priority nursing assessment for a pediatric client who is postoperative fortonsillectomy?

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6)After obtaining a child's height and weight during a well child visit at the pediatricpediatrician's office, Where should the student nurse document this information?

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7)An 18 month old male is in the clinic for a routine health visit. The mother reports thatthe toddler has been sticking his finger in his left ear for the past two days. Whatconsideration is appropriate regarding this child's physical assessment?

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8)As children grow and develop, their style of play changes. Place the descriptions ofplaystyles in order from infancy to school age.a.Play alone with play directed by othersb.plays beside but not with other childrenc.Plays with others in loose groupsd.plays games with other children And is able to follow the rules of the gamei.3, 1, 4, 29)when performing an assessment on a preschool child the nurse will take all the followingapproaches except?

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10) Which parental statement at the conclusion of a teaching session regardingenvironmental controls for childhood asthma indicates correct understanding of theinformation presented?

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11) A5 year old child is hospitalized with a fractured femur. Which tool should the nurse useto assess this child's pain?

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12) Piagets theory of cognitive development asserts that the sensorimotor stage ends, andthe pre operational stage begins between what age range?

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Pediatric Nurse Exam Sample Questions

These sample questions apply to all exams taken on or after October 25, 2014.

The following sample questions are similar to those on the examination but do not represent the full range of content or levels of difficulty. The answers to the sample questions are provided after the last question. Please note: Taking these or any sample question(s) is not a requirement to sit for an actual certification examination. Completion of these or any other sample question(s) does not imply eligibility for certification or successful performance on any certification examination.

To respond to the sample questions, first enter your first and last names in the boxes below (this information will not be recorded; it is strictly for purposes of identifying your results). Then click the button corresponding to the best answer for each question. When you are finished, click the "Evaluate" button at the bottom of the page. A new browser window will open, displaying your results, which you may print, if you wish.

This practice exam is not timed, and you may take it as many times as you wish. Good luck!

Which of the following is an appropriate approach to performing a physical assessment on a toddler?

An appropriate approach to performing a physical assessment on a toddler is to: Use minimal physical contact initially. With the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) criteria, which body mass index (BMI)–for-age percentile indicates a risk for being overweight?

When assisting with the physical exam of a 1 year old child the nurse notes the following findings which finding would be concerning to the nurse?

Which finding would be concerning to the nurse? Explanation: The normal heart rate for a 1-year-old infant is 90 to 170 beats per minute, with an average rate of 120 to 130; a heart rate of 80, therefore, is concerning and needs to be reported to the physician.

Which intervention would the nurse recommend for a toddler who is biting other children at day care select all that apply one some or all responses may be correct?

A time-out is an appropriate intervention for the nurse to suggest when a toddler-age child is exhibiting behaviors that include other people, such as biting.

Which site should the nurse assess to obtain the pulse rate for a one year old child?

The best spot to feel the pulse in an infant is the upper am, called the brachial pulse. Lay your baby down on the back with one arm bent so the hand is up by the ear.