Which facial bones projection should form an angle of 37 degrees between the OML and the IR?

The skull consists of 22 bones:
8 cranial bones
- frontal
- 2 parietal
- 2 temporal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
- occipital

14 facial bones
- 2 maxillary
- 2 zygomatic
- 2 nasal
- 2 lacrimal
- 2 inferior nasal conchae
- 2 palatine
- vomer
- mandible

Caldwell's Method
Towne's Method
Rhese's Method
Water's Method


Which facial bones projection should form an angle of 37 degrees between the OML and the IR?

Registered Radiologic Technologist, Medical Student

The skull consists of 22 bones:
8 cranial bones
- frontal
- 2 parietal
- 2 temporal
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
- occipital

14 facial bones
- 2 maxillary
- 2 zygomatic
- 2 nasal
- 2 lacrimal
- 2 inferior nasal conchae
- 2 palatine
- vomer
- mandible

Caldwell's Method
Towne's Method
Rhese's Method
Water's Method


What paranasal sinus group is superior to the other sinus groups?

SMV Sinuses
Where should the central Ray be directed?

Perpendicular to the IOML, entering the midline of the base of the skull so that it passes through the sella turcica

What 2 ways can you perform PA AXIAL projections , CALDWELL method?

ANGLED IR technique and vertical IR technique

True or false
The central Ray should enter the patient at the TMJ farther from the IR

To exit through the EAM closest to the IR, the CR caudad should enter 1.5" superior to the upside EAM

In which body position should the patient be placed for images of the paranasal sinuses?

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
With reference to the surrounding structures, where should petrous ridges be demonstrated in the image?

One on each side, just inferior to the medial aspect of the orbital

Parietoacanthial projection, OPEN MOUTH WATERS
To which landmark should the IR be centered?
What part of the pts head should be resting on the vertical grid device?

SMV Projection
True or false
Head should rest chin contacting the vertical grid?
OML should be as close to parallel with the IR as possible?
The Midsagittal plane should be perpendicular to the IR?
The entire occipital bone should be included in the image of the SMV to demonstrate paranasal sinuses?

False - the head should rest on its vertex
False- the IOML should be as close to parallel with the IR as possible
False- to demonstrate the paranasal sinuses, close restriction of the beam to the sinus area may exclude the occipital bone

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
To which facial landmark should the IR be centered?

Why should the radiographer ensure that the exposure factors used do not cause the paranasal sinuses to appear under penetrated?

Under penetrated produces shadows stimulating pathologic conditions that do not exist

Regardless of which technique is used for performing the PA AXIAL CLADWELL , which of the following procedures is common for both techniques?

Using a horizontal directed central ray

How should the head be positioned when the IR is not vertical?

With the OML perpendicular to the IR

To which positioning landmark of the skull should the IR be centered?

Which sinuses structures are primary demonstrated?

Frontal sinuses and anterior ethmoidal air cells

Where should the petrous ridges be demonstrated in the image?

In the lower third of the orbits

Evaluation criterion

The air fluid levels visible
Close beam collimation of sinus
Petrous ridges symmetric on both sides
Petrous ridges should lie in lower one third of the orbits
Frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinuses visible
Frontal sinuses should lie above the frontonasal suture and be visible
Anterior stair cells above the petrous ridges should be visible
The distance between the lateral border of the skull and the lateral border of th eorbits should be equal

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
Which paranasal sinuses are best demonstrated with the parietoacanthial projection, WAters method?

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
Where will the petrous ridges probably be demonstrated in the image if the patient does not extend the neck sufficiently?

Superimposed with the maxillary sinuses

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
How will the maxillary sinuses appear in the image (elongated or foreshortened) if the patient extends the neck too much?

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
What positioning line of the head should be approximately perpendicular to the plane of the IR?

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD

Parietoacanthial sinuses, WATERS METHOD
What positioning line of the head should form an angle of 37 degrees with the plane of the IR?

Give 2 reasons why the patient should be positioned upright

To Demonstrate the presence of absence of fluid and to differentiate between shadows caused by fluid and those caused by other pathologic conditions

Where on the pts head should the central Ray be directed?e

.5 - 1" posterior to the outer canthus

How should the central Ray be directed relative to the patients head?

Which sinus group is of primary importance?

How many sinus groups should clearly be demonstrated with the lateral image?

For the lateral projection of the nasal bones, which landmark ( the nasion or acanthion) should the unmasked portion of the IR Abe centered?

Lateral proj of nasal bones
Describe how and where the central Ray should be directed?

Perpendicular to the bridge of the nose at a point .5 inches distal to the nasion

Tangential zygomatic arch
True or false
The pt should hyperextend the neck and rest the head on the vertex

Tangential zygomatic arches
True or false
The midsagittal plane should be perpendicular to the IR

SMV Projection, sinuses true or false
The central Ray should be directed perpendicular to the IOML , entering the midline of the base of the skull so that it passses though the sella turcica?
The distance from the lateral border of the mandibular condyles should be the same on both sides?

Tangential zygomatic arches
What positioning line of the head should be as parallel as possible with the IR?

Tangential zygomatic arches
Describe how the central ray should be directed

Perpendicularly to the infraorbitomeatal line and centered to the zygomatic arch at a point approximately 1" posterior to the outer canthus

Tangential zygomatic arches
Evaluation criteria that patient was properly positioned for a tangential projection

The zygomatic arch should be free from overlying structures

Tangential zygomatic arches
Positioning for
Midsagittal plane-

Tangential zygomatic Arches
How many degrees and in which direction should the central Ray be directed when each of the following positioning lines is paced perpendicular to the plane of the IR?

30 degrees caudad
37 degrees caudad

To demonstrate the mandibular Rami with the PA projection, which 2 facial structures should be touching the vertical grid device?

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses?

All four sinus should be included

For the PA mandibular RAMI
Which positioning line should be perpendicular to the plane of the IR?

For the mandibular rami
How should the Midsagittal plane be positioned with reference to the IR?

PA Mandibular rami
Through which positioning landmark of the face should the central Ray exit?

Mandibular RAMI
true or false
The central Ray should be directed perpendicularly to the midpoint of the IR

Mandibular RAMI
True or false
The PA projection demonstrates the mandibular body without body superimposistioning

The central portion of the mandible is superimposed with the cervical vertebrae

MAndibular RAMI
How does the vertebral column affect the image?

It superimposes the central part of the mandibular body

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the nasal sinuses?

The orbital roofs should be superimposed

Temporomandibular joints
Identify a typical situation in which the patient should not be asked to open his or her mouth wide open for an AP AXIAL projection

Any TRAUMA to the mandible where the mandible is suspected to be fractured. Because of danger fracture displacement

AP Axial TMJs
How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed?

AP Axial TMJs
To which landmark should the IR be centered?

AP Axial TMJs
List the 2 evaluation criteria that indicate the patient was properly positioned for an AP AXILA PROJECTION with the mouth closed

The head should not be rotated
Only minimal superimposition by the Petrosa on the condyle should be seen

AP Axial TMJs
List the 2 evaluation criteria that indicate the patient was properly positioned for an AP AXILA PROJECTION with the mouth open

*The head should not be rotated
*The condyle and temporomandibular articulation should be demonstrated below the petrosa

Where on the patient should the IR be centered?

1/2 " anterior to the EAM

How should the midsagittal plane be positioned with reference to the IR?

Form an angle of 15 degrees

Which positioning line of the head should be parallel with the trAnsverse axis of the IR?

Through what structure should the central Ray exit the pt?

The TMJ closer the to the IR

How many degrees and in what direction should the central ray be directed?

AP Axial TMJs
Where should the central Ray enter the patient?

AP Axial TMJs
True or False
The long axis of the mandibular body should be parallel with the trAnsverse axis of the IR

AP Axial TMJs
Which plane and positioning line of the head should be perpendicular to the IR?

Midsagittal plane and OML

Temporomandibular joints
True or false
For the AP Axial projection in the closed mouthed position, the upper posterior teeth should be in contact with the Lower posterior teeth

Which projection of the sinuses demonstrates a symmetric image of the anterior portion of the base of the skull?

With reference to the IR, how should the central ray be directed for the parietoacanthial projection, WATER METHOD?

Which paranasal sinus group is best demonstrated with the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS METHOD?

Where should the petrous ridges be seen in the image of the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS METHOD, of the paranasal sinuses?

Below the maxillary sinuses

Where should the central Ray exit the head for the parietoacanthial projection, WSTERS METHOD?

Which 2 paranasal sinus groups are best demonstrated than with the other sinuses with the SMV projection?

Which sinus group is not well demonstrated in the image produced by the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS METHOD?

Which structures should always be imaged with the pt in an upright position?

Which of the following is the only projection for paranasal sinuses that adequately demonstrates all 4 sinuses groups?

With reference to the outer canthus, where should the central ray be directed for the lateral projections of the sinuses?

Which sinus group is of primary importance in the lateral projection of the sinuses?

For the PA Axial projection, CALDWELL method, of the sinuses, which positioning line , in addition to the midsagittal plane, should be perpendicular to the IR?

Where should petrous ridges be seen in the image of the PA Axial projection, CALDWELL Method, of the sinuses?

Lower third of the orbits

Which positioning line should form an angle of 37 degrees with the IR for the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS METHOD?

In which projection of the sinuses must the OML form an angle of 15 degrees with the plane of the IR?


Which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses?

All 4 sinuses groups should be included

In which projection of the sinuses is the mentomeatal line approximately perpendicular to the plane of the IR?

Parietoacanthial, WATERS METHOD

Which sinus groups are best demonstrated with the PA , axial projection, CALDWELL Method?

Frontal and anterior ethmoidal

What projections are you going to see the dens and posterior arch of C1 in the foramen magnum?

AP AXIAL SKULL of 45 and 55 degree caudal angle

The acanthion projection ( reverse waters proj) can be used to demonstrate facial bones when the pt is lying in the ______ position

For the frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinuses there are 2 PA AXIAL CALWELL projections

There is the angled grid technique which :
*Tilts the grid 15 degrees
*Centers the nasion to the IR
*The MSP and OML are perpendicular
( OML is perpendicular to the angled IR and 15 degrees from the horizontal CR)

There is also a vertical grid technique:
*no vertical grid.. extend neck, rest tip of nose on the grid
*Center the nasion to the IR
* OML forms an angle of 15 degrees with the horizontal CR. *MSP perpendicular

Bith directed horizontal to exit the nasion . The 15 degree relationship between the central ray and the OML remains the same for both techniques


The image of the acanthion projection is similar to the images of the ____ projection ( ___ Method).

Which plane and positioning line of the head should be perpendicular to the the IR for the acanthion projection or REVERSE WATERS.
( this is an AP Projection)

Midsagittal plane and mentomeatal line

There are 5 CALDWELL METHODS . What projections are they and for what structures?

1. PA AXIAL CALDWELL, used for the cranium

  2. PA AXIAL CALDWELL, facial bones

Where should the midpoint of the IR be centered to for the pt in the acanthion, REVERSE WATERS?

What paranasal sinuses are usually located inferior to the orbits?

What paranasal sinuses are located directly below the sella turcica?

What are the projection and angles?

There are 5 CALDWELL METHODS: 1. PA AXIAl, CALWELL , cranium

  2. PA AXIAL, CALWELL, facial bones
  3. PA AXIAL, EXAGGERATED CALDWELL, shows orbital rims and the orbital floor
  4. PA AXIAL, CALWELL, frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinuses


OML perpendicular to plane of IR
MSP perpendicular to IR
Exits nasion 15 degrees caudad
Center the IR to the nasion


MSP Perpendicular to IR
Exits nasion at 15 degrees CAUDAD
The exaggerated caldwell is 30 degrees caudad to show the orbital rims and the orbital floors


DIRECTED TO THE NASION at an angle of 15 degrees CEPHALAD

Which projection of the skull produces a full basal image of the cranium?

Which projection of the skull projects the petrous bones in the lower third of the orbits?


Which projection of the skull should be obtained when the frontal bone is of primary interest?

PA With perpendicular central ray

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the AP Axial projection, Towne Method , of the skull?

Part of the sella turcica should be seen within the foramen magnum

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the PA projection of the skull?

The distance from the lateral border of the skull to the lateral border of the orbit should be the same on both sides

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the skull?

The orbital roofs should be superimposed

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the SMV projection of the skull?

The mental protuberance should superimpose the anterior frontal bone

For the PA AXIAL pro, HAAS Method, of the skull, where should the central ray enter the pt.s head?

1.5" below the external occipital protuberance

How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for the PA AXIAL projection , HAAS method, of the skull?

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the PA Axial, HAAS method, of the skull?

The dorsum sella and the posterior clinoid projected within the foramen magnum

With reference to the pt. , where should the central ray be directed for the lateral projection of the facial bones?

With reference to the IR, how should the central ray be directed for the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS method?

Where should the petrous ridges be seen in the image of the parietoacanthial projection of the facial bones?

Below the maxillary sinuses

Which positioning line and angle indicate correct positioning of the head for the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS Method?

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the parietoacanthial projection, WATERS method?

The petrous ridges should be projected immediately below the maxillary sinuses.

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the PA AXIal, CALDWELL method?

The distance between the lateral border of the skull and orbit should be the same on both sides

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the lateral projection of the facial bones?

The orbital roofs should be superimposed

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the SMV projection for bilateral zygomatic arches?

The zygomatic arches should be free from overlying structures

An AP AXIAL PROJECTION ( modified TOWNE method) of the bilateral zygomatic arches produces an image similar to the AP AXIAL projection (TOWNE method) of the skull. How many degrees and in what direction should the central ray be directed for this projection to demonstrate zygomatic arches when the OML in perpendicular to the IR?

Which positioning line extends from the EAM to the outer canthus?

Where on the skull is the gonion located?

On the lateroposterior part of the mandible

With reference to the IR, how should the midsagittal plane be adjusted for the tangential projection demonstrating an individual zygomatic arch?

15 degrees from perpendicular

To demonstrate the mandibular body with the axiolateral oblique projection, how should the pts head be positioned?

From true lateral , rotate the head 30 degrees toward the IR

How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for the axiolateral projection of the mandible?

An AP AXIAL PROJECTION ( modified Towne Method) of the bilateral zygomatic arches is performed similarly to the AP Axial projection (Towne Method) of the skull except that the projection for the zygomatic arches requires that which of the following be done?

The central ray should be directed to the glabella

Which projection is performed with the pts head positioned true lateral and the central ray directed 25 degrees cephalad?

AXIOLATERAL Projection of the mandible

Which evaluation criterion pertains to the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible?

The opposite side of the mandible should not overlap the ramus.

Which structure is of primary interest when the patients head is rotated 15 degrees toward the IR from a true lateral position and the central ray is directed 15 degrees caudad , entering about 1.5 " superior to the upside EAM?

Which of the following structures can be well demonstrated with an axiolateral oblique projection?

How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for the axiolateral oblique projection for TMJs?

For the AP Axial projection of the TMJs, where should the central ray be directed?

With reference to the pt where should the IR and centered for the axiolateral oblique projection of the TMJs?

.5 " anterior to the EAM closest to IR

Where on the skull is the outer canthus located?

On the lateral border of each orbit

Which positioning landmark is located at the anterior portion of the mandible?

Which suture articulates the frontal bone with both parietal bones?

Which suture joins a parietal bone with both a sphenoid bone and a temporal bone?

Which suture joins both parietal bones with the occipital bone?

The bregma fontanelle is located at the junction of which 2 sutures?

The lambda fontanelle is located at the junction of which 2 sutures?

The bregma fontanelle is located at the junction of which cranial bones?

Frontal and both parietals

The lambda fontanelle is located at the junction of which cranial bones?

Occipital and both parietals

Which suture joins both parietal bones at the vertex of the skull?

What paranasal sinus group is posterior to the ethmoidal sinuses?

Which sinus group is subdivided into 3 main groups?

List the 5 functions of the sinus cavities.

1. Serve as a resonating chamber for the voice

  1. decrease the weight of the skull by containing air
  2. help warm and moisten inhaled air
  3. act as shock absorbers in trauma
  4. possibly control the immune system

True or False
At 15 years of age or 16 , the sinuses are fully developed and communicate with one another

The sinuses fully develop at the age of 17 or 18 years old

For a lateral projection of the cranium:
Which positioning line of the head should be parallel with the transverse plane of the IR?

Infraorbitomeatal line ( IOML)

For the lateral cranium projection:
Which structure should be nearest to the center of the midline of the grid?

For the lateral projection:
To what level of the pt should the IR be centered?

For the lateral proj:
Describe how and where the central ray should be directed ?

Perpendicular to a point approximately 2" above the EAM

Which skull classification refers to a typical skull (in terms of width and length)?

Which skull classification refers to a long, narrow skull?

Which skull classification refers to a short, wide skull?

How many degrees are in the angle formed between the midsagittal plane and the petrous pyramids in the mesocephalic skull?

How many degrees are in the angle formed between the midsagittal plane and the petrous pyramids in the brachycephalic skull?

How many degrees are in the angle formed between the midsagittal plane and the petrous pyramids in the dolichocephalic skull?

On which cranial bone is the superciliary arches located?

What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for the Parietoacanthial projection?

RTE 1533 Week 4 test review.

Which positioning line is perpendicular to the IR for a PA projection of the skull?

The mentomeatal line (MML) will be approximately perpendicular to the plane of the IR.

Which line should be placed parallel to the plane of the IR for the SMV projection?

Cranial Radiography.

What projection best demonstrates the frontal bone?

Skull PA Occipito-Frontal This projection demonstrates the frontal bone, crista galli, internal auditory canals, anterior ethmoid and frontal sinuses, greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid, and petrous ridges. Position of patient Prone with the vertical beam angled at 20 degrees.