What are the main differences between Eastern and Western views of Positive psychology?

While Westerners might search for rewards in the physical plane, Easterners seek to transcend the human plane and rise to the spiritual one.


What are the differences between Eastern and Western psychological perspectives?

While Western psychology seems to reflect an attitude that the individual must be “helped” from without, by another person, Eastern attitudes are quite the opposite. Eastern, holistic perspectives recognize the interactive nature of reality, similar to the views of general systems theory.

What is the Western & Eastern view of positive psychology?

Westerners seek rewards on more of a physical plane, while Easterners seek to transcend the physical plane to a spiritual one. Western literature generally stresses autonomy, individuality, and personal satisfaction, while Eastern work generally focuses on harmony, collective cooperation, and group satisfaction.

What are the differences between the Eastern and Western views of self?

Western philosophy acknowledges the existence of a human self (with some exceptions). Eastern philosophy firmly denies the existence of a human self (with some exceptions). Contemporary neuroscientific and neuropsychological research attempts to locate and identify the human self in the brain.

What is Western psychology explain?

Western psychology is the scientific study of human minds and behavior, traditionally approaching from a strictly scientific point of view. “Psychology is the science that studies why human beings and animals behave as they do.

M-03. Perspectives On Positive Psychology: Western and Eastern

What is the difference between Indian and Western psychology?

The ideas such as cycles of birth and death, life after life, rebirth and reincarnation are not part of Western culture as much as they are of ours. It is this which makes all the difference between what we call Indian Psychology and Western Psychology.

What is self in Eastern perspective?

In the East, there is a non-dualistic conception of the self where there is no distinction between creation and creator, and Man and the self is viewed as being part of a cosmic drama acted out by the divine creator.

What is are the major differences between Western and Eastern philosophies?

Western philosophy deals with Individualism while Eastern Philosophy is related to Collectivism. Both philosophies center on virtues. Eastern philosophy takes more of a spiritual approach while Western philosophy is more hands-on.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western?

Eastern world refers to countries in the Asia and Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zeeland. East and West may have numerous differences based on culture.

What is difference between Eastern and Western culture?

Eastern and Western cultures have a different perception of power and power distance. Eastern cultures tend to have a very hierarchical structure, where Western cultures are more egalitarian. “Western cultures value independence and tend to promote individuals who are task orientated and individualistic.”

What is a Western perspective?

True to its title, THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE focuses on the Western experience, while also placing that experience in the wider context of developments in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific.

What does a Western approach to therapy emphasize?

The goal of therapy at Western Counselling is to help our clients build a realistic and positive relationship with themselves, free from guilt and shame, that minimises their need to “fix” their feelings with their chosen drug of choice, whilst helping them to take responsibility for past actions and future choices.

What is positive psychology?

“Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It has also been defined as the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organisations to thrive.” Source: Positive Psychology Institute.

How are Eastern and Western cultures similar?

Eastern and Western cultures resemble each other in some notable aspects. The first similarity is the adherence to religious beliefs. Both civilizations shape their lives according to their religious beliefs. As an example, Christians living in the West go to the church every Sunday to pray.

What are the major differences between Eastern and Western modes of communication?

In high context cultures people use a lot of indirect and nonverbal communication and are mostly collectivistic. People from Western cultures on the other hand are more individualistic and use low context communication, meaning they use concrete language and direct communication to get their point across.

What are the differences between Western and Eastern society culture and individuals?

Generally, modesty and collectivism are highly valued in Eastern cultures. On the other hand, people from the West are more individualistic — Westerners focus more on showing one's true colours and being genuine. Westerners also tend not to conceal their feelings and intentions, they say exactly what they mean.

Why is it important to understand the cultural differences between Eastern and western countries?

So, why is it important to understand the cultural differences between the U.S. and your home country? One of the most important things required to be a successful international student is the ability to blend in the foreign culture and understanding cultural differences will help you to do so.

What are characteristics of Eastern thought?

Eastern philosophies are quiet varied in their beliefs regarding deities, e.g. many of the philosophies have a high regard for proper behavior and deference to hierarchy, and nature is often reverenced as evidence of a natural order, but one key difference between Eastern and Western philosophy is a belief in the need ...

What are the Eastern philosophical thoughts?

Eastern philosophic traditions generally tend to be less concerned with the existence or non-existence of Gods. Although some Eastern traditions have supernatural spiritual Beings and even powerful Gods, these are generally not seen as separate from the Universe, but rather as a part of the Universe.

What are the characteristics of Western philosophy?

The modern western philosophy has not only critical about orthodox religion but also came with ideals of secularism, humanism, scientific temperament, progress and development. Skepticism, rationality, individualism and scientific methods are influenced the human conception in understanding the world.

What is self in Western and Eastern thoughts essay?

The Concept of 'The Self' in Western and Eastern Traditions. The term 'self' refers to an individual human being, along with their body, mind, and in some cases, the concept of a 'soul'. The western view of the 'enduring self' refers to the notion that “you are the same person you were earlier in your life.

What is the difference between Indian and Western philosophy?

While Indian thinking is characterized as spiritual and mystical in nature, western thinking is scientific, logical, rational, materialistic and individualistic. Looking at the world is called Darshana in Indian philosophy and this darshana comes from ancient scriptures like Vedas.

What is the difference between the Indian and Western concept of self?

In the Western culture, the self and the group exist as two different entities with clearly defined boundaries i.e. individual members of the group maintain their individuality while in the Indian culture, the self is generally not separated from one's own group; rather both remain in a state of harmonious co-existence ...

What is the difference between ancient psychology and modern psychology?

So what makes psychology different from philosophy? While early philosophers relied on methods such as observation and logic, today's psychologists utilize scientific methodologies to study and draw conclusions about human thought and behavior.

What is positive psychology How is it different from other approaches to psychology?

Unlike traditional psychology that focuses more on the causes and symptoms of mental illnesses and emotional disturbances, positive psychology emphasizes traits, thinking patterns, behaviors, and experiences that are forward-thinking and can help improve the quality of a person's day-to-day life.

What are the differences between Eastern and Western psychological perspectives?

Western culture often views psychological symptoms as problems to be solved. Eastern practices tend to focus on taking a deeper look into a person's life circumstances. “Most people are too caught up trying to survive from day to day,” explains social worker Charlie Patterson.

What is the Western & Eastern view of positive psychology?

While Western cultures emphasize optimal functioning as it occurs intrapsychically, Eastern cultures hold that an optimal life experience is a spiritual journey involving others and result- ing in transcendence and enlightenment.

What are the differences between the Eastern and Western view of self?

According to Eastern philosophy, the self as an essence does not exist and this is due to our ignorance of the true nature of the world. According to Western philosophy, the self does exist, but the views on the topic are pluralistic.

What is the Western perspective of positive psychology?

Westerners focus more on hope while easterners focus more on compassion and harmony. Hope refers to the agentic, goal focused thinking. It is deeply interwoven in the western civilization. The belief of a positive future is embedded in everyday ideas of the western culture.