Wann startet Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3?

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 starts the first weekend in June, following an explosive-looking end to Season 2. Epic Games still hasn’t confirmed the next Fortnite season’s exact start time but did reveal the date in an easily missed blog update. Here’s when you can jump into Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3.

When is the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 start time?

Typically, there’s a bit of lag time between seasons in Fortnite. The end of one season usually brings a lengthy period of downtime, which can last several hours before the next season begins. The countdown timer for the Season 2 Battle Pass previously listed an end date of June 3, so when Epic announced an end-of-season event for June 4, there was some speculation that the game would skip its usual downtime and head right into Season 3 after the event. Since then, the timer has been updated to show a June 4 end date.

Fortnite Season 3 Chapter 3 features the return of a fan-favorite character.Epic Games

Epic has now quietly confirmed that Season 3 starts June 5, so it looks like there’s a brief downtime period is on the calendar after all. In a May 31 news update, the publisher announced its next in-game concert will feature J-pop star Gen Hoshino. The same update confirms Season 3’s June 5 start date, saying “Hoshino’s show will air back-to-back for 72 hours starting Thursday, June 9, 2022, at 8 AM ET — just a few days after Chapter 3 Season 3 launches on June 5!”

What is the Fortnite Season 3 live event?

As Epic announced May 26, an event called Collision will bridge the gap between Season 2 and Season 3. Collision kicks off on June 4 at 4 p.m. Eastern and won’t be playable once Season 3 begins. Epic shared a short video teaser of the event that doesn’t give much away, but we know it will involve Mecha Team Leader, a bear-headed robot that hasn’t been spotted in Fortnite for some time. A second teaser from June 2 shows a crew suiting up to pilot a massive bear mech Voltron-style.

Epic remains tight-lipped about Collision and Season 3.

Collision will involve the war between factions The Seven and Imagined Order, and the trailer’s audio hints at open war. Its outcome will likely be felt throughout Season 3.

Are there any Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 leaks?

As usual, Fortnite sprung a few leaks ahead of Season 3. While these aren’t confirmed by Epic, they’ve been shared by HYPEX, a leaker with a long track record of credible information. An image reportedly showing the Season 3 Battle Pass reveals skins for Darth Vader and Indiana Jones.

That lines up with information that leaked during an Unreal Engine 5 livestream in April. In that video, folders are visible referencing Doom, Family Guy, and Star Wars. Family Guy characters have been rumored to appear in Fortnite for a while now, and while a Doomcrossover hasn’t been mentioned, it would fit right in.

With Vader and Indiana Jones highly likely to appear, there’s a good chance we’ll see more Star Wars characters in Season 3. Epic Games Chief Creative Officer Donald Mustard shared street art of C-3PO and Chewbacca recently, which Fortnite fans immediately took as a sign they were coming to the game. Given what else we know, it’s unlikely to be a coincidence. Season 3 also lines up nicely with Obi-Wan Kenobi premiering on Disney Plus, so more Star Wars characters are almost a given.

Epic Games has been more forthcoming about the June Crew Pack, which is available to subscribers. It will include a Mecha Strike Commander skin plus a back bling and weapon wrap based on the character. With just days to go until Season 3 starts, more big reveals are unlikely, but players can see how it shapes up for themselves soon enough.

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Erstellt: 25.10.2022, 09:45 Uhr


Wann startet Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3?

Season 4 von „Fortnite“ hat im September begonnen. © Epic Games

„Fortnite“ startet alle paar Monate in die nächste Season. Aktuell befinden wir uns in Saison 4 von Kapitel 3. Wann geht es mit Season 5 weiter?

Season 4 „Fortnite“ hat beim beliebten Battle-Royale-Spiel wieder einmal für eine Überraschung gesorgt. Denn auf der Insel macht sich plötzlich eine flüssige Substanz breit, die als „Chrom“ bezeichnet wird. Sie hüllt alles und jeden, der damit in Kontakt kommt, ebenfalls in Chrom. Für Spieler ergeben sich dadurch viele neue Gameplay-Möglichkeiten. Zudem werden sie wieder zahlreiche Items und Skins freischalten können. Wie lang haben sie dafür Zeit, bevor Season 5 von Chapter 3 bei „Fortnite“ beginnt?

„Fortnite“ Season 5 von Chapter 3 startet im Dezember

Ein Blick auf die Epic Games-Webseite gibt bereits Auskunft darüber, wann wir mit dem Start rechnen können. Denn der aktuelle Battle Pass läuft bis zum 3. Dezember. Für gewöhnlich startet die nächste Saison ein oder zwei Tage später. Daher ist zu erwarten, dass Season 5 von Chapter 3 am 4. oder 5. Dezember beginnen wird.

Im Video: Trailer zu „Fortnite“ Kapitel 3 – Saison 4

„Fortnite“: Was ist neu in Season 4 Chapter 3?

  • Die spannendste Neuerung geht mit dem neuen Chrom einher. Mit dem Chrom-Schleim können Spieler nämlich Wände durchschreiten, wenn sie diese damit bewerfen. Das Item lässt sich auf den Boden werfen, um die Spielfigur zu verchromen und dadurch gegen Feuerschaden immun zu machen.
  • Darüber hinaus können sich Spieler in Chrom-Form in einen „Blob“ verwandeln – eine Kugel aus Chrom, der Fallschaden nichts ausmacht und die sehr schnell ist.
  • Beim Rutschen ist es nun außerdem möglich, Gegner zu treten und wegzustoßen.
  • Mit „Herald‘s Sanctum“ ist ein neuer Turm auf der Insel aufgetaucht, den Spieler erklimmen können.
  • Neu sind auch die „Cloudy Condos“. Dabei handelt es sich um Gebäude, die mittels Ballons über der Spielwelt schweben. Mit einem D-Werfer gelangen Spieler nach oben.
  • Auf der Insel sind zudem Schlüssel verteilt. Mit einem davon lassen sich Niedrigsicherheitstresore öffnen. Hochsicherheitstresore erfordern hingegen zwei Schlüssel.
  • Der Battle Pass für die aktuelle Saison enthält wieder eine große Palette an freischaltbaren Gegenständen. Zu den neuen Skins zählen Spider-Gewn, Bytes, Grriz, Knochenkatze, Lennox Rose und Twyn.

Auch interessant

What time does chapter 3 season 3 end?

When Will Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 3 End? Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 3 ends September 17 2022. While there is no official end date for Fortnite Season 3, if you look at the current Battle Pass, you'll see the message "Chapter 3 - Season 3 through September 17" in the lower left corner.

At what time will Chapter 3 of Fortnite begin?

The release date for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4: Paradise is Sunday, September 18th, 2022. According to a recent Epic Games blog post, server downtime is expected to start at approximately 2AM ET / 7AM BST.

What time does season 3 Chapter 3 start?

Chapter 3: Season 3, also known as Season 21, was the twenty-first season of Fortnite: Battle Royale. It started on June 5th, 2022 and concluded on September 17th, 2022.

What date does Fortnite Chapter 3 season 3 end?

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 will end on Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 2 AM ET.