Unterschied Echo Show 10 und 15

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Amazon's biggest smart displays, the Echo Show 10 and the Echo Show 15, share a ton of similarities. They are, after all, touchscreen smart displays from the same company.

That means they share the ability to stream media on Netflix or YouTube, check the weather, make video calls, and get help from Amazon's virtual assistant, Alexa.

Amazon came out with these two specific models to fit the needs of different households. The Echo Show 10 boasts motion-tracking capabilities and better speakers, but it has a smaller screen. On other hand, the Echo Show 15 has a larger screen with better resolution, but lacks some smaller model's special features.

Let's take an in-depth look at both of Amazon's smart displays and figure out which one is right for you.

Price and Availability

The price for both the Echo Show 10 and the Echo Show 15 is $249.99, the highest price of any Amazon smart display. So unfortunately, price itself won't help you decide which smart display to invest in. Instead, you'll have to look at the value each display provides for that price tag.

When it comes to availability, the Echo Show 10 has a slight leg up. Because it has been out longer, the Echo Show 10 is available worldwide, whereas the Echo Show 15 is currently only available in the US and the UK. There are future plans to bring the Echo Show 15 to Australia and elsewhere in the world, but there's no definitive release date yet.

For more information about the smaller, make sure to look at our comprehensive look at the Echo Show 10.

Comparing Design of the Echo Show 10 and Echo Show 15

One of the biggest differing factors between the Echo Show 10 and 15 models is the way they look. Let's take a look at the Echo Show 10 first.

amazon-echo-show-10-deviceImage Credit: Amazon

The Echo Show 10 has a 10.1-inch display attached to a cylindrical speaker. The display can be stationary, but there's also a built-in mechanism that allows the screen to rotate from side to side on the speaker. This enables features like tracking you while you're moving on a video call over Zoom or letting you look around the room while you're out of the home.

amazon-echo-show-15-deviceImage Credit: Amazon

The Echo Show 15, in comparison, has a much larger 15.6-inch display and is designed to be hung on the wall either horizontally or vertically, like a picture frame. There is a stand you can purchase for an extra $29.99, but the Echo Show 15 is intended to take the place of a home's bulletin board or calendar, displaying all the important info the household needs to keep track of.

A Closer Look at the Larger Amazon Echo Show Devices

When it comes to the hardware of each smart display, the Echo Show 10 comes out on top in most categories. The only area in which the Echo Show 15 wins is the size of its smart display and its resolution. But let's take a closer look.

Each smart display has a front-facing camera that can be used to make video calls or take selfies.

Amazon Echo Show 10 in a kitchen.Image Credit: Amazon

On the Echo Show 10, the camera is 13MP and has an auto-framing capability, which makes it so the camera follows you if you move around during a video call. You don't have to worry about moving the display or staying in frame because the Echo Show 10 will do that for you.

The Echo Show 15 has a 5MP camera that's static. Because the larger model doesn't have the ability to rotate the smart display on a speaker base like the smaller sibling does, there's no way it can track your movement.

Although it might be obvious by looking at the two displays, the Echo Show 10 has better audio than the Show 15. With two 1-inch tweeters and a 3-inch woofer, the Echo Show 10 provides crisp audio with subtle bass notes. Conversely, the Echo Show 15 only has two 1.6-inch tweeters for audio, which is just fine for video call audio, but you probably won't want to jam out to your favorite songs on these speakers.

Let's also compare the screens and their resolutions. The names of each smart display can help you remember the size of the screen. The Echo Show 10 has a 10.1-inch display with 1280x800 resolution. Then, the Echo Show 15 has a 15.6-inch display with 1920x1080 resolution.

Special Features of Both Echo Show Models

echo-show-15-widgetsImage Credit: Amazon 

Although the Echo Show 10 and 15 models differ in pretty significant ways, like the display size and resolution and audio capability, your decision is probably going to be made based on the special features each model holds.

The biggest special feature of the Echo Show 10 is its rotating screen and auto-tracking capabilities. When you're on a video call, you're free to move around the room and the display will rotate so the camera keeps you centered on the screen at all times. If you're cooking dinner, trying to follow a recipe and moving around the kitchen, the display moves right along with you for easy viewing at all times.

Even though the Echo Show 15 can't move its screen around to follow your movement, it still has some pretty unique features too. Aside from the display being bigger and clearer, the Echo Show 15 offers widgets. Similar to a widget on your smartphone or computer, the Show 15's widgets can be added to the home screen for a customized look.

There are more widgets to come in the future, but right now, the most popular widgets are digital sticky notes, an upcoming appointments block, a to-do list, and a calendar view.

Echo Show 10 vs. Echo Show 15: Which Is Right For You?

When it comes to making your final purchase decision and choosing between the Echo Show 10 and the Echo Show 15, you'll mainly need to consider your needs. Both smart displays are fantastic options for your home, and they're the same price.

If you have a spot in your home that you could imagine hanging the Echo Show 15 and you want a smart bulletin board for your whole family, go with the Echo Show 15. The widgets are incredibly useful for creating a customized dashboard that works for you and your family and with a larger display, everything is easy to read.

For any other scenario, go with the Echo Show 10. Bigger doesn't always mean better, and for most homes, a 10.1-inch smart display is plenty. Plus, the Echo Show 10 is more versatile, with auto-tracking capabilities and a better camera for video calls and better speakers for jam sessions.

Welches ist der beste Echo Show?

Der Echo Show 10 ist der beste Alexa-Lautsprecher im Amazon Echo Vergleich, wenn ihr den Sound eines Amazon Echo 4 und dabei ein größtmögliches Display haben wollt. Ist euch die Größe des Displays und der Klang nicht so wichtig, tun es aber auch die kleinen Geschwister Show 5 und Show 8.

Wann Echo Show 15?

Dank ihm wird der Echo zum Smart-TV. Als Amazon den Echo Show 15 im September 2021 vorgestellt hat, waren die Erwartungen an das Gerät groß. Nichts weniger als die Schaltzentrale fürs Heimnetz sollte es sein.

Hat der Echo Show 15 Lautsprecher?

Musik und Klang: Weniger zum Zuhören gedacht Etwas knauserig zeigt sich Amazon auch bei den eingebauten Lautsprechern. Zwei 1,6-Zoll-Lautsprecher verstecken sich auf der Rückseite. Die sind kleiner als beim günstigen Echo Show 8 – für mehr war im schlanken Rahmen des Echo Show 15 wohl kein Platz.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen ECHO Show?

Dabei gibt es verschiedene Ausführungen: Echo Show 15 mit 15,6 Zoll Bildschirm, Echo Show 10 mit einem 10 Zoll Bildschirm, Echo Show 8 mit einem etwas kleineren Display von 8 Zoll und die kleinste Ausführung ist Echo Show 5 mit einem Bildschirm, der 5,5 Zoll groß ist.