Is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in the behavior because it is reinforced?

Chapter 5
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a neurobiological disorder resulting in developmental impairment and affecting communication, social understanding, and behaviour, 117
classical conditioning a simple form of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to evoke the response usually evoked by another stimulus by being paired repeatedly with the other stimulus, 103
cognitive map a mental representation of surroundings, 117
conditioned response (CR) a learned response to a conditioned stimulus, 104
conditioned stimulus (CS) a previously neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response because it has been paired repeatedly with a stimulus that already elicited that response, 104
contingency theory the view that learning occurs when stimuli provide information about the likelihood of the occurrence of other stimuli, 118
continuous reinforcement a schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced, 113
counterconditioning a fear-reduction technique in which pleasant stimuli are associated with fearevoking stimuli so that the fear-evoking stimuli lose their aversive qualities, 108
discrimination in conditioning, the tendency for an organism to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli that do not forecast an unconditioned stimulus, 107
discriminative stimulus in operant conditioning, a stimulus that indicates whether reinforcement or punishment will follow, 113
extinction process that occurs when stimuli lose their ability to evoke learned responses because the events that had followed the stimuli no longer occur, 106
fixed-interval schedule a schedule in which a fixed amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available, 113
fixed-ratio schedule a schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of correct responses, 114
generalization in conditioning, the tendency for a conditioned response to be evoked by stimuli that are similar to the stimulus to which the response was conditioned, 107
higher-order conditioning a classical conditioning procedure in which a previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by a conditioned stimulus by being paired repeatedly with that conditioned stimulus, 107
latent hidden or concealed, 118
learning a relatively permanent change in behaviour, capabilities or knowledge that results from experience, 102
model a person that engages in a response, which serves as an example that is then imitated by another person, 118
negative reinforcer a reinforcer that when removed increases the frequency of an operant behaviour, 110
observational learning the acquisition of knowledge and skills through the observation of others (who are called models) rather than by means of direct experience, 118
operant behaviour involuntary responses that are reinforced, 109
operant conditioning a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behaviour because it is reinforced, 109
orienting reflex an unlearned response in which an organism attends to a stimulus, 104
partial reinforcement one of several reinforcement schedules in which not every correct response is reinforced, 113
pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) a diagnostic category of the DSM-IV, usually diagnosed in childhood, involving mental disability, learning disorders, and social and communication impairments, 117
positive reinforcer a reinforcer that when presented increases the frequency of an operant behaviour, 110
primary reinforcer an unlearned reinforcer, 111
punishment an unpleasant stimulus that suppresses the behaviour it follows, 111
reinforce to follow a response with a stimulus that increases the frequency of the response, 109
reinforcer any stimulus that increases the frequency of a behaviour, 110
secondary reinforcer a stimulus that gains reinforcement value through association with established reinforcers; also termed conditioned reinforcer, 111
shaping a procedure for teaching complex behaviours that at first reinforces approximations of the target behaviour, 114
spontaneous recovery the recurrence of an extinguished response as a function of the passage of time, 106
stimulus an environmental condition that elicits a response, 103
successive approximations behaviours that are progressively closer to a target behaviour, 115
systematic desensitization a behavioural fearreduction technique in which a hierarchy of fear-evoking stimuli is presented while the person remains relaxed, 108
unconditioned response (UCR) an unlearned response to an unconditioned stimulus, 104
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) a stimulus that elicits a response from an organism prior to conditioning, 103
variable-interval schedule a schedule in which a variable amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available, 114
variable-ratio schedule a schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a variable number of correct responses, 114
Is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in the behavior because it is reinforced?

Which type of learning is considered to be the simplest form of learning?

Habituation is the simplest form of learning and the one first seen in infants. Infants who habituate more rapidly, have short looking time, and have a greater preference for novelty, have higher IQ's later.

Which type of learning happens when an organism learns from the consequences of its behavior?

Operant conditioning is a form of learning in which the motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated. An animal or a human receives a consequence after performing a specific behavior.

Is a procedure for teaching complex behaviors that at first reinforces approximations of the target behavior?

Shaping is a systematic process of reinforcing successive approximations to a target behavior. The technique is used when students need to learn new behavior.

What is a behavior therapy method in which fear evoking stimuli are presented continuously in the absence of actual harm so that fear responses are extinguished?

A behavioral fear-reduction technique based on principles of classical conditioning; fear-evoking stimuli (CSs) are presented continuously in the absence of actual harm so that fear responses (CRs) are extinguished.