Blacklist wer ist berlin

Early TV dramas in the 50s and 60s did indeed have two arcs. The short or episodic arc and the long or "impossible" arc. The point of the impossible arc was that, once resolved, the series was over. Literally.

When The Fugitive proved he was innocent, the series was over and there was no interest in residuals. When Ben Gazarra in RUN FOR YOUR LIFE stopped running, so did the series. When David Carradine found his brother in KUNG FU, it was curtains.

Some shows avoided the problem entirely by making the long arc "romantic" and therefore trivial or forgettable. Look at the CSI series.

This changed in the 1990s when Joss Whedon for a brief period of time ran two hit series on two networks. The writing changed the face of TV, although it took 20 years for everyone to catch up. Whedon showed how the long arc, if teased, could be potentially more interesting than the short arc.

Which was heresy at the time. But he did it nonetheless.

Which is why Whedon is managing the Marvel library -- and you aren't.

I was watching this episode, with really interesting stuff happening, the Tom Keene character killing someone for the sheer joy; people injecting themselves with the deadliest toxin around; a major scientist in a looney bin; some sort of apocalypse coming, and I realized to my own amazement I was more interested in the Lizzie-Reddington connection (will she stay mad at him?) than the end of the world.

The long arc had me hooked. The end of the world I could live with. But I wanted to know who Red was to Lizzie.

"Berlin" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of the American The Blacklist. The episode premiered in the United States on NBC on May 5, 2014.

Elizabeth tells Ressler, and then the FBI, her story about Tom. In the midst of a virus outbreak inside a bank, Elizabeth refuses to work with Red and sends Cooper her resignation, informing him that Red killed her father. Red tries to explain to her that the outbreak is connected to Tom, and ask if her anger towards him (Red) is above putting lives at risk. Elizabeth agrees to work the case, but declares it her last. Red is certain that the Cullen virus is part of a plan to kill him, as well as being capable of creating a widespread epidemic. Red and Elizabeth meet with Dr. Sanders (John Glover), an expert on the virus, who is also a mental patient. The conversation gets loony when Dr. Sanders speaks of Space Agent UD-4126 and omens of the Cullen virus leading to the apocalypse. Elizabeth storms out, accusing Red of using the visit as a diversion to change her mind about quitting. Meanwhile, Cooper is given an ultimatum by his superiors: if Elizabeth walks, Red no longer has immunity and the task force is no more. Elizabeth learns that Dr. Sanders had created an antidote for the virus and the team suspects that he was working with another doctor from outside the mental institution. Elizabeth pays Dr. Sanders another visit and noticing the nurse's ID badge number, it turns out that UD-4126 leads to one Dr. Nikolaus Vogel (Brennan Brown). Once he's arrested, he refuses to talk to Elizabeth, except with the warning of Berlin's coming. Elizabeth had laced his drinking water with the virus, and uses the antidote to blackmail him into talking. Using Tom's code book—which Red had given to her earlier as an "olive branch" - Elizabeth discovers connections among several members of Red's Blacklist, deciphering that he knew someone was targeting his interests, but not specifically who it is. He's been using his relationship with the FBI task force to systematically eliminate his enemies and draw Berlin out of hiding. Dr. Vogel gives up the names of 5 people involved in a prison plane transport, all airport employees infected with Cullen. Elizabeth begins to have a change of heart about leaving, but Cooper tells her it's too late. She finds Red and warns him about the FBI's pursuit and his immunity. She begs him to run, but he refuses, wanting to know about her sudden change of heart. Elizabeth goes on to tell Red how much she wants to kill him for ruining her life, but that she also needs answers from him. He tells her that he needs things from her also, and that nothing is worse than losing her. It becomes apparent to both that they are stuck with each other. As Red surrenders himself, the prison transport plane flies overhead and crashes. The war has begun.



"Berlin" premiered on NBC on May 5, 2014 in the 10–11 p.m. time slot. The episode garnered a 2.7/8 Nielsen rating with 10.47 million viewers, making it the highest rated show in its time slot and the fourth most watched television show of the week.


Jason Evans of The Wall Street Journal gave a positive review of the episode: "Wow… just wow! I love the way the show has now connected many of the random Blacklisters to a larger story. Red and Liz each had some great scenes this episode! Liz turning the tables on Vogel was one of her best moments all season. I can't wait to see what happens next week!"

Cory Barker of gave a mixed review of the episode: "Like many of the 2014 episodes of The Blacklist, "Berlin" was far from bad, but lacked some of the spark that drove the episodes from last fall. This one delivered a couple of key reveals and certainly set stories and characters up for what could be a crazy, deadly finale. Yet, this second half of the season has been so content to just push the goalposts to the next week that there's no guarantee that the crazy and deadly will ever come".

Wer ist Berlins Tochter Blacklist?

Nun, da er weiß, dass seine Tochter Zoe (Scottie Thompson) noch am Leben ist, gibt es einen triftigen Grund weniger, Red zu verabscheuen. Berlin heißt eigentlich Milos Kirchoff, er war einst Mitglied des sowjetischen Politbüros.

Ist Berlin Liz Vater?

Die Lösung des größten Rätsels in The Blacklist wurde bereits in Staffel 8 aufgelöst, ohne offiziell ausgesprochen zu werden: Reddington ist nicht der Vater von Liz, sondern die Mutter.

Wer hat Berlins Tochter ermordet?

Dann erklärt er ihm, was er vor hat: er will ihm seine Frau Stück für Stück zurück schicken, so wie er es bei seiner Tochter getan hat. Berlin lässt sich schließlich von Red zu einem gemeinsamen Treffen überreden und Red macht Berlin klar, dass er den Falschen verdächtigt, seine Tochter getötet haben.

Wer ist die Nummer 2 auf der Blacklist?

Nach Nummer geordnet gestaltet sich die schwarze Liste (Stand 31.05.2022) folgendermaßen: 01 - Elizabeth Keen. 02 - 03 - Katarina Rostova.