Which tool below was written for ms-dos and was commonly used for manual digital investigations?

Software forensics tools are grouped into command-line applications and GUI applications.

Making a logical acquisition of a drive with whole disk encryption can result in unreadable files.

Physically copying the entire drive is the only type of data-copying method used in software acquisitions.

ISO standard 27037 states that the most important factors in data acquisition are the DEFR's competency and the use of validated tools.

All forensics acquisition tools have a method for verification of the data-copying process that compares the original drive with the image

What tool below was written for MS-DOS and was commonly used for manual digital investigations?
2. Norton DiskEdit
3. ByteBack
4. DataLifter

In general, what would a lightweight forensics workstation consist of?

laptop computer built into a carrying case with a small selection of peripheral options

In what mode do most software write-blockers run?

Reconstructing fragments of files that have been deleted from a suspect drive, is known as ??? in North America

The ProDiscover utility makes use of the proprietary ??? file format

What is the purpose of the reconstruction function in a forensics investigation?

Re-create a suspect's drive to show what happened during a crime or incident

Which of the following options is not a subfunction of extraction

In what temporary location below might passwords be stored

The ??? Linus Live CD includes tools such as Autopsy and Sleuth Kit, ophcrack dcfldd, MemFetch, and MBosGrep and utilizes a KDE interface

what option below is an example of a platform specific encryption tool?

What hex value is the standard indicator for jpeg graphics files

Passwords are typically stored as one-way ??? rather than in plain test.

What program serves as the GUI front end for accessing Sleuth Kit's tools

Which of the following is stated within the ISO 27037 standard?

digital evidence first responders should use validated tools.

The physical data copy subfunction exists under the ??? function

keyword search is part of the analysis process within what forensic function

What algorithm is used to decompress Windows files

What is the goal of the NSRL project, created by NIST

collect known hash values for commercial software and OS files using SHA hashes.

When performing disk acquisition, the raw data format is typically created with the UNIS/Linux ??? command

proves that two sets of data are identical by calculating hash values or using another similar method.

What Tool Below Was Written For Ms-Dos And Was Commonly Used For Manual Digital Investigations?

Ms-Dos was a popular operating system for manual digital investigations in the early 2000s. It allowed users to access data files and perform various tasks with ease. The tool below was written for Ms-Dos and was commonly used for manual digital investigations:
Ms-Dos was a popular operating system for manual digital investigations during the early 2000s. It allowed users to access data files and perform various tasks with ease.

Introduction: What is Ms-Dos and what was it commonly used for?

Ms-Dos was originally released in 1981 by Microsoft. It was commonly used for manual digital investigations, such as tracking down files or recovering deleted data. Over time, Ms-Dos has been updated and replaced by newer programs, but it remains a popular tool for investigating digital crimes.

Investigation Tools: What are the most common tools used for manual digital investigations?

Investigation tools vary according to the type of digital evidence being investigated. Common investigative tools used for manual digital investigations include:
-Text editors
-GPS trackers
-Computer forensic analysis software
-File explorers
Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the right one for the specific task at hand. Ms-Dos is a powerful command line tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, such as data extraction, file examination and data encryption/decryption. However, it's not recommended for conducting comprehensive forensic investigations because it lacks advanced features and support for automated analysis. Text editors, such as Word or Notepad, are convenient and easy to use but don't have many features compared to more specialized computer forensic analysis software.

Conclusion: What can be learned from this study?

This study explored how different digital investigation tools can be used to support forensic investigations. The results showed that Ms-Dos was commonly used for manual digital investigations and that it had some limitations. The tool also had some benefits, such as the ability to track changes over time.

What is the command prompt?

The command prompt is the main interface for working with computers. It is a text-based interface that allows you to enter commands and run programs.

The command prompt is a DOS prompt that can be accessed by pressing the key combination CTRL

The command prompt can be accessed by pressing the key combination CTRL + ALT + DEL. This will bring up a command prompt window.


There are a few keyboard shortcuts you can use to make working on a project more efficient. For example, pressing the SHIFT key while typing will autocorrect words to their correct form. Additionally, holding down the SHIFT key while clicking and dragging will allow you to select multiple items simultaneously.


ESC stands for Escape Sequence. It is a sequence of control characters that tells the computer what to do next.

Which tool below was written for ms-dos and was commonly used for manual digital investigations?

What process proves that two sets of data are identical by calculating hash values or using another similar method?

Verification proves that two sets of data are identical by calculatingHash Valuesor using another similarmethod. 53. TheExtractionfunction is the recovery task in a computing investigation and is the most demanding of alltasks to master.

What is the purpose of the reconstruction function in a forensics investigation quizlet?

​What is the purpose of the reconstruction function in a forensics investigation? ​Re-create a suspect's drive to show what happened during a crime or incident.

What program serves as the GUI front end for accessing sleuth kit's tools?

Autopsy® is an easy to use, GUI-based program that allows you to efficiently analyze hard drives and smart phones.

What is the purpose of the reconstruction function in a forensic investigation?

Forensic crime scene reconstruction is the process of determining the sequence of events about what occurred during and after a crime. Crime scenes may be reconstructed through the study and interpretation of scene patterns and the examination of physical evidence.