Which of the following types of research would be considered qualitative research?

Which of the following types of research would be considered qualitative research?

5 Types of Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is the process of acquiring data by studying subjects in their natural habitat. The focus is on understanding the why and how of human behaviour in situations, and is defined as a scientific research method to obtain non-numerical data.

Qualitative research is subjective in nature:
• Methods are designed to understand the lives of participants.
• The process is maintained on neutral lines without placing judgement on individual responses.
• Focus areas are cultures, societies and individuals.

Types of Qualitative Research methods:

1. Ethnography
Ethnography, one of the most popular methods of qualitative research, involves the researcher embedding himself or herself into the daily life and routine of the subject or subjects. Either as an active participant or an observer, the researcher experiences their customs, traditions, mannerisms, reactions to situations etc. first hand, sometimes for years. Geographical constraints could be a hindrance for the researcher.

Example of application: This on-the-field method can help companies in assessing how consumers use certain products or services, and accordingly develop new products or revamp existing products.

2. Narrative
In the Narrative method of qualitative research, the researcher gathers data or facts from one or two subjects through interviews, documents etc. over a period of time. Based on a theme, these are then pieced together (not necessarily in the same sequence) to derive answers and suggestions.

Example of application: A business can use this method to understand challenges faced by their target audience that can in turn be utilised for innovation and development of products.

3. Phenomenology
The Phenomenology qualitative research method is used to study an event or activity as it happens, from various angles. Using interviews, videos, on-site visits etc., one can add on to existing information using perspectives and insights from the participants themselves about the activity or event. It is primarily an experience or perception based research method.

Example of application: Universities can rely on this method to understand how students make their choices about applying to universities/colleges.

4. Grounded Theory
Grounded theory starts with a question or collection of data. Through systematic data collection and analysis, repetitive ideas or elements are coded, and codes are grouped or categorised. New theories may be formed based on these categories.

Example of application: A product-based company can use this method to understand how their customers use their products or individual features of their product or products.

5. Case study
The case study method is used to gather in-depth and detailed information about a subject, which could be any entity, organisation, event or something larger like a country. The nature of this qualitative research method can be explanatory or exploratory.

Example of application: For a business, case studies are a useful tool to formulate strategies, understand influences, devise new methods etc.

With open-ended questions, qualitative research methods produce results that are descriptive and inferences that are useful in breaking down complex problems into simpler components. The onus is on the researcher – he or she can change the course of the research based on the responses from or observations of the subjects.

Grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative research, historical, case studies, and phenomenology are several types of qualitative research designs.  The proceeding paragraphs give a brief over view several of these qualitative methods.

Grounded theory is a systematic procedure of data analysis, typically associated with qualitative research, that allows researchers to develop a theory that explains a specific phenomenon.  Grounded theory was developed by Glaser and Strauss and is used to conceptualize phenomenon using research; grounded theory is not seen as a descriptive method and originates from sociology.  The unit of analysis in grounded theory is a specific phenomenon or incident, not individual behaviors.   The primary data collection method is through interviews of approximately 20 – 30 participants or until data achieves saturation.

Which of the following types of research would be considered qualitative research?

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Ethnographic studies are qualitative procedures utilized to describe, analyze and interpret a culture’s characteristics.  Ethnography was developed in the 19thand 20th centuries and used by anthropologists to explore primitive cultures different from their own; it originated from Anthropology.  Ethnography is used when a researcher wants to study a group of people to gain a larger understanding of their lives or specific aspects of their lives.  The primary data collection method is through observation over an extended period of time.  It would also be appropriate to interview others who have studied the same cultures.

Phenomenology is used to identify phenomena and focus on subjective experiences and understanding the structure of those lived experiences.  It was founded in the early 20th century by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heideggar and originated from philosophy.  Phenomenology is used to describe, in depth, the common characteristics of the phenomena that has occurred.   The primary data collection method is through in-depth interviews.

Case studies are believed to have originated in 1829 by Frederic Le Play.  Case studies are rooted in several disciplines, including science, education, medicine, and law.  Case studies are to be used when (1) the researcher wants to focus on how and why, (2) the behavior is to be observed, not manipulated, (3) to further understand a given phenomenon, and (4) if the boundaries between the context and phenomena are not clear.  Multiple methods can be used to gather data, including interviews, observation, and historical documentation.

What type of research would be considered qualitative research?

Qualitative research focuses on gaining insight and understanding about an individual's perception of events and circumstances. Six common types of qualitative research are phenomenological, ethnographic, grounded theory, historical, case study, and action research.

What are 5 examples of qualitative research?

Also, read about qualitative research examples:.
One-on-one interview: Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research methods. ... .
Focus groups: ... .
Ethnographic research: ... .
Case study research: ... .
Record keeping:.
Process of observation:.

What are the 7 types of qualitative research?

Qualitative research is an important first step in the market research process..
Individual Interviews. ... .
Focus Groups. ... .
Observations or “Shop-Alongs” ... .
In-Home Videos. ... .
Lifestyle Immersion and Real World Dialogue..

What are the 6 qualitative research methods?

The six main forms are:.
Phenomenological Method (deriving from phenomena).
Ethnographic Model..
Grounded Theory Method..
Case Study Model..
Historical Model..
Narrative Model..