Which of the following system software converts programs into a language that the computer understands and processes?

Machine code, also known as machine language, is the elemental language of computers. It is read by the computer's central processing unit (CPU), is composed of digital binary numbers and looks like a very long sequence of zeros and ones. Ultimately, the source code of every human-readable programming language must be translated to machine language by a compiler or an interpreter, because binary code is the only language that computer hardware can understand.

Each CPU has its own specific machine language. The processor reads and handles instructions, which tell the CPU to perform a simple task. Instructions are comprised of a certain number of bits. If instructions for a particular processor are 8 bits, for example, the first 4 bits part (the opcode) tells the computer what to do and the second 4 bits (the operand) tells the computer what data to use.

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001

Depending upon the processor, a computer's instruction sets may all be the same length, or they may vary, depending upon the specific instruction. The architecture of the particular processor determines how instructions are patterned. The execution of instructions is controlled by firmware or the CPU's internal wiring.

Human programmers rarely, if ever, deal directly with machine code anymore. If developers are debugging a program at a low level, they might use a printout that shows the program in its machine code form. The printout, which is called a dump, is very difficult and to work with a tool called a dump. Utility programs used to create dumps will often represent four bits by a single hexadecimal to make the machine code easier to read and contain other information about the computer's operation, such as the address of the instruction that was being executed at the time the dump was initiated.

This was last updated in February 2018

Continue Reading About machine code (machine language)

  • Atari Archives explains machine language in more detail.
  • Bright Hub compares machine code and high-level languages.

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Machine language is a low-level language made up of binary numbers or bits that a computer can understand. It is also known as machine code or object code and is extremely tough to comprehend. The only language that the computer understands is machine language. All programmes and programming languages, such as Swift and C++, produce or run programmes in machine language before they are run on a computer. When a specific task, even the smallest process executes, machine language is transported to the system processor. Computers are only able to understand binary data as they are digital devices.

Which of the following system software converts programs into a language that the computer understands and processes?

In the computer, all data like videos, programs, pictures are represented in binary. The CPU processes this machine code or binary data as input. Then, an application or operating system gets the resulting output from the CPU and displays it visually. For example, the ASCII code 01000001 represents the letter "A" in machine language, yet it is shown on the screen as "A".

Different machine code is used by different processor architectures; however, machine code includes 1s and 0s. For case, as compared to Intel x86 processor that contains a CISC architecture, a PowerPC processor needs different code, which contains a RISC architecture. For the correct processor architecture, in order to run a program correctly, a compiler must compile high-level source code.

For a program or action, the exact machine language can be different by the operating system, which describes how a compiler writes an action into machine language. Similarly, a photograph has over tens of thousands of binary data that determine the colour of each pixel.

Computer programmes are created in one or more programming languages (for example, Java, C++, or Visual Basic). The program code needs to be compiled through which the computer can understand it, as programming languages used to create computer programs cannot be understand by computer directly. When the program' s code is compiled, it is converted into

machine language, so that, the computer can understand it.

Examples of Machine language

The text "Hello World" would be written in the machine language:

Another example of machine language is given below, which will display the letter "A" 1000 times on the screen.

Machine code execution

Every processor family follows a set of instructions that is specifically programmed, and these instructions are laid out by machine code. All minor actionable components, the components that comprise the overall functioning of the machine, are determined by a particular arrangement of basic units. All of the fundamental informational units are represented in binary, which has one or two values of "1" or "0." Because each processor class requires a structural configuration that fits its unique instruction set, all machine code configurations' fundamental instruction sets are linked to similarly matched processor classes.

Uses of Machine Language

Common uses of machine language are discussed below:

  • Machine language is a low-level language that machines understand but that humans can decipher using an assembler.
  • A compiler plays an important role between humans and computers as it converts machine language into other code or language that is understandable by humans.
  • Assembly language is dedicated to comprehending machine language since it is a rip-off of it.

Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language

Which of the following system software converts programs into a language that the computer understands and processes?

There is various difference between Machine Language and Assembly Language. A table is given below that contains all differences between them.

Machine LanguageAssembly Language
Machine language is a low-level programming language made out of binary numbers or bits that can only be read by machines. It is also known as machine code or object code, in which instructions are executed directly by the CPU. Assembly language is a human-only language that is not understood by computers. As a result, it acts as a link between high-level programming languages and machine languages, requiring the usage of an assembler to convert instructions into machine or object code.
Machine language includes binary digits (0s and 1s), hexadecimal and octal decimal, which can be comprehended only by computers and cannot be deciphered by humans. Mnemonics such as Mov, Add, Sub, End, and others make up the assembly language, which people can understand, utilise, and apply.
In machine language, error fixing and modifications cannot be done, and the features of machine languages are varied accordingly. Assembly language has conventional instruction sets, as well as the ability to correct errors and modify programs.
Machine languages are platform-dependent and very difficult to understand by human beings. The syntaxes of Assembly languages are similar to the English language; therefore, it is easy to understand by a human.
Machine language is not possible to learn as it is difficult to memorize and serves as a machine code only. Assembly language is easy to memorize, and it is used for microprocessor-based applications/ devices and real-time systems.
In machine language, all data is present in binary format that makes it fast in execution. As compared to machine language, the execution speed of assembly language is slow.
The sequences of bits are used by Machine language to give commands. Zero represents the off or false state, while one represents the on or true state. It is dependent on the CPU to the conversion of high-level programming language to machine language. Instead of using raw sequences of bits, assembly language uses "mnemonics" names and symbols; therefore, users do not need to remember op-codes with assembly language. In assembly languages, humans can map the code to machine code, and the codes are slightly more readable
The first-generation programming languages are Machine languages, which do not need a translator. The second generation of programming languages is assembly languages, which use assembler as a translator to convert mnemonics into machine-understandable form.
Machine language is hardware-dependent and does not allow for modification. Assembly language is not portable, and it is machine-dependent and can be modified easily.
In the syntax of machine language, there are more chances of errors. As compared to machine language, there are fewer chances of syntax errors in assembly language.

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Which program converts program into machine language?

A compiler takes the program code (source code) and converts the source code to a machine language module (called an object file).

Which language processor convert the program assembly language to machine language?

2. Assembler : The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language into machine code.

Which software changes computer language into a language that humans understand?

A compiler is a computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language to the machine language of a computer. The high-level program is referred to as 'the source code.

Which computer program accepts the high

The correct answer is Compiler. It is a program that translates a source program written in some high-level programming language into machine code for some computer architecture. In simple language, it converts high-level language into machine language.