Which of the following statements about countervailing power in organizational relationships is true

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 10
Power and influence in the workplace

Power: the capacity of a person, team or organization to influence others.

  • It is only the potential
  • Power is based on the target’s perception that the power controller holds
  • Power involves asymmetric (unequal) dependence of one party on another party
    Countervailing power: the capacity of a person, team or organization to keep a more powerful person or group in the exchange relationship.
  • All power relationships depend on some minimum level of trust

Managers typically have more power, whereas employees have weaker countervailing power.
Sometimes employees have more power than their bosses.

Power is derived from four sources:

  • Legitimate
  • Reward
  • Coercive expert
  • Referent

Four contingencies of power:

  • The employees or department’s substitutability
  • Centrality
  • Discretion
  • Visibility

Tree sources of power originate mostly form the power holder’s formal position or informal role

  • Legitimate
  • Reward
  • Coercive

Two other sources of power originate mainly from the power holder’s own characteristics

  • Expert
  • Referent

Legitimate power

Legitimate power: an agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others.
This perceived right or obligation originates from formal job descriptions as well as informal rules of conduct.

Legitimate power has restrictions.
It gives the power holds only the right to ask others to perform a limited domain of behaviors. This domain is the zone of indifference.

The size of the zone of indifference increases with the level of trust in the power holder.
Some values and personality traits also make people more obedient to authority.
The organization’s culture represents another

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Which of the following statements about countervailing power in organizational relationships is true

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Which of the following sources of power originates mainly from the power holder's own characteristics rather than from his or her position or role in the organization?

Expert and referent power originate mainly from the power holder's own characteristics. Feedback: Two other sources of power—expert and referent—originate mainly from the power holder's own characteristics; in other words, people carry these power bases around with them.

Which of the following contingencies of power refers to the availability of alternatives?

Substitutability refers to the availability of alternatives. Power is strongest when someone has a monopoly over an important resource that has no substitutes.

Which of these sources of power originates mainly from the person rather than the position quizlet?

Expert and referent power originate mainly from the power holder's own characteristics. Referent power is mainly developed through a person's interpersonal skills.

Which of the following is an example for information control as an influence tactic?

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