Which of the following personal protective equipment may be reused by the same nurse during a single shift caring for a single client?

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19

You are here: Royal College of Nursing / Get Help / Advice Guides / COVID-19 and personal protective equipment (PPE)

Please note this page is currently being reviewed.

Update 14/07/2022: In this current heatwave, when workplace temperatures are high, it is essential that if you are wearing tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE) that frequent breaks (without RPE) are taken and that you stay hydrated. Further information can be found in our news story and press release.

Here you'll find essential advice and information to help ensure you have the right personal protective equipment (PPE) in your work setting.  SARS-CoV-2 can be spread via airborne, droplet or contaminated  surfaces including hands and gloves.

How we are fighting to keep you safe

Read more about the UK variants and what the RCN is doing in our bulletin.

The RCN was one of a number of organisations who wrote to the government calling for urgent action on better ventilation and PPE, as well as increased awareness and research to prevent the further loss of lives. This matter is still ongoing. See our open letter and the government response for further information.

About PPE

PPE is designed to protect you from harmful substances such as chemicals or infectious agents. In a pandemic situation, it can also help prevent the transmission of infection between staff and patients. PPE is one measure within the hierarchy of controls used in the workplace. The type of PPE you need will depend on a risk assessment which should include the environment you work in and the procedures you carry out. Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) such as FFP3 and FFP2 masks are a form of PPE and, where a risk assessment or national guidance indicates that they should be used, they must be fit tested. 

Remember: PPE is just one way of protecting staff at work. Handwashing, social distancing measures, training, workplace cleaning practices, ventilation, vaccination and risk assessments for staff health also play an important role in infection prevention and control and managing the safety of staff and patients.

Under health and safety legislation, employers have a duty to ensure that risk assessments are carried out and control measures put in place to reduce the risk of harm to staff and patients. The hierarchy of controls should be prioritised and used to guide safe practice in the workplace. This hierarchy contains a number of risk controls to assess and manage prior to the use of PPE and (in the case of SARS-Co-V2 management) includes actions such as isolation of patients suspected or known to have COVID-19, safe systems of work, the provision of policies, education/training, and finally the use of PPE.

Alerts and notices

The HSE/HSE NI and MHRA both issue alerts and notices relating to equipment, PPE or treatment of patients. 

KN95 face masks

Personal protective equipment (PPE)  cannot be sold or supplied unless it is CE marked. KN95 masks are manufactured to a Chinese Standard and are not CE marked. Therefore KN95 masks must not be used as PPE at work.  If you need further support please contact us or the Health and Safety Executive. 

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and PPE

As a result of COVID-19, some people will become critically ill and their clinical progress, or lack thereof, will prompt frequent review of their likelihood of benefitting from CPR. These conversations, reviews and decision-making processes should be individual, documented and decisions should be easily accessible to all staff (such as Advanced Directions, ReSPECT documents or equivalent). The RCN, NMC and GMC are unanimous in the use of advance care plans being made with people and patients, and are explicit that decisions must be made on an individual basis. All health care establishments have policies in place around CPR and guidelines on attempting CPR.

Current Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) guidance (2021) maintains early CPR and defibrillation give people the best chance of survival in any setting. The RCUK have also published guidance on COVID-19. 

The RCN advice is that members outside of the acute hospital setting, should conduct a risk assessment and use their professional judgement to decide whether or not to provide Basic Life Support CPR; taking into consideration the individual needing CPR, the current situation, the environment and their own safety, local policy, and any knowledge of the individual. The NMC has re-iterated in the joint statement on decisions relating to CPR, that all registrants are to use their professional judgement to decide what action should be taken in the best interests of the person in their care. Standards in the NMC Code must continue to be upheld as they are useful to support decision making.

The recent NMC statement on personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic supports the RCN guidance and reflects the realities of clinical decision-making in the context of this pandemic.

Registered nurses or medical professionals lead clinical care during the resuscitation attempt and are therefore accountable for the appropriate delegation and supervision of care provided by unregistered staff e.g. health care support workers. In resuscitation attempts there might be limited time to make enquiries about the competence of other team members. A non-registered team member to whom a task is being delegated during the resuscitation attempt is accountable for accepting the task or not, depending upon their own assessment about their skill level.

Additional guidance is available in the collaborative document Ethical dimensions of COVID-19 for frontline staff.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Community Nursing

We have no access to FFP3 masks. What should we do?

Your employer should, carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment which will identify if PPE is required for where you work, for example patients’ own homes. In some instances, for example when carrying out close contact care with a COVID-19 positive patient, you should be provided with a face fit tested FFP3 mask and be given advice and training on face checking and donning and doffing procedures.

Read our position statement on PPE here.

Your organisation should provide accessible information on this and on what the household can do to reduce risks, in advance of and during any visits. You can also see our COVID-19 workplace risk assessment toolkit. Guidance for adult social care is also available

Some of the patients I visit refuse to have the window open where I am working to increase ventilation. What should I do?

We understand that patients or their families may not want to have the window open in advance, particularly when the weather is cold. Worry about heating bills may also be a consideration.  However, for your safety and also to protect them, it is really important to encourage this and the following of Government guidance for ventilation homes.

Your manager or organisation should send out a communication to all patients and their families explaining why this is important and encourage them to look at government advice.  

If families refuse to support these actions, discuss with your manager what additional steps could be taken to encourage the family/carers to be more proactive. 

Can I refuse to go into a persons’ home if I feel that it is unsafe?

Members may feel unsafe whilst delivering care in patient’s own homes for several reasons.

If you have concerns about other safety issues including access to PPE and or ventilation, then you should follow the guidelines in our refusal to treat when making the decision. Contact us for further advice.  

Additionally, if you have been verbally abused or threatened and you feel you will be at serious risk of assault if you enter the home, do not put yourself at risk. Call your manager and follow the RCN guidance on personal safety when working alone. Remember to report the incident using your organisation's incident reporting procedures as soon as possible.

Development of PPE guidance

Who developed the guidance?

UK wide guidance on infection prevention and control, including the selection and use of PPE sits on gov.uk as a UK wide resource. This guidance was developed and agreed between the respective four counties of the UK, led by the Department of Health and Social Care (England). Public Health England, was the publisher of the UK wide guidance and managed the content on gov.uk. They are now called UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). 

The published guidance is the responsibility of the four devolved UK nations. The RCN is not responsible in any way for guidance produced by these agencies.

Was the RCN consulted in the development of UK guidance on IPC or PPE?

A number of guidance documents have been produced since the pandemic began.

The RCN argued extensively for a review of guidance relating to the use of PPE, including greater alignment with the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards and clarity on the use of PPE for those health care workers providing direct contact within 2m of patients/residents in all care settings given the increase in spread within the community of COVID-19. The RCN's comments were acknowledged and included.   

Guidance on the re-use of single use PPE

Guidance was issued by PHE on the reuse of single use PPE in extreme shortages in April 2020. The development of this guidance was undertaken without consultation with the RCN. The RCN does not support the re-use of single use PPE at this time.

Guidance for health care professionals on immunisation and COVID-19

PHE issued clinical guidance for health care professionals on maintaining immunisation programmes during COVID-19. The RCN was not consulted on this guidance.

Guidance for the remobilisation of services within health and care settings Infection prevention and control recommendations

On 9 July 2020 the RCN was asked to provide broad feedback on an early iteration of the IPC guidance COVID-19: Guidance for the remobilisation of services within health and care settings Infection prevention and control recommendations. The RCN provided broad feedback at this time, in anticipation of confirmed further consultation on content detail. The guidance was issued without further RCN involvement despite an offer to support this work. 

This UK IPC guidance document was revised and updated on 1 June 2021. The RCN was not consulted or asked to review any changes prior to its publication.

What happens next?

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that our knowledge about the disease and its trajectory as a novel virus is guided by emerging evidence and consensus in relation to its prevention and containment. The RCN commits to sustained and significant learning and communication about the pandemic and will continue to speak up and raise our members' concerns to ensure that any guidance produced is fit for purpose to protect them and the patients/populations they serve.

The RCN remains committed to monitoring all relevant guidance and representing the concerns of our members at this challenging time.

Disabilities or impairments and PPE

Many health care professionals have impairments that could mean standard issue PPE is not effective. These include but are not limited to:

  • sensory impairments 
  • use of prosthesis 
  • the use of mobility aids.

For some, PPE is a disabling barrier, for example, employees who communicate well through the ability to lip read will have this communication route disrupted if colleagues are wearing face masks. 

Where there is a change in PPE requirements such as in response to a pandemic, new issues can arise for health care professionals who have not previously been disabled at work. It is essential that processes allow the opportunity for employees to discuss their specific needs regarding PPE and that they are supported by managers in this process.

The Equality Act 2010 (and in Northern Ireland the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) states that employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for employees who meet the definition of disabled. This applies to PPE equipment and the processes around administering PPE. The RCN believes that reasonable adjustments should be granted whether this definition is met or not, on the grounds that reasonable adjustments help us to work to the best of our abilities. 

The RCN expects that all employers support their staff to make known their needs in respect of PPE.

Your employer should work with you to ensure that any risk of PPE affecting your impairment and ability to continue in your role is recognised and processes put in place to mitigate the risk. This may mean adjusting processes around donning and doffing of PPE, exploring options for adapted PPE and/or opportunities to fit PPE, and be confident that it is fit for purpose prior to use in a clinical setting.

The RCN expects that line managers undertake a workplace risk assessment and refer to Occupational Health for further advice if appropriate. Where adjustments cannot be made, temporary redeployment to work that does not require PPE should be considered. You can also see our COVID-19 workplace risk assessment toolkit.

Our publication Removing disabling barriers at work and our online guide on  health ability passports cover the benefits of a diverse workforce including those with impairments and the reasonable adjustments process. 

The Health and Safety Executive also provides guidance for employers and employees on reasonable adjustments. 

Raising concerns

If you feel you are not being supported or that your concerns are not heard, please see our section on  raising concerns about PPE. Support is also available from the RCN Peer Support Service

Expired PPE

RCN members raised concerns that some PPE products have had out-of-date ‘use by/expiration’ dates, or have relabelled ‘use by/expiration’ dates.

The NHS has a stockpile of PPE in case of a pandemic or other emergency. This is distributed through the relevant channels. In England, Wales and Scotland, the NHS has formally reassured the RCN that all stockpiled products being issued have passed stringent tests.

If the PPE provided to you is not fit for purpose (for example is dirty/contaminated or the elastic ties on the face masks has perished), you should:

  • not use the equipment
  • refer to your local policies on the use of PPE and report any quality issues immediately to managers alongside completing a local incident form
  • be provided with alterative PPE by your employer that is fit for use.

Donated PPE will carry no controls over expiry dates. Homemade PPE is not CE marked and carries no quality control assurance at all. Please see further information below under ‘home-made PPE’.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Facial hair

If a risk assessment and public health guidelines identify that you may be required to wear an FFP3 face mask as a form of personal protective equipment, it is important to be clean shaven in order to get a good protective seal of the mask to the face.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act, you are required to co-operate with the employer to ensure they meet their legal requirements to protect your health and safety and those of other staff.

In circumstances where beards are worn for religious reasons, or where someone has a skin condition that makes it impractical to shave every day, alternative personal protective equipment in the form of respiratory hoods should be offered for those working in areas where FFP3 is deemed necessary.

FFP3 and FFP2 masks: fit testing and fit checking

FFP3 and FFP2 face masks are types of tight fitting respiratory protective equipment that provide a higher level of respiratory protection than surgical face masks.  Their safety is dependent on wearers undergoing a ‘fit’ test, to ensure that there is an adequate personal fit and seal to protect the wearer from fine aerosols containing virus particles. 

There are two fit test methods, qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative fit testing is a pass/fail test based on the wearer’s subjective assessment of any leakage through the face seal region by detecting the introduction of bitter- or sweet-tasting aerosol as a test agent.

Quantitative fit testing, which involves ambient particle counting or controlled negative pressure measurements, should be used as an alternative to test the adequacy of the respirator.

Where national infection prevention and control guidance and/or local risk assessments indicate that FFP3 or FFP2 levels of protection are required, a fit test must be carried out prior to first wearing a new model of FFP3 or FFP2 mask. Fit tests must also be carried out whenever there is a change to the type or model or whenever there is a change in circumstances of the wearer that could alter the fit of the mask e.g. weight loss or gain or substantial dental work.

Fit testing must be carried out by a competent person as described by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). 

In addition to a fit test, a fit check must be carried out by the user every time an FFP3 or FFP2 mask is put on. The HSE has guidance on this including an instructional video. The HSE’s guidance also requires a fit test report/certificate to be made available to the employee to include the date, method and make and model of mask they have been fit tested for.  

The user must be trained on how to carry out a fit check. A fit check is not a substitute for a fit test. 

What if I have concerns about fit testing?

There were concerns about the efficacy of the fit testing process.

The RCN views any lack of fit testing as unacceptable and has sought urgent intervention from the HSE in Great Britain and the HSE for Northern Ireland, as we consider staff at risk from exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace as a result of poorly fitting masks avoidable and indefensible. The RCN believes that employers must ensure that those carrying out fit testing, be it in-house or externally are competent to do such testing. Using an externally accredited fit tester, who can also provide training for additional fit testers within an organisation, provides assurances on competency. Employers should follow the HSE’s guidance on the knowledge requirements of a fit tester and the validation of equipment to be used.

Staff who are required to wear FFP3 or FFP2 masks should be trained in how to carry out a fit check in addition to donning and doffing training. 

In the context of the pandemic and to future proof FFP3 and FFP2 provision, the RCN calls on manufacturers to review the design of masks to ensure that there is a good selection of FFP3 and FFP2 masks suitable in fit for a predominantly female nursing workforce.

Where risk assessments require staff to wear FFP3 or FFP2 masks and where a subsequent fit test is failed for all models available, staff should either be redeployed to areas where FFP3 and FFP2 masks are not required or be provided with a powered or constant flow airline breathing apparatus respirator protection with loose fitting hoods or helmets which do not require fit testing. 

Further information

A list of external accredited fit testers can provide training for additional fit testers within your organisation.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Gowns and coveralls

The previous shortage of long sleeved non-surgical gowns to protect HCWs working in high risk areas or performing aerosol generating procedures (AGP) has led the Health and Safety Executive to approve the use of disposable coveralls as an alternative to gowns for high risk activities or for staff working in such areas. The use of coveralls has been added to the UK guidance on PPE.

The safe donning and doffing (putting on and taking off) of coveralls is required and HCWs required to use coveralls should receive training from their employer on how to do this safely.
Coveralls provided for use in health care to deliver care for COVID-19 related activities must meet the required procurement specifications.

Please see our other sections:

  • expired PPE
  • home-made PPE.

Long sleeves and hand hygiene – some members have reported being asked to cut the sleeves short to facilitate hand hygiene. Likewise, some Trusts support rolling up of sleeves to support hand hygiene and unnecessary glove use. Members should follow their local IPC policies/guidance. Please see our section below on raising concerns if required. 

Heat stress

PPE is essential for ensuring the health and safety of staff and protecting them from contracting COVID-19. However, it is recognised that wearing PPE for long periods can also create additional health and safety risks for nursing staff. PPE is extremely uncomfortable and can lead to heat stress, fatigue and heat related illness, which places a risk to both nursing staff and the patients that they are looking after.

The health and safety of health and care staff is of paramount importance and the RCN expect employers to meet their legal duties by taking all appropriate steps to both assess and mitigate the risk of nursing staff developing heat stress and related illnesses. These steps include:

  • Ensuring the temperature of the working environment is comfortable (looking at air temperature, reducing sources of radiant heat, reviewing air speed and humidity). While there is no upper legal limit on workplace temperatures, the regulations state that workplace temperatures should be reasonable, the Chartered Institute of Building Engineers recommend that hospital environments should be 18 degrees centigrade.
  • Regular rest breaks during the shift – manufacturers’ recommendations on the maximum time for wearing FFP2/3 face masks should always be followed, but masks would need to be changed if, breathing becomes difficult; the respirator is damaged; the respirator becomes obviously contaminated by respiratory secretions or other bodily fluids, or a proper face fit cannot be maintained (e.g. due to sweat causing slippage).
  • Allow staff to take power naps especially during night shifts
  • Access to comfortable (temperature as well as seating) rest facilities and water/fluids containing electrolytes
  • Access to toilet facilities and ability to take breaks
  • Raise awareness amongst staff of the signs of dehydration and heat stress and measures that can be taken to reduce the risk
  • Limit to shift length and continuous back to back long shifts (cross refer to shift work position)

The RCN also recognise that certain health conditions will make it more difficult to tolerate wearing PPE. Employers should assess any risks to these individuals and make necessary adjustments under both health and safety and equality law. See ‘PPE for staff with disabilities or impairments’ below.

Further information

For information on how to reduce the risk of heat stress and related illness, please see Rest, Rehydrate and Refuel. 

HSE have also produced a heat stress risk assessment toolkit for employers. 

Our guidance on skin health is here along with our publication on maintaining skin health when using PPE.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Home-made PPE

PPE for use in health and care settings must meet specified health and safety standards included within the product specifications for examination gloves, gowns, surgical face masks, respirator masks and eye protection. This is to ensure reliable and effective protection against infection, and ensure PPE is fit for purpose. Any personal protective equipment made by hand, for example cotton face masks, will not provide the level of protection required against COVID-19.

  The RCN is clear that health care workers must not accept any home-made PPE donations. Your employer is responsible for providing you with PPE that meets health and safety standards.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Independent health and care settings

Use our checklist to check what protections should be in place in your workplace - including PPE, facilities and risk assessments.

Latex in PPE

PPE in use across the UK may contain natural rubber latex (NRL), including gloves and face masks. 

Proteins found in NRL are known to cause allergic reactions in some individuals, including:

  • a type I allergy or immediate hypersensitivity reaction which can cause skin urticaria or more serious swelling of the throat or mouth and severe asthma  
  • a type IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction which occurs when the NRL (the sensitiser) enters the skin and combines with immune cells.   

Type IV reactions can cause contact urticaria. In sensitised individuals with a type I allergy to NRL, exposure can be life threatening. 

Powdered NRL gloves are particular risk to those with latex allergies as proteins attach themselves to the powder and become airborne increasing the risk of exposure. 

Managing exposure and using safe alternatives  

Whilst the use of PPE containing NRL has not been banned, the Health and Safety Executive expect organisations to have systems in place to manage the risk of exposure to staff and patients with NRL allergies. Many health care organisations have taken steps to eliminate or severely restrict the use of products containing NRL from their sites. 

The RCN expects all health and social care organisations to have and to follow their policies on the management of latex allergy in staff and patients.

Safer alternatives or latex free products should be used and staff and patients with known latex allergy should never be exposed to NRL containing products. Powdered NRL gloves should never be used.   

Where no safer alternatives are available and the risk of exposure to a biohazard exists, then a COSHH risk assessment will inform whether the use of PPE containing NRL is acceptable for use by staff without NRL allergy.

Incident reporting

Any allergic type reactions to PPE, including skin rashes, should be reported using the organisations incident reporting form and through the yellow card reporting system to the MHRA. 

Organisations that have no alternative supplies to NRL PPE should document this as a Serious Untoward/Adverse Incident.

Read more about raising concerns about PPE.

Menopause and PPE

Wearing PPE is extremely uncomfortable and can lead to heat stress, fatigue and heat related illness. It is recognised that wearing PPE for long periods can also create additional health and safety risks for staff.

For those experiencing symptoms due to menopause, this can sometimes add to the burden of working in intensive areas of practice.

It is always important to recognise that for many reasons the impact of the menopause may differ greatly for individuals. For some, symptoms may include poor concentration, tiredness, poor memory, feeling low or depressed and lowered confidence. Hot flushes at work are a major source of distress for many women. Things that make hot flushes more difficult to cope with are working in hot and poorly ventilated environments, formal meetings and high visibility work such as formal presentations.

These symptoms can be compounded when having to wear PPE, especially for long periods of time, and it is important that staff are supported to enable them to cope in these challenging times.

It is important in these circumstances, to remain hydrated and to use a good hydrating moisturiser which can be applied under masks and to keep some cool wet wipes handy. You can find further guidance in The menopause and work: guidance for RCN representatives which outlines some of these symptoms and possible adjustments to be considered in the workplace. 

Please also see our section on Heat Stress above.

Further information

Menopause at work: managing hot flushes and PPE - Nursing Standard article which may require signing in to access in full

RCN guidance on skin health, also RCN publication on Maintaining skin health when using PPE.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE below.

Mental health and learning disability services and PPE

Reusable face respirators

The provision of reusable face respirators is one option for respiratory protective equipment (RPE).  

Reusable respirators provide advantages over disposable single use face masks (FFP2/3) that are required for ‘high risk’ procedures and environments associated with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Reusable face respirators can support the reduction in use of single use respirators where supply is problematic and reduce the need for repeat fit testing where multiple brands are supplied, or individuals have difficulty in finding a mask that fits correctly. 

All FFP3/2 respirators require fit testing and fit checking.

Pooling use of respirators amongst groups of staff is not acceptable

We expect employers to introduce:

  • individually allocated masks
  • suitable storage facilities and labelling to manage risks associated with cleaning and replacement of filters, reducing the transmission of infection and 
  • availability of appropriate sizes. 

Reusable RPE must also be subject to thorough maintenance, examination and tests. These should be carried out at least once a month by trained personnel following manufacturer’s instructions and records of examinations kept for five years.  

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Reusing PPE

Single use equipment including PPE is defined by manufacturers as ‘any medical equipment, instrument or apparatus designed to only be used once and then disposed of’. They are identified through this symbol present on packaging or equipment instructions. Single use masks and gowns should not be washed/laundered and then reused, as this process may render their protective elements ineffective and damage them, placing the health care worker at risk.

Which of the following personal protective equipment may be reused by the same nurse during a single shift caring for a single client?

If you have been asked to reuse PPE, you should raise the following questions with your employer in writing:

  • Why are we in this position?
  • Has the risk assessment been revised and what are the revisions? Please provide me with a copy.
  • What are the additional risks to me and my colleagues?
  • Confirm the additional risks that are created by reusing PPE
  • What other control measures have been considered?
  • What considerations have been made before getting to a point of reusing PPE?
  • What assessment has been made that the PPE is suitable to reuse?
  • What qualification does the person have in order to inspect the PPE in order to say it is suitable to wear again?
  • What is the agreed action plan to support implementation of this shortage and does it include a consideration of all measures to manage usage effectively? Please provide me with a copy.
  • How long in time am I expected to reuse PPE?

Ask for the answers to these questions in writing and use your local reporting procedures to record each time you are placed in this position. If you have one, speak to your local RCN workplace representative for support in asking/escalating these issues. You could also work with colleagues to raise these concerns together, so you are not a lone voice.

If you need further support, please contact us.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

Skin health

Supply and distribution

NHS and social care employers must follow statutory obligations in relation to the provision of PPE, otherwise they may be in breach of the following:

  • Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Regulation 4 of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • The implied terms to provide a safe place of work and reasonable support in all our members’ contracts of employment.

Regulation 4 of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 states:
Every employer shall ensure that suitable personal protective equipment is provided to his employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety while at work except where and to the extent that such risk has been adequately controlled by other means which are equally or more effective. The accompanying guidance states: Employers should, therefore, provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and training in its usage to their employees wherever there is a risk to health and safety that cannot be adequately controlled by other means. In order to provide PPE for their employees, employers must do more than simply have the equipment on the premises. The employees must have the equipment readily available, or at the very least have clear instructions on where they can obtain it.

By virtue of Section 9 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, no charge can be made to the worker for the provision of PPE which is used only at work. Section 9 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 states: "No employer shall levy or permit to be levied on any employee of his any charge in respect of anything done or provided in pursuance of any specific requirement of the relevant statutory provisions". Section 9 applies to these Regulations because they impose a 'specific requirement' - i.e. to provide PPE.

As a result of concerns raised about lack of access to health and safety equipment, we wrote to the Health & Safety Executive to make clear our expectation that they will issue instructions to all providers of care where patients are being treated for, or are suspected of, COVID-19 infection.

Accessing supplies

PPE supply and distribution processes are different across the four UK countries:


The process of distribution is managed through the NHS supply chain. There is a dedicated supply service which includes separate information for NHS trusts and community including care homes and hospice partners. The information is updated regularly. You can also call the dedicated telephone number 0800 876 6802.

For Community Healthcare Partners, supply of PPE should be through the usual ordering and supply channels. If there is an urgent requirement that cannot be currently met, please call the National Supply Disruption Response (NSDR) team on 0800 915 9964.

See also NHS England and NHS Improvement: Accessing supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


The distribution of PPE is being led centrally by National Procurement. There is a dedicated point of contact for PPE in each Health Board. Staff can also raise concerns about a lack of PPE directly with the Scottish Government by emailing , which is monitored continuously.

Social care providers who have confirmed/suspected cases of COVID-19 should contact local NHS trusts and boards to establish possible local supply routes.

If there remains an urgent need for PPE, contact the triage centre at NHS National Services for Scotland (NHS NSS) by emailing or calling 0300 303 3020.

Northern Ireland

We are currently awaiting more information.


The process of purchase and distribution is managed by NHS Wales Shared Services. They can be contacted by emailing .

Using your own PPE

PPE for use in health and care settings must meet specified health and safety standards included within the procurement specifications for examination gloves, gowns, surgical face masks, respirator masks and eye protection. This is to ensure reliable and effective protection against infection, and ensure PPE is fit for purpose. 

Any personal protective equipment made by hand or supplied/bought outside of normal healthcare procurement systems may not meet the required standards under health and safety law or provide the level of protection required against COVID-19. 

Employers are responsible for providing their employees with adequate personal protective equipment. The RCN is clear that health care workers must not take their own PPE or, no matter how well meaning they are, accept any PPE hand-made donations.

Raising concerns

If you have concerns about PPE processes or equipment, please see our section on raising concerns about PPE.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment toolkit

Take a look at the new RCN Risk Assessment toolkit which supports RCN members and wider health care professionals manage the risks of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Winter wellbeing

Protecting yourself and your patients is vitally important this winter

Raising concerns about PPE

Organisations must have effective procedures in place to allow nursing staff and their representatives to raise any concerns in relation to equipment, policies and processes for managing COVID-19 at the earliest opportunity.

Nursing staff should feel able to raise concerns without detriment and should receive timely feedback on their concerns. If your concerns remain unresolved, refer to:

  • our raising concerns guidance
  • PPE - are you safe?
  • our refusal to treat guidance,

and speak to your line manager.

If you have followed these steps and the issue is still not resolved, please contact us. 

Which of the following personal protective equipment may be reused by the same nurse during a single shift caring for a single client?

Page last updated - 22/08/2022

When caring for a single client during one shift it is appropriate for the nurse to re use which of the following personal protective equipment?

When caring for a single client during one shift, it is appropriate for the nurse to reuse only which of the following personal protective equipment? Unless overly contaminated by material that has splashed in the nurse's face and cannot be effectively rinsed off, goggles may be worn repeatedly (option 1).

What type of personal protective equipment may be needed when caring for a resident?

Contact Precautions require the use of gown and gloves on every entry into a resident's room. The resident is given dedicated equipment (e.g., stethoscope and blood pressure cuff) and is placed into a private room.

Which is the most effective nursing action for preventing and controlling the spread of infection?

Hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is the single most effective measure to stop transmission of health care associated pathogens[18]. Use of personal protective equipment.

Which process would the nurse implement to achieve removal of all organisms?

Sterilization is a process used on equipment and the environment to destroy all pathogens, including spores and viruses. Sterilization methods include steam, boiling water, dry heat, radiation, and chemicals. Because of the harshness of these sterilization methods, skin can only be disinfected and not sterilized.