Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Recommended textbook solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Politics in States and Communities

    15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

    177 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    American Government

    1st EditionGlen Krutz

    412 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Criminal Justice in America

    9th EditionChristina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole

    105 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    American Corrections

    11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

    160 solutions

    Recommended textbook solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    American Government

    1st EditionGlen Krutz

    412 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Politics in States and Communities

    15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

    177 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Politics in States and Communities

    15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

    177 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Criminal Justice in America

    9th EditionChristina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole

    105 solutions

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    Terms in this set (75)

    what are institutions?

    structures of the political system; carry out the work of governing; vary by country

    examples of institutions

    legislatures, executives, judicial systems, bureaucracies, armies

    HOG vs. HOS

    HOG is person who actually runs the gov't
    HOS is person who is the face of the gov't

    what are parliamentary systems?

    combine the legislative and executive branches, which allows the national legislature (MPs voted by people) to select and remove the HOG and cabinet

    what is the role of the cabinet in parliamentary systems?

    most important decision-making body; assists PM & runs majors ministries

    example of parliamentary system

    United Kingdom

    what is the role of the cabinet in presidential system?

    the cabinet is mostly responsible to the independent and elected executive

    describe the legislature in a presidential system

    there is a fixed-term popular election for the national legislature

    the legislature can only remove cabinet members through impeachment (so the legislature must approve cabinet members nominated by the executive)

    what is the role of the executive leader in a presidential system?

    there is a fixed-term popular election for the top executive leader

    executive serves as both the HOS and the HOG (so leader executes laws AND represents the state)

    president can often appoint members to all 3 branches of gov't

    examples of presidential systems

    Mexico & Nigeria

    what are semi-presidential systems?

    these feature separate popular elections for the president and for the national legislature, allowing the president to nominate a prime minister (who must be approved by the legislature)

    what is the role of the cabinet in a semi-presidential system?

    it is held accountable by both the president and the legislature

    example of a semi-presidential system


    which countries have hybrid political systems?

    China & Iran

    what can parliaments do?

    disapprove of cabinet ministers

    refuse to pass executive proposed legislation (same for Presidential systems!)

    question the executive and cabinet ministers

    impose time deadlines on calling new elections

    advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary systems...

    advantages: efficiency in passing legislation, clearer accountability to voters

    disadvantages: instability, hasty decision-making

    advantages and disadvantages of presidential systems...

    advantages: checks power of legislature; since directly elected, more of a national mandate

    disadvantages: difficulty removing unpopular president until next election, gridlock, creeping authoritarianism

    advantages and disadvantages of semi-presidential systems...

    advantages: shields president from criticism (can blame the PM), can remove unpopular PM and maintain stability from presidential fixed terms, additional checks and balances

    disadvantages: confusion about accountability, confusing and inefficient legislation

    what does an executive system do?

    carries out the laws & policies of the state

    what does the Head of State do?

    symbolizes and represents the people

    may or may not have policymaking power

    in parliamentary systems, they greet foreign ambassadors

    what does the Head of Government do?

    in charge of actually running the government

    what is a single executive system and which countries are examples?

    one person is both the HOS and HOG

    ex: Mexico and Nigeria.

    what is a dual executive system and which countries are examples?

    one person is the HOS and another person is the HOG

    example: UK and Russia

    who is the most important person in policymaking?

    the chief executive

    who is China's president and what do they do?

    Xi Jinping

    serves as commander in chief, chair of China's military commission (PLA), & general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (so appointed by NPC)

    who is China's premier (of the NPC) and what do they do?

    Li Keqiang

    nominated by the president; serves as the HOG who oversees civil service

    how does change in China's top leadership happen?

    "behind closed doors"

    who is Iran's supreme leader and what do they do?

    Ali Khamenei

    HOG--sets the political agenda, serves as the commander in chief, & appoints:

    -top ministers
    -the expediency council
    -half of the guardian council
    -head of the judiciary

    who is Iran's president and what do they do?

    Hassan Rouhani

    HOS--is elected for up to two 4-year terms, oversees civil service, & conducts foreign policy

    is the commander in chief responsible to the public?

    in authoritarian regimes, no

    in democratic regimes, yes

    who is Mexico's president and what do they do?


    HOS and HOG--commander in chief, leader of the bureaucracy, can approve domestic legislation, leads foreign policy

    limited to 1 term

    who is Nigeria's president and what do they do?

    Mohammadu Buhari

    HOS and HOG--chief executive, commander in chief, head of civil service, can approve domestic legislation, & conduct foreign policy

    who is Russia's prime minister and what do they do?

    Mikhail Mishustin


    HOG--oversees civil service

    who is Russia's president and what do they do?

    Vladimir Putin


    HOS--commander in chief, appoints top ministers, conducts foreign policy, & presides over the Duma in certain situations

    who is the UK's monarch and what do they do?

    Queen Elizabeth

    serves ceremonially as HOS and "formally" appoints the Prime Minister

    who is the UK's prime minister and what do they do?

    Boris Johnson

    the PM is the leader of his/her party or coalition holding the largest number of seats in the House of Commons

    HOG--can call elections, sets the foreign policy agenda, serves as de facto commander in chief, & chief executive over the civil service

    what is the Duma?

    Russian legislature

    what is a commander in chief?

    the top governmental official in charge of military decisions

    what is civil service?

    permanent members of bureaucratic agencies who implement laws and government regulations

    advantages of executive term limits

    check executive power and inhibit the emergence of dictators and personality rule

    help to focus the officeholder on governing rather than winning elections

    provide opportunities for new leaders with new ideas, policies, or goals

    prevent executives from consolidating power

    disadvantages of executive term limits

    they force good executives to leave office

    allow insufficient time for an officeholder to achieve goals

    impede policy continuity

    weaken accountability

    create a lame-duck period for the officeholder

    prevent the officeholder from building experience as chief executive

    can cause poorly designed policy

    judicial independence in UK?

    no true independence

    judicial independence in Russia

    no true independence

    judicial independence in Iran

    no true independence

    judicial independence in Mexico

    transitioning toward independence

    judicial independence in China

    no true independence

    judicial independence in Nigeria

    transitioning toward independence

    rule of law

    the principle that a state should be governed by a clear set of known laws not by arbitrary decisions made by individual government officials.

    Which of the following is an accurate explanation of an advantage of executive term limits?

    Executive term limits can prevent executives from consolidating power.

    Which of the following is true of the cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria?

    The legislature must approve cabinet members nominated by the executive.

    The primary difference between a commander in chief in a democratic regime and a commander in chief in an authoritarian regime is that only in

    a democratic regime is the commander in chief accountable to the citizens

    Which of the following best explains the effect of the president's combined role as both head of state and head of government in countries such as Nigeria and Mexico?

    The president is responsible for both executing the laws and representing the state.

    Which of the following is an accurate comparison of a head of state and a head of government?

    A head of state generally serves as the symbolic political representative of the nation, while a head of government is the official responsible for running the government.

    Which of the following is true of Iran's Supreme Leader?

    He has the power to appoint half of the members of the Guardian Council.

    Which of the following explains a potentially negative consequence of executive term limits?

    Executive term limits can force effective executives out of office.

    Which of the following best explains different checks that legislatures have on the executive in the United Kingdom and Mexico?

    Even though the United Kingdom and Mexico have different types of political systems, in both countries the legislature can be a powerful check on the executive.

    Which of the following statements accurately compare the parliamentary systems of China and the United Kingdom?

    Even though China and the United Kingdom have parliamentary systems, they differ in how they choose their leadership: there is little competition over the selection of China's premier, while the selection of the United Kingdom's prime minister is competitive.

    Which of the following is a similarity between the political systems of Mexico and Iran?

    Both countries have popularly elected presidents.

    Which of the following is often true about semi-presidential systems?

    The president usually nominates the prime minister, which implies that the prime minister would support the president's policy agenda.


    agencies that implement government policy


    - armed forces that are used to protect the nation state against possible or actual invasion by the military forces of other nations
    - also used to maintain the power of the gov't within the nation state-s borders
    - also used to project the power of the nation state

    intelligence agencies

    all AP6 countries operate domestic and international intelligence

    independent judiciary depends on

    - amount of authority the courts have to overrule executive and legislative actions
    - process by which judicial officials acquire their jobs
    - the length of judicial terms
    - the professional and academic backgrounds officials are expected to have
    - processes used to remove judges

    independence judiciaries can strengthen democracy by

    - maintaining checks and balances
    - protecting rights and liberties
    - establishing rule of law
    - maintaining separation of powers

    Russia judicial system

    - uses the judicial system to target opposition
    - has judicial review, but has never been used
    - judges nominated by president and approved by Federation council

    United Kingdom

    - uses common law to enforce the rule of law
    - SC: final court of appeals, protect human rights/civil liberties, rules on devolution
    - NO judicial review

    Mexico judicial system

    - YES judicial review
    - constitutional amendments have been implemented with the intent to make the system more independent and effective
    - SC magistrates are nominated by the president, approved by the Senate for a term of 15 years

    Nigeria judicial system

    - YES judicial review
    - an effort has been made to reestablish it legitimacy and independence by reducing corruption
    - under the systen of federalism, islamic sharia courts have been reestablished in N. Nigeria
    - SC judges are reccomended by the judicial council, and appoointed by the president with confirmation by the Senate

    China judicial system

    - BY law not rule of law, so judicial system is subsurvient to the decisions of the chinese communist party
    - NO judicial review

    Iran judicial system

    - ensure that the legal system is based on religious law, so judges must be trained is Sharia law
    - head of judiciary is appointed by the Supreme leader and can nominate half of the guardian council with approval by the Majles
    - 'jursist guardianship' means that senior clerics have authority over the community
    - NO judicial review

    Constitutional Courts

    highest judicial body in a political system that decides whether laws and policies violate the constitution

    legislatures have the potential to reinforce legitimacy and stability by:

    - responding to public demand
    - openly debating policy
    - facilitating compromise between factions
    - extending civil liberties
    -restricting the power of the executive

    constraints on legislative power in China

    - the politburo standing committee, which is actual center of power in the Chinese state
    - standing committee of the NPC, which assumes legislative duties most of the year when NPC not in session

    china standing committee

    - sets NPC legislative agenda
    - supervises NPC member elections
    - interprets the Constitution and laws

    Which of the following describes an accurate difference between executive term limits in Iran and in Mexico?

    The Iranian president is limited to one term, whereas the Mexican president is limited to two terms.

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    Recommended textbook solutions

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    Politics in States and Communities

    15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

    177 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

    16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

    269 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    American Corrections

    11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

    160 solutions

    Which of the following is true of the Cabinet in both Mexico and Nigeria quizlet?

    American Government

    1st EditionGlen Krutz

    412 solutions

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