Which of the following is the best example of a passive gene-by-environment interaction?


We propose a theory of development in which experience is directed by genotypes. Genotypic differences are proposed to affect phenotypic differences, both directly and through experience, via 3 kinds of genotype → environment effects: a passive kind, through environments provided by biologically related parents; an evocative kind, through responses elicited by individuals from others; and an active kind, through the selection of different environments by different people. The theory adapts the 3 kinds of genotype-environment correlations proposed by Plomin, DeFries, and Loehlin in a developmental model that is used to explain results from studies of deprivation, intervention, twins, and families.

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What is an example of a passive gene

For instance, mothers' smoking during pregnancy is partially genetically influenced, and those genes may be passed down to her offspring (a passive gene-environment correlation with the offspring's prenatal environment).

What is passive gene

Passive rGE occurs when heritable traits of the parents influence the family environment, such that biological parents pass on genotypes to their children, as well as an environment that correlates with the genotype.

What is one example of a gene by environment interaction?

One example of a gene–environment interaction involves the NAT2 gene, smoking as the environmental factor, and bladder cancer. Tobacco smoking is a known risk factor for bladder cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, smokers are at least three times as likely to get bladder cancer as non-smokers.

What are passive genes?

(i) Passive gene–environment correlation refers to the association between the genotype a child inherits from their parents and the environment in which the child is raised. Parents create a home environment that is influenced by their own heritable characteristics.