Which of the following is generally the most important agent of political socialization?

  • In discussing public opinion, opinion intensity is __________. (p. 180, objective one, CO6, knowledge)

      a. One's perception of the relevance of an issue
      b. The strength of one's opinion about an issue
      c. The degree to which public opinion on an issue changes over time
      d. The stability of one's opinion
  • Agents of political socialization include __________. (pp. 182–184, objective two, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Family and friends
      b. School and religion
      c. The media
      d. All of the above
  • Polls conducted using straw polling __________. (p. 185, objective three, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Are generally highly reliable in measuring public opinion
      b. Are inaccurate and unreliable in measuring public opinion
      c. Are rarely used by pollsters in measuring public opinion
      d. Tend to oversample young people
  • Approximately __________ of first-year students believe that it is very important to perform volunteer work and participate in community action programs. (p. 192, objective four, CO6, knowledge)

      a. 28 percent
      b. 48 percent
      c. 68 percent
      d. 88 percent
  • After the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, __________. (p. 188, objective four, CO6 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Levels of confidence and trust in government increased and remained high over the following ten years
      b. Levels of confidence and trust in government immediately declined
      c. Levels of confidence and trust in government initially declined but increased over the next ten years
      d. Levels of confidence and trust in government initially increased but declined and remained low shortly after
  • Over the past four decades, the average turnout of eligible voters in presidential-year elections has been approximately __________. (p. 197, objective six, CO6, knowledge)

      a. 50 percent
      b. 75 percent
      c. 30 percent
      d. 90 percent
  • Political participation includes __________. (pp. 194–196, objective six, CO6 and CO8, knowledge)

      a. Voting
      b. Participation in political rallies
      c. Discussing politics with family members and friends
      d. All of the above
  • As an agent of political socialization, schools __________. (pp. 182-183, objective two, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Often reinforce political values learned at home
      b. Play a limited role in teaching about politics and government
      c. Tend to reinforce radical change in the political system
      d. Do not reinforce a sense of patriotism
  • Recently, public opinion was confused about which issue? (p. 187, objective one, CO6 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. Health care
      b. Abortion
      c. Capital punishment
      d. Gun control
  • Which of the following statements best describes public attitudes toward abortion? (p. 178, objective one, CO6 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. The public is resoundingly pro-life
      b. The public is resolutely pro-choice
      c. The public has no strong opinions about abortion
      d. About an equal number of Americans identify as pro-choice as identify as pro-life
  • A person's perception of the relevance of an issue is known as __________. (p. 180, objective one, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Opinion intensity
      b. Opinion saliency
      c. Opinion stability
      d. Opinion direction
  • The degree to which public opinion on an issue changes over time is known as __________. (p. 180, objective one, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Opinion intensity
      b. Opinion saliency
      c. Opinion stability
      d. Opinion direction
  • In discussing public opinion, opinion direction is __________. (p. 180, objective one, CO6, knowledge)

      a. One's perception of the relevance of an issue
      b. The strength of one's opinion about an issue
      c. The degree to which public opinion on an issue changes over time
      d. One's position in favor of or against a particular issue
  • Approximately what percentage of Americans thought in 2016 that the economy was the most important problem facing the country? (p. 180, objective one, CO6 and CO10, knowledge)

      a. 20 percent
      b. 40 percent
      c. 60 percent
      d. 80 percent
  • The set of values, beliefs, and traditions about politics and government that is shared by most members of society is known as political __________. (pp. 181–182, objective two, CO6, knowledge)

      a. Behavior
      b. Participation
      c. Culture
      d. Socialization
  • What is the most important agent of political socialization?

    Political socialization begins in childhood. Some research suggests that family and school teachers are the most influential factors in socializing children, but recent research designs have more accurately estimated the high influence of the media in the process of political socialization.

    Which of the following is considered to be an important agent of political socialization quizlet?

    Family, school, peers and mass media are the most important. other factors are religion, race and ethnicity, gender, age, the region where you live and political events.

    Which is a major agent of political socialization for most people quizlet?

    The main agents for political socialization are your family, friends, school, social media and internet, place of work, peers, and religion.

    What is an agent of political socialization quizlet?

    What is Political Socialization? It is the learning process through which individuals acquire their political opinions, beliefs and values in any society. What are the 6 agents of political socialization? The Family, Schools, Mass Media, Peers, Churches and religion, Political Institutions and Leaders.