Which of the following best describes the role of emotional intelligence in determining outstanding job performance?

Regardless of labor market conditions, outstanding employees are always in short supply. Developing managers' interpersonal skills also helps organizations attract and keep high-performing employees. Managers who wish to hire the best employees for the organization for a long-term fit prioritize which of the following traits of applicants or recruits

According to Fayol's list of management functions, which of the following is an example of a manager's planning function but NOT her organizing function?

Coordinating a comprehensive department strategy

The core topics of motivation, leader behaviors and power, group structure and processes, and conflict and negotiation area of study are most closely associated with the discipline of.................

An individual who comes to the organization having earned a degree in psychology would be best suited for a position involving which of the following activities

Training, job satisfaction, employee selection and performance appraisals, and work design

Often, two people act very differently in the same situation, and the same person's behavior changes in different situations. For example, not everyone is motivated by money, and people may behave differently at a religious service than they do at a party. Which of the following would describe an individuals behavior in the situation in which x leads y, but only under conditions specified in Z

Which of the following describes the difference between employee attitude and employee stress?

Employee attitude is the judgement made by employees about their job. Employee stress is an unpleasant response to the workplace pressure.

The permanent shift towards a diver workforce means organizations need to make diversity management a central component of their policies and practices. Other than the actual employees, which issues have created tangential difficulties for HR in the management of the workforce in the organization?

The aging workforce was constantly the most significant concern of hr managers. The loss of skills results from retirement of many baby boomers, increased medical costs due to an aging workforce, and the employees' needs to care for elderly relatives topped the list of issues

Rather than looking at individual characteristics, unfair discrimination assumes....

that everyone in a group is the same

Kendra shows up to work everyday at the hotel laundry to fold towels and has an excellent performance record. Nevertheless, Kendra's employer has low expectation for her attendance and job performance. Which of the following is most likely true of Kendra?

Mathew is the office manager for a small sales company. Mathew monitored the staff's usage of supplies and then created a standard order for each department. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability is Mathew demonstrating

Which of the following identifies a major difference that is key to the success of an employee who is demographically different from his or her coworkers?

Whether the organization has a positive diversity climate

Organizational leaders should examine their workforce to determine whether target groups have been underused. If that is the case, Which of the following can be an effective way to correct the problem?

Recruiting materials to show the minority individuals in positions of power within the organization

The emotional or feeling of segment of an attitude, which is viewed to be the more critical part of an attitude, is called.....

Managers should be interested in their employees' attitudes because attitudes give warning of potential problems and influence behavior. Which of the following best describes the implications that employee satisfaction and attitudes have as they pertain to a successful organization?

An effective manager will attempt to achieve and recognize all of these concepts stated above as they perform their management tasks of planning, organizing, activating, and controlling within the workplace. 

Keith is a line cook at a restaurant who normally has no say in the menu. However when Kevin brings in a piece of an onion tart he made, the boss immediately puts the tart on the main appetizer menu. Which of the Following best describes what Keith has experienced. 

Psychological empowerment 

Which of the following best describes a single global rating survey

a single question that summarizes a general impression 

Which of the following best describes the difference in job satisfaction between low-income individuals and people who make a comfortable living?

Money has a greater effect on job satisfaction among low-income people than among comfortable-income people. 

Satisfied employees are generally more likely to talk positively about the organization,help others, and go beyond normal expectations in their job. This phenomenon is recognized and defined as.....

Which of the following would be described as an emotion with mixture of high positive affect and low negative affect?

Sleep quality affects mood, increased fatigue puts workers at health risk of disease,injury, and depression. Studies show that adults report sleeping less than adults a generation ago. As a result, a large portion of the US workforce suffers from sleep deprivation, sleeping ______ per night

less than 6 hours per night

Which of the following best describes the differences between felt emotions and displayed emotions 

Felt emotions are the employee's real emotions; displayed emotions are the emotions an organization requires an employee to show. 

Which of the following best describes affective events theory? 

Emotional reactions to events at work influence job performance

Which of the following identifies a key flaw in emotion intelligence theory

detractors of the emotional intelligence theory believe EI is just another term for personality

Which of the following best describes the difference between emotional labor and emotional dissonance

Emotional labor is displaying emotions because your job requires you to do so;emotional dissonance is the tension between your displayed and felt emotions

A person's measurable behavior traits are collectively known as which of the following

Which of the following identifies a key difference between the sensing personality trait and the intuitive personality trait?

intuitive types are more focused on the big picture than sensing types

Joyce McIntyre is always in trouble at work. although she's competent, hardworking, and productive, she is rated no better than average in performance reviews, and she seems to have made a career of irritating her bosses. Joyce's problem is that is is politically inept. She's unable to adjust her behavior to fit changing situations. As she said, "I'm true to myself. I don't remake myself to please others." Joyce is a .......

Which of the following best describes the difference between Machiavellians and narcissists

Machiavellians are more manipulative than narcissists

a commission-based plan would likely activate individual differences in extra-version because extra-version is more reward-sensitive, than,say openness. Conversely, in jobs that allow expression in individual creativity, individual differences in openness may better predict creative behavior than individual differences in extra-version would. If a HR Director take this into account when hiring, he would be making decisions using...

Which of the following identifies a culture with little distinction between male and female roles. 

An attempt to determine whether behavior is externally or internally caused is known as which of the following?

An individual's behavior can be determined by others' expectations. If a manager expects big things from her people, they're not likely to let her down. Similarly, if she expects minimal performance, they'll likely meet those low expectation. Expectations become reality. This phenomenon is known as....

Often opinion that the interviewer holds about the applicant is formed very early in the interview, even if additional questions and responses reveal that initial impressions are not accurate. If the interviewer has a tendency to fixate on initial information and fails to adequately adjust for subsequent information, he would be experiencing. 

Which of the following best describes the difference between achievement striving and dutifulness?

Achievement-striving people work harder to forestall failure, while dutiful people might give up on something if they think it's best for the organization.

Georgie tries to make decisions that bring the most benefit to the most people. Which of the following ethical decision criteria does she value most?

Culture can play a role on many aspects of personality, including creativity. A recent nation-level study suggests that countries scoring high on Hofstede's culture dimensions of individuality are more creative. Although it is true that there is a strong variation within cultures, so there may be outliers within both high-and low- creativity cultures, which of the following cultures could be viewed to be the most creative? 

Managers who feel they can do a better job than their subordinates and who have difficulty delegating are most likely which type of manager?

Theory X
(believe that employees dislike work and must be directed or coerced into performing it)

Relying on an extensive amount of research, we can predict some relationships between achievement need and job performance. Which of the following is most closely related to managerial success?

Needs for affiliation and power

Sarah gives a speech to inspire her staff to reach a deadline by the end of the work day. Which of the following behaviors is she demonstrating?

Solomon feels it is important to protect the environment. He works for a non-profit environmental advocacy agency. Which of the following is most likely true of him?

he has a high job engagement

the most important source of increasing self-efficacy is gaining relevant experience with the task or the job. If you have been able to do the job successfully in the past, you're more confident you'll be able to do it in the future. This is called.....

Needs that are satisfied externally, such as physiological and safety needs, are known as

A salesperson who schedules his or her work each day and decides on the sales approach for each customer without supervision has a job that is described as____

Melissa- we must be more flexible if we are to meet our personnel needs and maximize efficiency
Jean- Alternatives like telecommuting are cost effective.
How can Melissa strengthen her standpoint

a larger number of people with desirable job skills cannot commit to taking full-time positions

Employees consider which of the following factors the least important contributor to loyalty and motivation?

Samantha, a new manager in a service business, wants to do a good job and show improvement in positive customer response and profitability. Unfortunately Samantha is unable to offer her employees any increase in pay, but she wants to show them that she appreciates their hard work. Which is the following tactics should Samantha use to accomplish her goals?

If management wishes to establish a compensation plan that will turn part of an organization's fixed labor costs into a variable cost, thus reducing expenses when performance declines, they will probably implement which of the following for management and sales positions? 

Which of the following benefits plans includes essential benefits and a menu-like selection of others from which employees can select?

While diversity in group membership can be beneficial. Not surprisingly, people who have the same values or characteristics as other members of their organization have higher levels of group identification. Demographic similarity can also lead to stronger identification for new hires. IF a HR director were to seek applicants who have a higher degree of group identification to make it easier for the new members to identify with peers, she would be relying on the concept of what?

the ______stage of group development is one of intragroup conflict. Members accept the existence of the group but resist the constraints it imposes on individuality. There is conflict over who will control the group. When this stage is complete, there will be a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group

When two or more role expectations are mutually contradictory, this is known as....

Lebron Hunt is frustrated by a coworker who constantly spreads malicious and unsubstantiated rumors about him. Debra Hundley is tired of a member of her work team who, when confronted with a problem, takes out his frustration by yelling and screaming at her and other members. And Mi-Cha Kim recently quit her job as a dental hygienist after being constantly sexually harassed by her employer. What do these episodes have in common. 

They represent employees exposed to acts of deviant workplace behavior

There are many things that can affect how close the members of a work group become. Some of these factors include: members who have spent a great deal of time together, the group's small size facilitating high interaction, or external threats having brought members close together. This level of closeness is known as what?

First USA company has work groups across the country that are cohesive and large. They have been struggling with output and performance in the last two years. Which of the following could be the reasons for this low performance. 

Performance norms are probably low, and there may be also social loafing

Which of the following defines a work team

a group whose individual efforts result in performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs

Problem Solving teams are______

five to twelve employees from the same department who meet for a few hours a week to discuss ways to improve performance.

virtual teams can be very effective but for that to occur, management should ensure a number of things. Which of the following would not be pivotal for the success of a virtual team?

management arranges face-to-face meeting with all of the virtual team members.

To increase the likelihood the team members will work well together, the team manager needs to________.

understand the individual strengths each person can bring to the team, select members with their strengths in mind, and allocate work assignments that fit with members' preferred styles. 

There is a theory that suggests that attributes such as age or the date of joining should help predict turnover. The logic goes like this: Turnover will be greater among those with dissimilar experiences because communication is more difficult and conflict is more likely. Increased conflict makes membership less attractive, so employees are more likely to quit. Similarly, the losers in a power struggle are more apt to leave voluntarily or be forced out. This theory describes the concept of:

organizational demography

The manager needs to get a small project completed quickly. the work includes simple tasks that do not require diverse input. What is the best way to get work done?

Which of the following is not a major function of communication within a group or organization?

The board of directors is meeting to confirm the strategic projects for the new year. They are engaging in _______

Email traffic is the busiest on____

Which of the following is considered to be an advantage of email messages?

email message can be quickly written, edited, and stored

Which of the following channels of communication provides the highest channel of richness?

face-to-face communication

which of the following would not be a concern when dealing with electronic communication?

the rate of speed at which the message can be communicated.

Throughout history, strong leaders have been described by their traits. Trait theories of leadership focus on personal qualities and characteristics. The search for personality, social, physical or intellectual attributes that differentiate leaders from nonleaders goes back to the earliest stages of leadership research. Which of the following accurately describes the difference between a leader and a nonleader?

leaders who like being around people and are able to assert themselves, who are disciplines and able to keep commitments they make, and who are creative and flexible, do have apparent advantage when it comes to leadership, suggesting good leaders do have key traits in common.

behavior theories of leadership have found_____.

Initiating structure and consideration to be the two dimensions that accounted for the leadership behavior

The fiedler Model found____.

If a situation requires a task-oriented leader and he/she is relationship-oriented, either the situation has to be modified or the leader has to be replaced to achieve optimal effectiveness.

Which of the following are NOT important characteristics and factors that lead to authentic leadership and increased trust, as well as ethical and effective leadership.

a manger reviewing and sharing employee performance reviews with senior subordinates

are managers responsible for protecting their followers in addition to assigning work and monitoring work?

Yes, Leaders should make the environment safe for employees to express their ideas, especially in creative fields

governance in the "bosses" work environment is achieved through accountability to co-workers, who determine team composition and even sometimes pay. This is known as:

substitutes for and neutralizers of leadership

In formal groups and organization, probably the most common access to one or more of the power bases is through______ power. It represents the formal authority to control and use organizational resources based on structural position in the organization. 

Leaders of organizations use power as a means of attaining group goals. Power does not require goal compatibility, whereas leadership requires some congruence between the goals of the leader and those being led. Executive leaders communicate performance goals, and subordinates work on duties and tasks to accomplish the company goals. Which of the following is an example or explanation of leadership focusing on the downward influence of followers?

a manager asking an analyst to provide a report on errors corrected in the past month

Power tactics can be translated into influencing bosses, co-workers, and employees into specific action. Which of the following would use warning, repeated demands, and threats to influence behavior?

Henry is the marketing director of green household products. What power tactics should the company apply to gain employees' satisfaction, organization commitment, and job performance?

Which of the following statements about power and influence is Incorrect

The effectiveness of tactics depends on the audience. People especially likely to comply with hard power tactics tend to be more reflective and intrinsically motivated; they have high self-esteem and greater desire for control.

Maybe the most important factor leading to politics within organizations is the realization that most of the facts used to allocate the limited resources are open to interpretation. Which of the following statements about politics is true?

Many managers report that some use of political behavior is both ethical and necessary, as long as it doesn't directly harm anyone else. They describe politics as a necessary evil and believe someone who never uses political behavior will have a hard time getting things done.

The first stage of conflict is the appearance of conditions -causes or sources- that create opportunities for it to arise. These conditions need not to lead directly to conflict, but one of them is necessary if it is to surface. We group the conditions into three general categories;

communication, structure and personal variables

When most people think of conflict, they tend to focus on stage : __:_____. Because this is where conflicts become visible. This stage includes statements, actions, and reactions made by conflicting parties, usually as overt attempts to implement their own intentions 

you see a used car advertised for sale online that looks great. You go see the car. It's perfect, and you want it. The owner tells you the asking price. You don't want to pay that much. the two of you negotiate. The negotiating strategy you're engaging in is called____

you are getting ready to go into negotiations with someone who you do not know. you have some clues to their personality, however, and based on the fact that they are extraverted, what are you preparing yourself for?

extraverts tend to give more information in negotiation

you are in the negotiation process for a large firm's labor management contracts. you are working with the opposing negotiator to create a formal contract. Which stage of the process are you in?

closure and implementation

you are acting as a negotiator and are in the process of working through any limits the process will place on the issues raised, if any. What step in the negotiation process are you in?

bargaining and problem solving

the chain of command is an unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom. The principle of _______ helps preserve the concept of an unbroken line of authority

three common organizational designs are the simple structure, the bureaucracy, and the matrix structure. Bureaucracies are usually structured on standardized work processes and procedures. There are high routine operating tasks achieved through specialization. which of the following is most likely of a matrix organization?

a college of business administration in texas

bob is setting up virtual organization, which will be an organization that is.....

high centralized, with little or no departmentalization

which of the following is NOT one of the forms of organizational structure discussed in this chapter?

Which of the following would you say is true in today's organizations

downsize your organization to realize major cost savings and focus the company around core competancies, but only if necessary, because downsizing can have a significant negative effect on employee affect

which of the following statements about culture is false

today's trend toward centralized organizations makes culture more important than ever, it also makes establishing a strong culture much easier than it was in the past

you are working with your trainees on the culture of organization and have begun to discuss how institutionalization comes about for certain companies and products. You are asked to give an example. Which of the following would be an example of institutionalization?

a company that markets a specific brand of hat

Which of the following occurs when an individual correctly anticipates the expectations of the organization?

If you've worked with someone whose positive attitude inspired you to do your best, or with lackluster team that drained your motivation, you've experience the effects of.....

your company uses highly technical and specialized terms for products only you create. you have a special list of terms and definitions employees are given and expected to learn in order to be able to understand what is going on within the company. which form of cultural transmission is this ?

you are and HR manager and you want to foster the enhancement of a spiritual organization. which of the following would you say will differentiate spiritual organizations from their non spirit counterparts?

benevolence, strong sense of purpose, trust and respect, and open-mindedness

which of the following is an organization source of resistance to change?

Theresa begins implementing a change process in her company that involves diagnosis, analysis, feedback, action and evaluation. Which of the following plans is she following?

Which of the following individuals is most likely to be excluded from the informal communication network in a typical workplace?

Which of the following individuals is most likely to be excluded from the informal communication network in a typical workplace?
Sun, a Korean American woman
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In which of the following situations would it be best to call a meeting rather than to send a memo?

In which of the following situations would it be best to call a meeting rather than to send a memo? The information that is being communicated is controversial.