What stage of change is a person in if they are planning on exercising within the next 6 months Nasm?

Which part of a food label would help a client review the ingredients in a food product?
Select one:
a. The ingredients list 
b. The nutrition label
c. The percent daily values
d. The nutrition facts panel

The correct answer is: The ingredients list

Which food would be classified as a high biological value protein source?
Select one:
a. Lentils
b. Beans
c. Whole eggs 
d. Peas

The correct answer is: Whole eggs

Which term best describes motion at the joint surface?
Select one:
a. Arthrokinematics 
b. Osteokinematics
c. Biomechanics
d. Kinesiology

The correct answer is: Arthrokinematics

What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss clients?
Select one:
a. 5 to 7 sessions per week
b. 1 or 2 sessions per week 
c. 0 sessions per week
d. 3 or 4 sessions per week

The correct answer is: 1 or 2 sessions per week

Which of the following two modalities are the most alike?
Select one:
a. Dumbbell and medicine ball
b. TRX suspension and ViPR
c. ViPR and sandbag
d. TRX Rip Trainer and ViPR 

The correct answer is: ViPR and sandbag

What location on the body does NASM recommend for measuring the resting heart rate?
Select one:
a. Femoral pulse
b. Radial pulse 
c. Pedal pulse
d. Carotid pulse

The correct answer is: Radial pulse

How many pages are most appropriate for a resume?
Select one:
a. One to two pages
b. Three to four pages
c. Two to three pages
d. One page only 

The correct answer is: One to two pages

Which of the following exercises may increase inaccurate readings while utilizing a wrist-worn heart rate monitor?
Select one:
a. Suspended bodyweight crunch
b. Stability ball plank
c. Medicine ball catch and pass 
d. Barbell squats

The correct answer is: Medicine ball catch and pass

You have a client seeking weight loss. What number of repetitions is most appropriate for SAQ drills?
Select one:
a. 8 to 10 reps
b. 1 or 2 reps
c. 3 to 5 reps 
d. 6 to 8 reps

The correct answer is: 3 to 5 reps

What phase of the OPT model would hypertrophy fall under?
Select one:
a. Phase 2
b. Phase 3 
c. Phase 1
d. Phase 5

The correct answer is: Phase 3

How would age and overall health affect testosterone levels among men?
Select one:
a. Age and overall health do not affect testosterone levels.
b. A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and overall health may affect the degree of change. 
c. Testosterone levels are not affected by age, as overall health is the primary reason for a decline.
d. A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and overall health does not contribute to the change.

The correct answer is: A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and overall health may affect the degree of change.

According to the integrated performance paradigm, which of the following is a requirement for the safe control of movement during plyometrics?
Select one:
a. Strength
b. Speed
c. Power
d. Neuromuscular stabilization 

The correct answer is: Neuromuscular stabilization

Which of the following is the most highly progressed plyometric exercise?
Select one:
a. Sagittal plane box jump-down
b. Transverse plane box jump-down
c. Sagittal plane box jump-up 
d. Frontal plane box jump-up

The correct answer is: Transverse plane box jump-down

A client is taking prescription beta-blockers for hypertension. Which exercise is the safest for him to perform?
Select one:
a. Floor bridge
b. Standing cobra 
c. Knee-up
d. Reverse crunch

The correct answer is: Standing cobra

When a client's heart rate is raised during cardio activities, this is being caused by which system?
Select one:
a. Parasympathetic nervous system
b. Central nervous system
c. Somatic nervous system
d. Sympathetic nervous system 

The correct answer is: Sympathetic nervous system

What stage of change is a person in if they are not planning on exercising within the next 6 months?
Select one:
a. Action
b. Precontemplation 
c. Contemplation
d. Maintenance

The correct answer is: Precontemplation

The difference between the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes is referred to as what?
Select one:
a. Venous return
b. Stroke volume 
c. Cardiac output
d. Resting heart rate

The correct answer is: Stroke volume

Which heart chamber receives deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lungs?
Select one:
a. Left ventricle
b. Right atrium
c. Right ventricle 
d. Left atrium

The correct answer is: Right ventricle

What is a proper regression if a client cannot perform the lunge exercise correctly?
Select one:
a. Depth jump
b. Barbell clean
c. Step-ups 
d. Single-leg squat

The correct answer is: Step-ups

What is best defined as the action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body?
Select one:
a. Thermoregulation
b. Peripheral vasodilation 
c. Heart rate
d. Blood pressure

The correct answer is: Peripheral vasodilation

Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to the low back arching during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Hip flexor complex
b. Gluteus medius
c. Gluteus maximus 
d. Hamstrings complex

The correct answer is: Hip flexor complex

What is the primary goal of repeating flexibility training during a cool-down?
Select one:
a. Increase maximal strength
b. Restore optimal length-tension relationships 
c. Correct muscle imbalances
d. Improve sports skills

The correct answer is: Restore optimal length-tension relationships

Which of the following best demonstrates an example of exercise?
Select one:
a. Yardwork
b. Weightlifting 
c. Shoveling snow
d. Walking a dog

The correct answer is: Weightlifting

What concept allows a person to jump higher during plyometric exercises?
Select one:
a. Eccentric loading
b. Ankle stability
c. Increased amortization 
d. Concentric contractions

The correct answer is: Eccentric loading

What is the intended outcome of stage 2 training?
Select one:
a. To increase the capacity of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems for clients seeking further improvements in exercise capacity 
b. To introduce individuals to exercise and improve general health and fitness, or to provide recovery following higher-intensity exercise sessions
c. To increase the capacity of the anaerobic energy system for high-level athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking improvements in anaerobic capacity and power
d. To increase the workload (e.g., speed, incline) in a way that helps clients exercise at higher intensities and achieve greater levels of aerobic fitness

The correct answer is: To increase the workload (e.g., speed, incline) in a way that helps clients exercise at higher intensities and achieve greater levels of aerobic fitness

Without a perceived discrepancy between a client's current state and making a change, what is lacking?
Select one:
a. Motivation
b. Self-efficacy
c. Autonomy
d. Positive outcome expectation 

The correct answer is: Motivation

It is most important to improve balance in this population to decrease their fear of falling.
Select one:
a. Those with ankle sprains
b. Young females
c. College athletes
d. Older individuals 

The correct answer is: Older individuals

Which of the following is a limiting factor for how long anaerobic glycolysis can proceed?
Select one:
a. Free hydrogen ions 
b. Lack of pyruvate
c. Depletion of phosphocreatine
d. Lack of fatty acids

The correct answer is: Free hydrogen ions

How are open-ended questions best used during the sales process?
Select one:
a. The questions identify the customer's wants, needs, fears, and desires. 
b. The questions are easy for the customer to answer, as they can be answered with a simple yes or no.
c. The questions help a personal trainer learn if the customer's workout schedule fits within the personal trainer's availability.
d. The questions help a personal trainer learn about a customer's family medical history.

The correct answer is: The questions identify the customer's wants, needs, fears, and desires.

A client asks you to provide her with a meal plan specifying how many calories and grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fat she should eat for weight loss. What is the best way to respond to her request to stay within scope of practice?
Select one:
a. Provide her with an online 1,200-calorie meal plan for weight loss.
b. Explain that providing specific nutrient recommendations is outside your scope of practice, and then refer the client to a registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist for nutrition counseling. 
c. Agree to review her diet and provide her with a meal plan with specific recommendations for calories and macronutrients.
d. Explain that providing specific nutrient recommendations is outside your scope of practice, then suggest that she look up weight-loss meal plans on the internet.

The correct answer is: Explain that providing specific nutrient recommendations is outside your scope of practice, and then refer the client to a registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist for nutrition counseling.

What tests should be performed last in the overall assessment flow?
Select one:
a. Performance assessments 
b. Movement assessments
c. Body composition
d. Biometric data

The correct answer is: Performance assessments

To increase the metabolic demand of SAQ exercises among weight-loss clients, which of the following adjustments to a workout session could be implemented?
Select one:
a. Decreased rest periods 
b. Increased complexity of exercises
c. Decreased intensity
d. Fewer exercises

The correct answer is: Decreased rest periods

What does the first law of thermodynamics state?
Select one:
a. Metabolic rate is constant.
b. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 
c. Food increases metabolic rate.
d. All energy is converted to heat.

The correct answer is: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

How much rest should be given between each repetition of an SAQ exercise for young athletes?
Select one:
a. 15 to 60 seconds
b. 60 to 90 seconds 
c. Less than 15 seconds
d. 90 to 120 seconds

The correct answer is: 15 to 60 seconds

What phase of the OPT model aims to increase growth of muscles to maximal levels?
Select one:
a. Maximal Strength
b. Stabilization Endurance
c. Strength Endurance
d. Muscular Development 

The correct answer is: Muscular Development

Approximately what percentage of the human body (in male and female adults) is comprised of water?
Select one:
a. 0.6
b. 0.8 
c. 0.4
d. 0.5

The correct answer is: 0.6

What is the ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)?
Select one:
a. The point at which the body uses mostly protein as fuel for exercise
b. The point at which it is still possible to talk during exercise
c. The point at which the body switches to using mostly fat as fuel for exercise 
d. The point at which the body shifts almost entirely to using carbohydrates for fuel

The correct answer is: The point at which the body shifts almost entirely to using carbohydrates for fuel

Which of the following examples of training exercises is not a form of cardiorespiratory fitness?
Select one:
a. Resistance training
b. Sports competition 
c. Rowing
d. Jogging/running

The correct answer is: Resistance training

What is a joint disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue, causing an inflammatory response?
Select one:
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Osteopenia
d. Rheumatoid arthritis 

The correct answer is: Rheumatoid arthritis

What is the primary adaptation for the Muscular Development phase of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. Stabilization
b. Hypertrophy 
c. Speed
d. Power

The correct answer is: Hypertrophy

How many calories are in 1 pound of body fat?
Select one:
a. About 5,500
b. About 3,500
c. About 1,000 
d. About 500

The correct answer is: About 3,500

What are the two primary actions of the muscle spindle?
Select one:
a. Sense the change in muscle length and the speed of length change 
b. Sense the amount of eccentric force and the speed of shortening
c. Sense the amount of eccentric force and the joint range of motion
d. Sense the change in muscle contraction and the speed of the nerve impulse

The correct answer is: Sense the change in muscle length and the speed of length change

The upper trapezius works with what muscle as a force couple to create upward rotation of the scapula?
Select one:
a. Deltoid
b. Rotator cuff muscles
c. Serratus anterior 
d. Rhomboids

The correct answer is: Serratus anterior

Which of the following is a question that may provoke resistance?
Select one:
a. What might you want to change?
b. If you decided to make a change, what might you do?
c. What makes you think you are not at risk? 
d. What might work for you?

The correct answer is: What makes you think you are not at risk?

What is the primary action of the multifidus?
Select one:
a. Increase intra-abdominal pressure
b. Support the contents of the pelvis
c. Regulate inspiration
d. Stabilize and extend the spine 

The correct answer is: Stabilize and extend the spine

Which of the following processes describes the passage of digested food into the blood system to be processed for energy, nutrients, and tissue building?
Select one:
a. Motility
b. Absorption 
c. Mastication
d. Peristalsis

The correct answer is: Absorption

At the beginning of an exercise session, a client has shared that they are in a bad mood and would rather skip the session. Which of the following observations should the fitness professional share with the client?
Select one:
a. Exercise is known to improve mood, even with bouts as short as 10 minutes, so exercise is a good remedy. 
b. Exercise cannot improve mood, so it would be best to reschedule the session for another day.
c. Exercise is known to exacerbate a bad mood; therefore, stopping the session is a good idea.
d. Exercise can only affect mood when done for at least 60 minutes, so it would be best to stay longer than normal.

The correct answer is: Exercise is known to improve mood, even with bouts as short as 10 minutes, so exercise is a good remedy.

Food in the stomach is processed and then passes into what anatomical structure?
Select one:
a. The ileum of the small intestine 
b. Duodenum of the small intestine
c. The ileum of the large intestine
d. Duodenum of the large intestine

The correct answer is: Duodenum of the small intestine

How is nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) best defined?
Select one:
a. The rate at which the body expends energy (calories) when fasted and at complete rest, such as asleep or lying quietly
b. Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of structured exercise, such as walking, completing household chores, and taking the stairs 
c. The amount of energy required to maintain the body at rest
d. Energy expenditure through structured exercise alone, such as strength training and cardiorespiratory exercise

The correct answer is: Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of structured exercise, such as walking, completing household chores, and taking the stairs

What stage of change is a person in if they are planning on exercising within the next 6 months?

Contemplation - In this stage, people are intending to start the healthy behavior in the foreseeable future (defined as within the next 6 months).

What stage of change is a person in if they are planning to exercising within the next 6 months quizlet?

contemplation - When a person is thinking about implementing change but has not yet taken any steps to get started; an individual may take action within the next 6 months.

What stage of change is a person in if they have been exercising but for less than 6 months?

Precontemplation – failing to recognize the need for change. Contemplation – seriously considering the need for change. Preparation – making small changes. Action – exercising for less than six months.

What is the correct order of the stages of change Nasm?

The five stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future.