What is more characteristic of a decentralized organization than a centralized organization Quizlet

Many change efforts fail because people are insufficiently prepared for change. When employees are not prepared, they are more likely to resist the change effort and less likely to effectively function under the new system.

1) Create a Vision for Change:When this vision is exciting and paints a picture of a future that employees would be proud to be a part of, people are likely to be more committed to change.
2)Communicate a Plan for Change:Do people know what the change entails, or are they hearing about the planned changes through the grapevine or office gossip? When employees know what is going to happen, and when and why, they may conquer their discomfort with change. Research shows that those who have more complete information about upcoming changes are more committed to a change effort

Ensuring that top management communicates with employees about the upcoming changes also has symbolic value

3)Develop a Sense of Urgency:
People are more likely to accept change if they feel that there is a need for it. If employees feel their company is doing well, the perceived need for change will be smaller. Those who plan the change will need to make the case that there is an external or internal threat to the organization's competitiveness, reputation, or sometimes even its survival, and failure to act will have dire consequences.

4)Build a Coalition:Instead of trying to get everyone on board at the same time, it may be more useful to convince and prepare the opinion leaders. Once these individuals agree that change is needed and will be useful, they will become helpful allies in ensuring that the rest of the organization is ready for change

5)Provide Support:Employees should feel that their needs are not ignored. Therefore, management may prepare employees for change by providing emotional and instrumental support.

Emotional support may be in the form of frequently discussing the changes,

Instrumental support may be in the form of providing a training program to employees so they know how to function under the new system.

6)Allow Employees to Participate:Studies show that employees who participate in planning change efforts tend to have more positive opinions about the change. Why? They will have the opportunity to voice their concerns

They will be more knowledgeable about the reasons for change, alternatives to the proposed changes, and why the chosen alternative was better than the others.

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