The attraction of the outsourced call center industry to locate in india can best be explained by

In what stage of demographic transition are birth rates stable and death rates declining?

Population growth rates are lowest in ______ of the demographic transition model.

In comparing Malthus's theory to actual world food production and population growth during the past half century, the principal difference is that:

Food production has been much higher than he predicted.

Examples of major nation states:

An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to:

grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representations.

Which of the following is not true of the Al-Qaeda?

Al-Qaeda is a single unified organization.

In terms of Gender Inequality Index, most African countries have:

In contrast to the international trade approach, the self sufficiency approach to development

attempts to spread investment through all sectors of the economy

According to Rostow's development model, the process of development begins when

an elite group initiates innovative activities.

Which is not a form of subsistence agriculture?

Mediterranean agriculture

Which type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries?

The decline in the numbers of farmers in More Developed Countries can be best described as a consequence of

Push and pull factors, including the lack of opportunity in rural areas and higher-paying jobs in urban areas.

The Chicago area became a significant asset for the Western Great Lakes region owing to its steel industries and its

access to the nations transportation network

The shift in steel production locations in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century can best be described as

Starting in the Pittsburgh area and then migrating towards the Midwest before ending up on the East and West coasts, as well as the Chicago area.

Because the motor vehicle assembly industry is typically described as a bulk-gaining industry as well as a just-in time delivery system, the most important factor when selecting a location for a new Toyota or Honda assembly plant in the United States was:

minimizing the cost of shipping finished vehicles to its consumers

The area surrounding a service from which the customers are attracted is the:

A place's location relative to other objects or places is called its

The frequency an object appears in a given area is its

When giving directions to a person, if we say "my house is down past the firehouse" we are describing

a name given to a place on Earth

Rap music first appeared in NY in the late 1970s. Later it spread to large cities with vibrant African-American populations- such as LA, Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia-without being absorbed by the smaller cities and rural areas in between. This type of spatial diffusion is called

The Mercator projection best preserves _____, making it a good projection for navigation and nautical purposes.

Which of the following is a good example of a functional region?

the area serviced by a local bus line

On a Mercator projection map, where will you find the landmasses most exaggerated in relative size?

The number of people per unit of land per unit of arable land is the

Which stage of epidemiological transition is characterized by a decreasing number of deaths from infectious diseases and a rising toll from degenerative diseases?

The Earth area of permanent human settlement is called the

Migration from a location is called _____ and migration to a location is called _______.

The world's annual _____ is currently approximately 1.2 percent, at which rate the wold's population is projected to double in about 54 years.

The highest natural increase rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition?

Country A has a crude birth rate of 60 and a crude death rate of 15, while Country B has a Crude Birth Rate of 27 and a Crude Death Rate of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate?

The shape of a country's population pyramid

is determined primarily by its crude birth rate

A European country's population pyramid would drastically change shape if it began to resemble

the population pyramid of Nigeria

The population pyramid of a city in southern Florida, Arizona, or even northern Japan may appear

Thomas Malthus concluded that

the world's rate of population increase was higher than the development of food supplies

Which statement most accurately describes the motives of the historic European and current Latin American immigrants to the US?

Migrants from Europe were fleeing religious persecution while migrants from Latin America are motivated by economic factors.

From the discussions of demographic changes withing the United States we can deduce that the largest level of inter regional migration in the United States were caused by the 

opening up of the western territories to settlement

A physical feature, such as a body of water, might actually aid transportation and migration because ocean travel may be easier than overland travel. However, if that physical feature hinders migration it is an example of

Folk cultures are spread primarily by

The use of a horse and buggy by the Amish in the United States is an example of one element of

a language understood by people who have different native languages

The two largest language families in the world are

Sino-Tibetan and Indo-European

Dialects developed within England primarily because

different Germanic invaders settled in different regions

English is part of which language branch?

a mix of indigenous and colonial languages

The Icelandic language has changed less than any other Germanic language because of

Icelandic's relative isolation from other places

Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from North America?

having a Roman Catholic majority

Southwestern Asia, North Africa, and parts of South Asia and Southeastern Asia

Examples of ethnic religions include

Daoism, Confucianism, and Judaism

assigns everyone to a distinct class

Some of the violence linked to religion in Israel and Palestine is also linked to

ethnic groups, resources, and disputes over the control of land

The racist laws that divided South Africans were known as

a group of people is tied to a place through legal status and traditions

African Americans migrated out of the US South partly as a consequence of

increased farm mechanization leading to a decreased demand for farm labor

The process when a group forcibly removes another group is called

have a large population but are divided among enough countries that they are a minority in every one

Sri Lanka has continuing ethnic conflict between

Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamil Hindus

Most of the conflict in Africa is widespread because of

colonial boundaries in the midst of numerous ethnic and national groups

the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among nationalities.

Compared with more developed countries, which of the following statements is true of less developed countries?

a higher percent of the labor force is engaged in food production

The first states in ancient Mesopotamia were

city-states, which incorporated cities as well as their country-side.

Korea is good example of an

ethnically divided between more than one state

The problems experienced by Cyprus during the past four decades include all but which of the following?

a partition of the island by the British as part of independence

divided among more than one state

The attempt by one country to impose political control over another territory is

The boundary between Argentina and Chile is an/a

An African country within an elongated shape is:

Swaziland makes ______ into a perforated state.

The most fragmented Southeast Asian state is

A state with control over its internal affairs has

The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves is known as

Which shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal communications for a smaller state?

promoted economic growth and integration in Western Europe

The process of redrawing legislative boundaries to benefit the party in power is called

As a result of a 1979 Soviet invasion, Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to join the rebellion of fundamentalist Muslims calling themselves

mujahedeen, or "holy warriors"

An example of primary sector activity is

The Human Development Index of Latin America is

inferior to that of Canada and most Western European countries

The Gender Inequality Index

compares the levels of indicators for females to those of males within a country

The biggest problem faced by less developed countries in financing development is

Hunting and gathering societies

are found in isolated places in the world

Wheat is the leading energy source in

Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia

Maize is the leading energy source in

Ethiopia, Mexico, and Guatemala

Which of the following have aided commercial farmers in more developed countries?

transportation improvements, scientific advances and electronics

We could most likely predict that among the following countries, those most likely to suffer food shortages and/or undernourishment in the near future would be

Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen and Chad

Farmers in more developed and less developed countries share which of the following problems?

Farmers in less developed countries choose to grow crops for export primarily because of

their market calue in more developed countries

What name is given to the model used by geographers to explain the importance of proximity to the market in the choice of crops to the commercial farm?

To increase crop yields, farmers in South China commonly practice

Which of the following is not a strategy for increasing the food supply?

increasing tariffs on grain exports

What is the purpose of crop rotation?

maintaining the fertility of the fields

Where livestock go to be fattened prior to market

Land left unseeded or uncultivated for a period of time

Genetically Modified Organism

The cottage industry system involved manufacturing

Approximately three-fourths of the world's industrial production is concentrated in three regions, including which of the following

eastern North America and northwestern Europe

Outside of the three world regions where industry is concentrated, the next two largest industrial producing countries are

The map of North America's industrial areas shows that

much of the region's industry is concentrated around or near the Great Lakes

Metal fabrication plants are an example of a bulk-gaining industry because

separate parts are combined to make more complex and massive products

Situation costs are critical to a firm that wishes to

Soda and beer bottling are examples of 

A company which uses more than one ____ will often locate near break-of-bulk points.

In order to become a global industrial power, Japan had to overcome which of the following problems?

Mexico's maquiladora plants

have an advantage of proximity to US markets

What two location factors influence more industries to remain in the northeastern US and northwestern Europe?

skilled labor and rapid delivery to market

Consumer services include

educational, retail, wholesale, social, leisure, and hospitality jobs

The maximum distance people are willing to travel for a service is

If a country's largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants and the second largest city has 200,000 inhabitants, the country follows what distribution

the hierarchical listing of settlements by size is known as the

The minimum number of people needed to support a service is called the

If a country follows the rank-size rule, if the largest city has 1,000,000 inhabitants, how many people live in the fifth largest city?

The gravity model predicts that the optimal service is

directly related to the number of people in the area and inversely related to the distance people must travel to access it.

Central Place Theory predicts larger settlements are

less numerous and farther apart

The attraction of the outsourced "call center" industry to locate in India can best be explained by

low wages and the wide use of English

The attraction of the outsourced "offshore banking" industry cna be best explained by

bank secrecy laws and the avoidance of paying taxes in other countries

What factors would geographers use to determine the marketability of a location quizlet?

Smaller settlement supply all of the services needed to the inhabitants of isolated areas. Which factors would a geographer use to determine the marketability of a location: Market area, range, threshold, and predicted share of a market.

What factors determine where back

A variety of factors affect what back-office outsourcing services will charge. These factors include range and speed of service, reputation, and credibility, level of skills and competence, as well as track record and work history.

In which two types of global business services do developing countries specialize?

Business Services in Developing Countries In the global economy, developing countries specialize in two distinctive types of business services: offshore financial services and back-office functions.

What type of settlement do most people in the world live in?

Urban settlements, or urbanized areas, are the most populated of the settlement types and usually consist of the largest land area. Urban areas are the most developed of the different types, with advanced infrastructure and many buildings.