Does an expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?

An expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?

  1. FALSE
  2. TRUE
  3. All answers are correct
  4. All answers are correct

Answer key: B. TRUE.

Source from encyclopedia, an expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea TRUE.

Discussion and Explanation

I think the answer A. FALSE is the wrong answer, because after I tried to search on google, this answer is more suitable for other questions.

I think the answer B. TRUE is the most correct answer, it can be proven from reading books and information on google.

I think the answer C. All answers are correct is the wrong answer, because the answer is more appropriate if used for other questions.

I think the answer D. All answers are correct is the wrong answer, because the answer has deviated from what was asked.


From the explanation and discussion as well as the choices above, I can conclude that the most correct answer is B. TRUE.

If you still have other questions or want to ask something, please write in the comments column below.

Does an expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?

Use the list of good expository speech topics below to help you brainstorm for your next presentation. Over 50 topic ideas are provided from the body mass index to witness protection programs. Support your contention about the advantages, disadvantages, or impacts to expose the truth about the subject you choose.

Remember that an expository speech requires you to offer your audience specific, precise details in a clear and logical order. If you'd like a few more pointers for preparing this type of speech, please check out these guidelines.

Best Speech Topics classifies the expository type of speech under the informative category. However, the word "expository" is used by professionals to distinguish between these two very similar types of presentations. Keep this in mind when choosing good expository speech topics.

What is an expository statement? How do I choose the appropriate material?

An exposition is used to describe and explain something.

Think of this type of address as exposing the details on a subject matter.

The explanatory nature differs subtly from an informative speech. The main difference involves the insertion of evidence and opinion. In examples of expository speaking, the speaker provides the audience knowledge but goes beyond by answering questions and supporting contentions. The accumulation of information causes the author to imply or expressly expose an opinion.

An example might be a speech claiming that a low body mass index is healthier for individuals.

The speaker would not just tell the listener about the health benefits of a low BMI but would compare data and support claims with necessary evidence.

Whereas, a strictly informative delivery about BMI educates an audience by imparting straightforward information and facts, but never inserts a judgment about what is healthier.

The potential claim that BMI relates to health makes the subject matter one suitable for making a list of good expository speech topics.

1st Set of 10 Good Expository Speech Topics

  • What is podcasting?
  • How a plane stays in the air
  • What is poi (used in fire dancing)
  • What is Wicca, and what are some of its ceremonies?
  • Different meanings of gestures in different cultures (handshakes, hugs, kissing, etc.)
  • Chemical and biological warfare - when did it begin? (some say in 425 B.C.)
  • Phobias - Logophobia- Fear of words, do you have it?
  • Famous first facts
  • The evolution of mothers on television (From June Cleaver to Roseanne)
  • When and how did high heel shoes develop

2nd Set of 10 Expository Speech Topics

Does an expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?

  • The theory of objectivism
  • Bermuda triangle
  • History of ligers (no, it's not a spelling mistake)
  • The foods of an area (i.e., Montreal, Quebec, Canada - poutines, smoked meat, bagels)
  • Burning man event
  • Social impact of aids
  • The emotional aspects of going blind/deaf
  • Similarities/differences in body piercing in different cultures and eras
  • The lost city of Atlantis
  • Similarities between karate and ballet

3rd Set of 10 Expository Speech Topics

  • History of the yo-yo
  • Compare and contrast the civilized/savage sides of humankind
  • Explain the characteristics of a Greek god/goddess.
  • A day at the beach
  • Seven deadly sins
  • Compare/contrast dogs and men
  • Women in the protestant religion (from sainthood to submission)
  • Animism
  • The holy spirit
  • Impact of acid rain

4th set of 10 Expository Speech Topics

  • Problem/solution of erosion of the beach and coast
  • Processes of mountain formation
  • Causes and effects of undersea disturbances (benthic storms)
  • History of the Nile river
  • Ritualistic female mutilation
  • History of birth control in china
  • Differences between the way African/American women and caucasian women view their bodies
  • Discuss and compare the dangers between saline and silicone breast implants
  • The negative impact of high heels on women's backs
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome

5th set of Great Expository Speech Topics

Don't be afraid to be creative!

Does an expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?
The Traumatic History of Undies

  • Discuss gender differences in symptoms and treatment of heart disease
  • The history of underwear
  • Benefits of animal facilitated therapy
  • Compare/contrast dogs and cats
  • Process of imprinting in animals
  • Definition of the Zen Buddhist term satori
  • Process of mummification
  • History of Santeria
  • Compare gangs in America with those in Europe
  • Pros and cons of the witness security program

I hope you found a few good Expository Speech Topics that you might consider using in your presentation. And - if you're feeling generous - please do send in your completed speech so I can publish it here as an inspiration to others.

  1. Best Speech Topics
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  3. Informative Speech Topics
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  5. Good Expository Speech Topics

Does expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea?

An expository speech provides the audience with a clear understanding of a concept or idea.

What is the purpose of an expository speech?

Expository (informative) speech is to describe, clarify, explain, and/or define an object, idea, concept, social institution, or process. 2. The speech must be the original work of the speaker. No more than one hundred fifty (150) words of quoted and/or paraphrased material may be included in the expository.

Which type of speech provides the meaning of an idea to an audience?

Definitional speeches provide the meaning of an idea to the audience.

Which type of speech uses ideas to influence the thoughts of others?

Persuasive speech Persuasive speeches can cover any topic from entertainment to something more serious like politics. Typically, speakers use concrete evidence to better persuade their listeners and gain their support.