Which statement about the elongation of the lagging strand during DNA replication is correct

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The genetic material of which kind of cells is included in a single circular molecule of DNA?

Two sides of double helix structure of DNA are held together with hydrogen bonds

What statement about DNA is false?The two strands are separated.
Each strand is used as a template for making a new duplex.
The synthesis on each strand is in the opposite direction.
The newly synthesized DNA is packaged into one nucleus, and the old DNA is packaged into another nucleus.

The newly synthesized DNA is packaged into one nucleus, and the old DNA is packaged into another nucleus.

In rep of DNA, the helix is opened and untwisted by

Since the first nucleotid s cannot be linked In a newly synthesised strand in DNA replication what is required??

Enzyme that catalysed new DNA molecules

True statement about the elongation of the lagging strand during DNA replication

Synthesised discontinuouslyokazaki fragments are used to elongate LAGGING strand

What joins DNA FRAGMENTS to the lagging strands??

In greatest quantities in nucleus of cells

1. Which statement about the elongation of the lagging strand during DNA replication is correct?

It is synthesized in a 3' --> 5' direction.

It requires one RNA primer to proceed.

It is synthesized by DNA ligase.

It is synthesized discontinuously.

It is synthesized discontinuously

1. Okazaki fragments are used to elongate

When is DNA replicated in cell cycle??

Interphase, preparing for cell division

DNA shape in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

PRO- circular


What is principle difference in DNA replication between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of replication fork???

PROKARYOTIC- 1 replication fork ( 1 origin)

ETIC: multiple replication fork ( +1 origin)

What is function of topoisomerase??

Alters the supercooled DNASE ahead of replication fork

Describe function of enzymes / proteins in DNA replication (6)

1.HELICASE: unwinds DNA

2. SSB: stabilises unwond DNA

3. PRIMASE: make RNA primer

4. DNA POL III: add new nucleotide

5. DNA POL II: Break down RNA primer, replace with DNA nucleotide

6. DNA LIGASE: joins Okazaki fragments

What strand is leading in DNA

What is the problem at end of each linear molecules after each replication.. And two solutions to this. (DNA TERMINATION)

Linear molecules gets shorter.

Solution to this is telomeres ( NO GENES)

Telomerase (LENGTHENS)

Lagging strand elongation

Definition: The synthesis of DNA from a template strand in a net 3' to 5' direction. Lagging strand DNA elongation proceeds by discontinuous synthesis of short stretches of DNA, known as Okazaki fragments, from RNA primers; these fragments are then joined by DNA ligase. Although each segment of nascent DNA is synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction, the overall direction of lagging strand synthesis is 3' to 5', mirroring the progress of the replication fork.

ID: GO:0006273

Articles referencing this term

Replisome dynamics and use of DNA trombone loops to bypass replication blocks
Nina Y. Yao and Mike O’Donnell, Mol. BioSyst., 2008 , 4 , 1075
DOI: 10.1039/b811097b

Repetitive lagging strand DNA synthesis by the bacteriophage T4 replisome
Michelle M. Spiering, Scott W. Nelson and Stephen J. Benkovic, Mol. BioSyst., 2008 , 4 , 1070
DOI: 10.1039/b812163j

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Hint: Replication of DNA occurs from 3’ to 5’ end of parent DNA catalyzed by polymerase enzymes. Okazaki fragments help in the elongation of DNA in the retrograde strand.

Compete step by step answer:
Synthesis of DNA is catalyzed by DNA polymerase III and it is semi discontinuous and bidirectional. The replication of DNA occurs from 5’ to 3’ end on both strands of DNA i.e, leading strand and lagging strand. During the elongation of DNA, incoming DNA is attached to 3’ end of the elongated DNA which is catalyzed by DNA polymerase III.

Additional answer:
- Replication of DNA is semi-conservative where both the strands undergo replication simultaneously producing two daughter molecules
- If the newly synthesized DNA molecules have one half of parental DNA and one half of new DNA it is called the semiconservative method
- initiation of DNA replication occurs at a site called the origin of replication
- DNA consists of two strands leading strand which is continuous moves towards the replication fork and the lagging strand which is discontinuous moves away from the replication fork. Both the strands replicate from 5’ to 3’ end.
The template strand decides the base sequence of a newly synthesized complementary strand
- discontinuously synthesized fragments of DNA on the lagging strand are called Okazaki fragments which are joined together to form a continuous strand of DNA.
- DNA polymerase $\delta$ is responsible for replication and elongation on the leading strand of DNA

So, the correct answer is ‘depends on the action of DNA polymerase’.

Note: There are 5 types of DNA polymerase namely DNA polymerase, DNA polymerase $\beta$, DNA polymerase $\gamma$, DNA polymerase $\delta$, DNA polymerase $\epsilon$.
Along with replication and elongation of DNA, DNA polymerase $\gamma$ helps in proofreading activity
The leading strand of DNA is also called a continuous strand or forward strand and the lagging strand is also called a discontinuous strand or retrograde strand.

Which statement about the elongation of the lagging strand during DNA replication is true?

Which statement about the elongation of the lagging strand during DNA replication is correct?. It is synthesized in a 3' --> 5' direction.

What is true about the elongation of the lagging strand?

Definition: The synthesis of DNA from a template strand in a net 3' to 5' direction. Lagging strand DNA elongation proceeds by discontinuous synthesis of short stretches of DNA, known as Okazaki fragments, from RNA primers; these fragments are then joined by DNA ligase.

Which is true about the elongation of the leading strand during DNA synthesis?

The leading strand adds up in the 5 prime to 3 prime direction complementarily with the help of DNA polymerase adding new nucleotides in the 3' direction. Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

What happens in elongation of DNA replication?

During elongation, a primer sequence is added with complementary RNA nucleotides, which are then replaced by DNA nucleotides. During elongation the leading strand is made continuously, while the lagging strand is made in pieces called Okazaki fragments.


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