Which of the following statements best reflects the approach state and local governments take to influence the location decisions of businesses?

is the management function that involves determining whether an organization is progressing toward its goals, rewarding employees for doing a good job, and taking corrective action when they are not

_____ planning prepares alternative courses of action that may be used if the primary plans are not achieving objectives

Management is more progressive today. There is more emphasis on:

A(n) _____ is used by an organization to show who is accountable for the completion of specific work and who reports to whom.

When managers work on creating conditions and systems to ensure that everything and everyone works together to achieve the organizations goals, they are involved in the _____ function of management

In comparing the types of skills used by managers at different levels within an organization

First- line managers use mainly technical and human relations skills, while top manager devote most of their time to activities involving human relations and conceptual skills.

Directly responsible for assigning various jobs to his work crew and evaluating their performance on a daily basis. What member is that?

which of the following activities is part of the organizing function of management?

Giving front-line workers additional resources needed to provide faster and better service to customers

The_______ of management involves the monitoring of product and service performance.

Business partners Lars and Sam brought to life a revolutionary idea. Both were skilled in computer science. For the first few years, they hired people with their same mindset: employees who worked well under a free-reign leadership style where they could expand upon the company's technology and create new products. Moving forward, the partners realized that their fast-growing venture needed structure. Lars and Sam understood what was needed, but questioned whether they could change their own leadership behavior to make it happen. In order to develop the financial and operations side of the business, the partners hired an additional leader, a person whose leadership style was high on structure. Which of the following statements about leader behavior attests to the soundness of this strategic move?

Successful leaders adapt their behavior to the situation at hand.

____ are responsible for directly achieving organizational goals.

The span of control for a manager

depends on a number of factors, and can vary from one manager to another

Max Weber used the term ____ to describe middle managers whose job was to implement the orders of top management:

Which of the following describes a temporary networked organization made up of replaceable firms that join and leave as needed?

The _____ of a business firm is the system that details lines of authority, responsibility, and position, similar to the structure on organization charts.

In the making ethical decisions box, titled, "safety versus profit", which of the following statements best forms the theme of this passage?

the only way to be profitable is to avoid risk. if new safety equipment becomes available that is applicable to your business, even if it slows productivity, you should adopt it

One advantage of a bureaucratic organization is that

employees know they are expected to follow the rules and regulations

The proven success of job specialization lies in the fact that

it adds efficiency to the business's operation by identifying tasks that some do better than others

In a bureaucratic organization 

employees follow strict rules and regulations

Which of the following is an advantage of a matrix organization structure?

It provides for efficient use of organizational resources

The purpose of a PERT network is:

to monitor the progress of a multi-step project during its development

a production process characterized by long production runs to turn out finished goods over time is known as a(n)

Enterprise Resource Planning

The six sigma approach to quality control

Detects potential problems early to prevent their occurrence

Today manufacturers are relying more heavily on

one or two suppliers because firms share so much information

A company becomes lean by _____ its capacity to produce high quality goods, while ______ its need for resources.

Contemporary operations management planning is an inter firm process.

it is a process where several firms work closely together to produce goods and services, anticipate a changing enviroment 

Which of the following statements best reflects the approach state and local governments take to influence the location devisions of businesses? state and local governments

often engage in fierce competition to attract businesses, including the offer of tax brakes, zoning changes, and financial aid.

Which of the following statements about operations management in the service sector is most accurate. Operation management in the the service sector:

should focus on providing customers with a good experience

Which of the following would be most helpful to a production manager who wanted to determine the minimum time required to complete a proposed project? T QM CAD/CAM ERP PERT

Contemporary managers focus on _____ by increasing the significance of the job, and even providing the employee with important feedback

The principle of _____, which said that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary motions

In order to use expectancy theory to improve worker motivation, the first thing managers should is:

ensure that the rewards are tied to the employee's performance

The purpose of management by objective is to

help employees motivate themselves with a goal-setting model that involves, discussion, review, and evaluation by management and employees

managers who advocate job enrichment focus on creating jobs with

skill variety and autonomy 

One of the reasons Management by objectives is an effective way to implement the ideas of goal setting theory is that it

provides a method to get everyone involved int he process of setting goals

which of the following statements about cultural differences in the workplace is most accurate?

managers must be away of cultural differences and recognize that different employees may respond best to different management and motivational styles

As companies restructure to create efficiencies in their operations, there is a greater opportunity for ______ where management combines specialized tasks in one job, and asking employees to broaden their scope of responsibilites 

Which of the following descriptions more appropriately reflects the way that Gen Xers prefer to communicate at work?

The most important impact of the Hawthorne studies was that it

changed the direction of research away from Taylor's scientific management toward the study of human based management

One implication of today's flatter corporate structures is that

employees are more likely to get a lateral transfer, before a promotion

one of the key functions of human resource management is 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commision

may include higher education

Sick leave pay, vacation pay, pension are called:

One of the reasons many firms have chosen to use temporary employees rather rehire full-time employees is that 

it enables them to avoid the prohibitively high costs associated with terminating employees

which of the following reasons makes the recruiting job more challenging?

some organizations have policies that demand promotions from within that limits the pool of candidates

as companies continue to develop women and minorities for management positions, they:

increase the available talent pool of skilled employees

If you company is selling its products or services to the U.S. government, you should study HR law that pertains to:

nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws when doing business with the federal government

Which of the following firms would have the strongest incentive to drop a job sharing plan?

GHI health services wants to reduce absenteeism and tardiness

Understanding consumers in marketing is considered so important that a whole area of marketing called ________ emerged

which of the following represents a technique used to obtain primary data?

conducting personal interviews with potential customers

A firm that uses ____ segmentation divides a market into groups based on values, attitudes, or interests

which of the following describes individuals that want goods and services for personal consumption and have the resources to buy them?

Exploring ____ data first helps marketers minimize marketing research costs

Tasteequik Food markets one line of food products to consumers looking for meals that are very simple and quick to prepare. Tasteequik also offers another line of food targeted to people interested in low fat, high nutrition foods. Tasteequik's strategy of dividing the market into groups that want similar things from the products they buy is an example of:

which of the following is consistent with relationship marketing?

working with buyers to determine their individual needs

Comparing the business practices of the 1950s to those of today indicate that today's marketing managers:

have a more ambitious goal of not just satisfying customers, but of exceeding their expectations

which of the following is part of marketing process

determining an appropriate brand name for a new product

The future for e-commerce is banking on the fact that "friends" have similar likes and even similar buying habits! according tot he social media in business box featuring the story "calling all businesses"

for some companies, mobile phone purchases have already become a billion dollar business. In order to survive, small businesses must also align themselves with mobile platforms

____ goods appeal to consumers who are willing to make an extra shopping effort to acquire them

____ consists of major capital equipment such as new factories and heavy machinery

Brand ____ refers to the loyalty, perceived quality, and emotions people associate with a given brand name

the brand names that are used by producers that distribute products nationally are called

A _____ has direct responsibility for all the elements of the marketing mix for one brand or product line

many supermarkets carry plain packages that only identify the name of the product that is inside. For example, a label may read simply peaches or green beans. these goods represent

sears sells batteries under its own diehard brand name even though another company actually produces these batteries. this is an example of a 

which of the following statements about non-price competition is most accurate

marketers often rely on non-price differences in their competitive strategy to enhance a relatively homogeneous product

which of the following is expected during the maturity stage of a product life cycle?

which of the following statements regarding convenience goods and services is accurate?

brand awareness and image are important in marketing these products

Which statement best describes the impact of recent advances in information technology on business location decisions?

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of recent advances in information technology on business location decisions? Advances in information technology will give firms more flexibility in their location decisions by reducing the need to locate close to sources of labor.

Which statement best describes the distinction between production management and operations management quizlet?

Which statement best describes the distinction between production management and operations management? Production management involves activities managers perform to help create goods while operations management is a term that involves the activities involved in producing services as well as goods.

What is a likely reason that a company would move its facility from one location to another?

Businesses commonly cite five main reasons for changing locations. These are labor and work force issues, the desire to reach new markets, the need to upgrade facilities or equipment, the desire to lower costs or increase cash flow, and considerations about quality of life.

What is a interfirm process?

Interfirm means that several firms will work together via the Internet and through the use of other sophisticated technology to produce products and services that customers need and want. The interfirm process recognizes that today's successful businesses must operate in dynamic environments.


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