Which are characteristics of the secondary level of prevention Select all that apply


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While providing client care, a nurse determines that a client adheres to the health belief model. What would the nurse need to assess as a factor possibly affecting the client's response to illness? Personality characteristics
The nurse should identify the need for further teaching when the client with diabetes who is taking daily insulin and follows a strict diet makes which statement? "I cannot possibly ever be considered as healthy."
A nurse is caring for a client who has COPD, a chronic illness of the lungs. The client is in remission. Which statement best describes a period of remission in a client with a chronic illness? Symptoms are not experienced.
During the visit, the client tells the nurse, "I'm motivated to do things now to make sure I'm the healthiest I can be." When planning this client's care, the nurse should focus on which area? Health promotion
When providing care to a client, the nurse integrates knowledge that a client's beliefs and actions are related and influenced by the client's personal expectations in relation to health and illness. which health model? Health belief model
Which activities would the nurse consider to be lifestyle risk factors for the development of health problems? Avoiding exercise Participating in extreme sports Maintaining a stressful job
The nurse's community outreach class is giving a presentation on seat belts and child safety seats at the local firehouse every weekend in October. Which level of health promotion is this an example of? Primary
Which is an example of tertiary health promotion? Rehabilitation
Which are characteristics of chronic conditions? Are rarely curable Require lifelong management Have a prolonged course
Which definition of health is the best? Health is a state of complete well-being.
The nurse in a free clinic caring for clients uses the Health Belief Model, which is based on three components. What is the main focus for this model? What people believe to be true about their health
A nurse refers an HIV-positive client to a local support group. This is an example of what level of preventive care? Tertiary
A nurse is explaining A1C diagnostic testing to a client with diabetes. What level of health care delivery does this test suggest? Primary
To be an effective change agent for wellness, the nurse must: consume a diet low in fat.
When chronic illnesses and disabilities are present, individuals benefit most from activities that: help them maintain independence.
The nurse is preparing a sterile field for a procedure. While the nurse is opening an instrument, the outer wrapper of the sterilized instrument touches the extreme edge of the field. What should the nurse do next? Discard the sterile field and prepare a new one
A teenaged client reports having diarrhea before every test in school. The nurse recognizes that this client needs to focus on which dimension of health? Emotional dimension
Risk factors for illness are divided into six categories. Working with carcinogenic chemicals is an example of which type of risk factor? Environmental risk factor
Which nursing intervention is an example of tertiary preventive care? Assisting with speech therapy a client with a traumatic brain injury
Chronic illness may be characterized by periods of remission. Remission is best defined as: the presence of a disease with the absence of symptoms.
Why are health promotion and illness prevention a key responsibility of nurses? Chronic illnesses are the leading health problem in the world.
A nurse is immunizing children against measles. This is an example of what level of preventive care? Primary
Consultation and diagnostic tests are included in which level of health care? Secondary care
What is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity? Health
Which are factors that impact how a client defines health? Select all that apply. Society Community Culture Family
When providing care to a client, the nurse integrates knowledge that a client's beliefs and actions are related and influenced by the client's personal expectations in relation to health and illness. Health belief model
A client has a Staphylococcus infection in a decubitus ulcer. In this case, Staphylococcus is the: agent.
A client with Alzheimer disease in a nursing home is more compliant in following directions for dressing and feeding with one nurse than with other staff members. This phenomenon is the Therapeutic Model of Interaction.
To be an effective change agent for wellness, the nurse must: consume a diet low in fat.
What have the models of health promotion and illness prevention been used for? To help health care providers understand health-related behaviors.
the client states, "Nothing will ever be the same for me since I have this disease." What is the most appropriate response for the nurse? "If you maintain a positive self-concept, you can live as normally as possible."
Which definition of health is the best? Health is a state of complete well-being
A nurse refers an HIV-positive client to a local support group. This is an example of what level of preventive care? Tertiary
Which examples of nursing actions to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) best illustrate the principles of this model? The nurse should assess the clients for risk factors for infection when planning nursing care. The nurse should consider the client's family history and age . The nurse should examine environmental stressors in clients’ lives to see how these stressors
the client tells the nurse, "I'm motivated to do things now to make sure I'm the healthiest I can be." When planning this client's care, the nurse should focus on which area? Health promotion
Which model is most useful in examining the cause of disease in an individual, based upon external factors? The Agent-Host-Environment Model
A nurse is caring for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The nurse explains to the client that COPD is a chronic disease. Why is COPD considered a chronic disease? It has a gradual onset and lasts for a long time.
A community health nurse arranges for a dental checkup camp for the local children in the school district. Which of the following would most likely be the nurse's goal for this health camp? Health promotion
The concept of holism is based on the belief that: individuals cannot be seen apart from the environment.
Which are characteristics of chronic conditions? Are rarely curable Require lifelong management Have a prolonged course
Which needs are being met when a nurse recommends a senior citizen community center for an older client who is living alone? Sociocultural needs
The client is admitted with a gastrointestinal bleed. The physician ordered a colonoscopy. Which level of care encompasses this procedure? Secondary
A client is admitted to the mental health center with attempted suicide. Which of the client’s problems is the priority for the nurse to manage? Risk of self-harm
Which nursing intervention is an example of tertiary preventive care? Assisting with speech therapy a client with a traumatic brain injury
A client has had a total knee replacement and is receiving care that includes learning to walk with a walker. What level of prevention is most applicable to this client? Tertiary prevention
What have the models of health promotion and illness prevention been used for? To help health care providers understand health-related behaviors.
The client tells the nurse: “I don’t know why this happened to me, but I’m ready to move on and do whatever I need to do to get healthy again.” This client is in which stage of acute illness? Stage 3
A client has been admitted to the hospital for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis, with a random blood glucose reading of 575 mg/dL (31.91 mmol/L), vomiting, and shortness of breath. Exacerbation
A client, who has just been diagnosed with a chronic condition, asks the nurse what a“chronic condition” means. What would be the nurse’s best response? “Chronic conditions usually come on slowly and may have periods of remission and exacerbation.”
Which nursing activity reflects secondary prevention? Making a referral for a mammogram
A nurse is planning a health fair in the community to highlight promotion and prevention of the leading cause of death in the United States. Which disease process should the nurse address? Coronary artery disease
The recognition of health as an ongoing process toward a person's highest potential of functioning is defined as: high-level wellness.
What is a dynamic state in which a person constantly adapts to changes in the internal and external environment? Health
A client enjoys eating high-calorie carbohydrate meals, but understands her blood sugar can increase sharply, ultimately causing the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as her blood sugar decreases. self-concept.
Why are health promotion and illness prevention a key responsibility of nurses? Chronic illnesses are the leading health problem in the world.
A nurse is implementing secondary-level interventions for a group of hospitalized clients. With which activity would the nurse be involved? Select all that apply. Administering medications Providing wound care
Because the client lives alone and has poorly controlled hypertension, the client has begun to receive home healthcare. This new aspect of the client's care is characteristic of which stage of illness? Assuming a dependent role
A client has been admitted to the hospital for treatment of pancreatitis secondary to alcoholism. The client states that it is nearly impossible to quit drinking because of the deep entrenchment of alcohol use @ work & friends Sociocultural and intellectual
The nurse is holding a cholesterol screening at a local pharmacy this Saturday morning. What level(s) of health promotion is this screening an example of? Secondary
What type of risk factor is smoking? Modifiable
When providing care to a client, the nurse integrates knowledge that a client's beliefs and actions are related and influenced by the client's personal expectations in relation to health and illness. Health belief model
Which behaviors are necessary for a person to successfully adapt to a chronic illness? Select all that apply. Learn to live as normally as possible Maintain a positive self-concept Maintain a sense of hope
Which statement best describes the difference between the concept of wellness and the concept of health? Wellness is an active state, whereas health is a more passive state dependent on the absence of disease.
Which is the goal of tertiary prevention of illness? Minimizing complications
When admitting an adolescent to the hospital, the nurse anticipates that the client will respond to questions about the client's health beliefs based primarily on the client's: age and developmental stage.
How can the nurse best demonstrate being a role model for health promotion? Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
Which nursing activity reflects care given on the tertiary level of healthcare delivery? Assisting with transplant surgery

Which are characteristics of the secondary level of prevention?

Secondary prevention Examples include: regular exams and screening tests to detect disease in its earliest stages (e.g. mammograms to detect breast cancer) daily, low-dose aspirins and/or diet and exercise programs to prevent further heart attacks or strokes.

Which are the characteristics of the secondary level of prevention quizlet?

Secondary prevention is focused on minimizing effects of long-term disease or disability. Secondary prevention is focused on individuals who are in the early stage of their illnesses. Secondary prevention is aimed at attaining health promotion through wellness development activities.

What is the second level of prevention?

Secondary prevention involves identifying people in whom a disease process has already begun but who have not yet developed clinical signs and symptoms of the illness. This period in the natural history of a disease is called thepreclinical phase of the illness and is discussed inChapter 18.

What is secondary prevention in nursing quizlet?

Secondary prevention. goal is to detect disease in its early stages. activities aimed at detection of disease in the early stages before clinical signs appear. Reversing or reducing the severity of disease or providing a cure.


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