Which characteristics support an information MIS infrastructure check all that apply


Infrastructures: Sustainable Technologies

MIS infrastructure, which includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share its data,

processes, and MIS assets. A solid MIS infrastructure can reduce costs, improve productivity, optimize

business operations, generate growth, and increase profitability.

Hardware consists of the physical devices associated with a computer system

Software is the set of instructions the hardware executes to carry out specific tasks

A network is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a

standard methodology in which they can communicate

Specific form of network infrastructure:

A client is a computer designed to request information from a server.

A server is a computer dedicated to providing information in response to requests. A good way

to understand this is when someone uses a web browser (this would be the client) to access a

website (this would be a server that would respond with the web page being requested by the


An enterprise architect is a person grounded in technology, fluent in business, and able to provide the

important bridge between MIS and the business. Firms employ enterprise architects to help manage

change and dynamically update MIS infrastructure.

Supporting operations:Information MIS infrastructure identifies where and how important

information, such as customer records, is maintained and secured.

Supporting change:Agile MIS infrastructure includes the hardware, software, and

telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation to

support the organization’s goals.

MIS infrastructure Includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share

its data, processes, and MIS assets






Supporting operations

Information MIS infrastructure

Supporting change

Agile MIS Infrastructure

Supporting the environment

Sustainable MIS infrastructure

Information MIS Infrastructure:

-Backup and recovery plan

-Disaster recovery plan

-Business continuity plan

BackupAn exact copy of a system’s information

Recovery – The ability to get a system up and running in the event of a system crash or


-Fault tolerance



Disaster recovery plan A detailed process for recovering information or an IT system

in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire or flood

Disaster recovery cost curve – Charts (1) the cost to the organization of the

unavailability of information and technology and (2) the cost to the organization of

recovering from a disaster over time

Hot site A separate and fully equipped facility where the company can

move immediately after a disaster and resume business

Cold site A separate facility that does not have any computer equipment,

but is a place where employees can move after a disaster

Warm site A separate facility with computer equipment that requires

installation and configuration

Business continuity planning (BCP)A plan for how an organization will

Which characteristics support and information MIS infrastructure?

The features that support a sustainable MIS infrastructure include accessibility, maintainability, availability, portability, scalability, reliability, and usability.

What are the key elements of MIS infrastructure?

Components of MIS Infrastructure:.
Business Procedures..

Which characteristics support an agile MIS Infrastructure Group of answer choices?

Which characteristics support an agile MIS infrastructure? The agile MIS infrastructure includes accessibility, availability, flexibility, performance, portability, reliability, scalability and usability.

What are the three business functions supported by MIS infrastructure?

Grid computing, cloud computing and virtualized computing are the components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure.


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