What is a key aspect of diversity that spurs innovation and so should not be considered a negative?

Which statement best describes how organizations have evolved in their definition of diversity?

From focusing on legal compliance to focusing on ethical and moral values

From a cultural relativism perspective to one of universalist values

From a defensive, compliance-based view to that of a strategic asset

From considering only racial and cultural differences to also including gender-based differences


From a defensive, compliance-based view to that of a strategic asset

Diversity is not just a matter of adding new categories to a growing list of identity groups: race, religion, gender, culture, ethnic background, age, and so on. Rather, it is a move from viewing diversity defensively, as a matter of legal or ethical compliance, to viewing it strategically, as a valuable asset to be leveraged.
Item ls4-11-3

An organization attempts to create employee participation teams that balance membership, in part, by age. What dimension layer of diversity is being addressed?







Internal dimensions of diversity include aspects over which we have little control, such as sex or age.
Item ls4-11-51

Which statement best describes the relationship between diversity and inclusion?

Inclusion enables an organization to leverage the strategic value of diversity.

Inclusion is a strategic approach, while diversity is a tactical approach.

Diversity and inclusion are not related; they are mutually exclusive.

Inclusion represents the costs, while diversity represents the benefits.


Inclusion enables an organization to leverage the strategic value of diversity.

Diversity provides the potential for greater innovation and creativity. Inclusion is what enables organizations to realize the business benefits of this potential. Diversity and inclusion, then, are two halves of the whole. Value is leveraged only by working from a definition of diversity that enables everyone to feel included, accepted, and valued.
Item ls4-11-5

Which best describes how an organization's focus on diversity is a benefit to its recruitment efforts?

It enhances the employment brand to attract talent.

It reduces the costs of recruitment activities.

It increases the number of potential candidates.

It enables the organization to ignore local needs.


It enhances the employment brand to attract talent.

Developing an inclusive and diverse workforce enhances the employer's brand and its ability to attract high-potential talent in minority groups. The organization can also more easily respond to demographic changes and local labor markets.
Item lsre-4-11-13

Which is the primary aim of an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts?

To brand the organization

To comply with labor laws

To respond to pressure from labor unions

To develop diverse perspectives


To develop diverse perspectives

The business case for diversity and inclusion efforts is premised on the value of diverse perspectives in an organization.
Item lsna-19-152

Which is diversity's greatest value to an organization?

Positive publicity it brings the organization

Improved employee and labor relations

Range of perspectives and modes of thinking

Ability to meet regulatory requirements


Range of perspectives and modes of thinking

What makes diversity valuable to an organization is, first and foremost, the expanding range of perspectives and modes of thinking that it provides, with potential rewards of greater innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities.
Item ls4-11-4

What are three key reasons why diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives require full-fledged, organization-wide efforts?

Cultural stereotypes, diaspora, dilemma reconciliation

Complexity, compliance, brand reputation

Priority, complexity, resistance

Demographic dichotomy, hyperconnectivity, compliance


Priority, complexity, resistance

D&I initiatives are resource-intensive because of priority, complexity, and resistance. To be a strategic priority, D&I must be aligned with core business goals; otherwise, it will always have a lower priority than more immediate concerns. Because of the complexity of the D&I problem, initiatives require a strategic, organization-wide solution. Achieving D&I initiatives requires major organization-wide change that can be problematic and challenging.
Item ls16-1-12

Which factors contribute to the cost of diversity and inclusion initiatives?

Decreased creativity

Branding efforts

Employee turnover

Expanded training


Expanded training

Successful implementation of diversity and inclusion efforts requires expanded employee training in cultural awareness, communication, and team building.
Item lsna-19-151

Which types of data should be measured at the preliminary assessment stage of the diversity and inclusion strategic process?

Attitudes about diversity

Demographic and attitude data

Organizational demographics

Leadership goals and attitudes


Demographic and attitude data

Item ls4-11-24


A clear picture is needed not just of current organizational performance but also of current attitudes about diversity and about the organization's existing diversity and inclusion efforts. This requires both objective data, such as comparable promotion and turnover figures for various demographic groups, and subjective (but measurable) data, such as survey, interview, and focus group results.

Which describes the most critical role of a diversity council?

Ensuring the involvement of upper management in the diversity initiative

Establishing goals and programs for the diversity and inclusion initiative

Coordinating the efforts of the organization's various employee resource groups

Overseeing strategic alliances with outside organizations dedicated to diversity issues


Establishing goals and programs for the diversity and inclusion initiative

Item lsre-4-11-25


There must be a designated group whose sole responsibility is to guide, oversee, and champion the organization's diversity and inclusion initiative. That is the role of the diversity council, which serves as the nexus of the initiative. It establishes the vision, goals, and programs, and it collects information and analyzes outcomes.

Which best describes a diversity council?

Voluntary private/public partnership to promote diversity and inclusion

Quasi-judicial review committee to review diversity and inclusion efforts

Management task force to promote diversity and inclusion in the organization

Labor-management committee dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in the organization


Management task force to promote diversity and inclusion in the organization

Item lsna-19-183


A diversity council is a management-level task force established to define and promote an organization's diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Which of the following initiatives best promotes diversity and inclusion in organizations?

Development of a diversity council

Recruitment of diverse job candidates

Increased training for managers

Support for state universities


Development of a diversity council

Item lsna-19-231

Organizations should establish a diversity council or comparable task force to define the diversity and inclusion initiative and take tangible steps to create the infrastructure to support diversity.

Which of the following is considered a criterion for effective employee resource groups (ERGs) as established by DiversityInc.?

The group sets and signs off on metrics and goals.

Group members serve as formal mentors.

The leader of the group is the CEO or a direct report to the CEO.

The group has a formal charter.


The group has a formal charter.

Item ls4-11-45


DiversityInc. recommends formal charters for ERGs. The other options refer to criteria for effective diversity councils, not ERGs.

Which best describes the impact of having senior leaders directly involved in a diversity council?

Mandating that each functional area and location in the organization be represented in the employee resource group

Replacing the need for a diversity strategy and using the employee resource group to be the stakeholders' voice

Being a catalyst for change that aligns functions and responsibilities and creates greater commitment, efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity

Ensuring that internal and external stakeholders each have their own view and plan relating to a diversity and inclusion strategy


Being a catalyst for change that aligns functions and responsibilities and creates greater commitment, efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity

Item ls4-11-26


Direct involvement of upper management is critical in order for an effective diversity and inclusion strategy to take hold. Leaders are able to leverage internal and external resources across the organization, throughout business units, to customers and the community, resulting in an attractive and competitive organization. There is no single council structure. Some organizations prefer a council with representation from all employee levels and functions; others opt for an executive council consisting entirely of upper management personnel. The relationship with ERGs or other advisory groups may vary as well.

In order to further its diversity and inclusion initiative, an organization wants to help its employee resource groups (ERGs) succeed. Which role should HR take?

Assigning each new employee to the appropriate ERG

Encouraging ERGs to operate independent of the organization

Supporting the establishment of ERG-focused programs

Assuming a leadership position in each ERG


Supporting the establishment of ERG-focused programs

Item ls4-11-27


ERGs and their parent organizations can serve as resources for one another, and the parent organization can provide support and expertise. But a critical element of ERGs is that they are self-selecting. By joining an ERG, an employee chooses to focus on one of many diversity dimensions that comprise his or her identity or interests. By the same token, organizational sponsorship, rather than leadership, is the appropriate role.

Which should be included in manager training for an organization's diversity and inclusion strategic initiative?

Overcoming any negative attitudes the managers have about minorities

Leading diverse teams effectively and fostering an inclusive work environment

Demonstrating how to comply with diversity-based legal requirements

Identifying and overcoming limitations of minority members on their teams


Leading diverse teams effectively and fostering an inclusive work environment

Item ls4-11-32


The key goal of management-directed training is to help executives learn to manage more effectively. Diversity awareness courses aimed at the entire organization (another key training component) will cover better understanding how to work in a diverse organization, focusing on all differences and not particular groups.

Diversity may improve a team's innovation and creativity. Which obstacles may a diverse team have to initially overcome?

Rejecting out of hand any proposals from the home office

Focusing on ideas from only one demographic, excluding other options

Innovating while ignoring the costs of new approaches

Demonstrating fragmented, nonproductive, and indecisive behavior


Demonstrating fragmented, nonproductive, and indecisive behavior

If not managed properly, diverse teams may become fragmented, nonproductive, and unable to arrive at decisions in a timely manner. Differences in approaches can be emphasized, making it difficult to reach a single solution.
Item ls4-11-12

A business providing cloud computing services intends to distribute its server centers in different time zones to protect against risks of local outages and to save cooling energy by moving the bulk of processing to centers operating at night. Which describes the impact to the organization's human capital planning?

The budget for talent development will be reduced.

There will be an increased need for diversity training.

The size of the workforce will decrease.

Different technical skills will be required.


There will be an increased need for diversity training.

Home-country managers who work with staff at host-country sites will need to be more aware of cultural diversity.
Item lsre-4-11-1

Which statement accurately describes the status of diversity and inclusion in a global context?

Diversity and inclusion is a concern only in the United States.

Many countries have laws prohibiting employment discrimination.

Diversity and inclusion initiatives consider only gender and race.

The International Labour Organization requires diversity and inclusion initiatives.


Many countries have laws prohibiting employment discrimination.

Diversity and inclusion is a concern across the globe, and many countries have laws prohibiting discrimination. There is a great deal of variation across countries regarding which groups are impacted by these initiatives. Impacted groups may be members of a caste, a religious group, a racial group, and/or a nationality.
Item lsna-19-212

Which approach is most effective for promoting diversity and inclusion globally?

Use a wide range of measures of success beyond demographics.

Create a uniform standard for all countries.

Emphasize the impact of diversity and inclusion for expatriates.

Adher to local laws and religious traditions.


Use a wide range of measures of success beyond demographics.

Diversity and inclusion includes differences in perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences in addition to differences in demographic characteristics.
Item lsna-19-370

How is diversity linked to innovation?

Diverse and inclusive teams create more unlikely ideas —the more likely they are to draw inspiration from seemingly unrelated places. These idea combinations lead to more unlikely—and more innovative—ideas.

What is diversity and innovation?

Innovation is about the execution of creative ideas that generate value to our customers' business or life in a new, simple way. Diversity increases your chances to understand your customers and what value means for them. At the same time, it provides different points of view to promote creative breakthroughs.

Why is innovation an important part of managing a diverse workforce?

Diversity and Innovation is Win-Win These ideas not only lead to better ideas and solutions, but also to increased employee satisfaction, and a healthy culture of innovation that will drive growth and put your company in good stead for the future.

What is the impact of inclusion on innovation?

Inclusive Behaviors Maximize Innovation. This means that a company's ability to embrace inclusive leadership translates to its business results and can drive the level of innovative thought that leads to successful market disruption.


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