In which business situation would you typically need to be most polite quizlet?

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Terms in this set (100)

The marketing director of an apparel company has to promote a person to the post of senior brand manager. There are three candidates in the running—David, Martina, and Nicki—and the marketing director has to ensure that the person she selects succeeds at the job. David has good product knowledge but poor communication skills. Martina is an average communicator but has excellent creative insight. Nicki possesses great communication skills but has average product knowledge. Keeping this scenario in mind, which of the following statements is true?

Nicki is most likely to succeed at the job because of her good communication skills

Which of the following is an example of an internal business document?


Which of the following is an example of an external business document?

policy and procedure bulletin

Ada is writing a memo of congratulations to Enrique, who has been promoted to the post of assistant manager. Keeping in mind organizational documents, the most likely purpose of Ada's memo is to

Build goodwill

Ali works in the customer service department of Pronto Mobile. He has to reply to a customer's request for reimbursement for a faulty product. Ali is likely to reply to the request via a

Claims adjustment

In business communication, the main purpose of a 10-K report is to


Which of the following is most likely to reduce the cost of communication?

reducing document cycling

Poor business communication is characterized by

writing that obscures ideas and results in drawn-out decisions.

Eduardo, the owner of a bakery, plans to write a letter to all his customers about a change in the location of his store. The bakery is moving to a location that is not at the heart of the city, which may not be convenient for many customers. Which of the following is recommended for Eduardo while he writes the letter?

He should mention the benefits for the customers.

Mena, a new business owner, is giving a presentation to a client on how she plans to help them better market themselves. She makes sure that the information in her presentation is clear, complete, and accurate, and that it presents a positive image of her and her organization. She uses long paragraphs to present the information on the slides. Which of the following modifications should Mena make to her presentation for it to be more effective?

She should use visuals to present information to save the audience's time in understanding and reading the information.

Which of the following statements is true of conventions?

They are not static and tend to change with time.

Monique was recently hired as a marketing consulting in a foreign country and was able to adapt to the culture very quickly. When her colleagues asked her how she had managed to adapt so quickly, Monique said that she made an effort to understand the company's conventions. Which of the following would have been the best way for Monique to understand the company's conventions?

observing the actions of other employees

Corporate greed, international pacts, and philanthropic deeds are best included within the category of

business ethics

While creating its ethical code of conduct, an organization's management asks itself, "Do the words balance the organization's right to present its best case with its responsibility to present its message honestly?" In this case, which aspect of ethical issues in business communication is the management focusing on?

the manner of conveying the message

Lens Flare is a graphic design firm that enables its employees to exercise while working by connecting some employees' workstations to treadmills. Lens Flare believes that this environment facilitates employee motivation and creativity. This scenario best illustrates Lens Flare's

corporate culture

Which of the following is a difference between formal and informal corporate cultures?

Formal corporate cultures are characterized by hierarchical lines of command; informal corporate cultures are not.

Which of the following statements is true of the brainstorming stage of solving a business communication problem?

It assumes that there are usually several possible solutions to a problem.

When deciding how much and what information to include in a presentation, you should

make a list of the points that must be included.

When organizing your information to fit your audience, your purpose, and the situation, you should

present the good news first.

Which of the following is recommended while revising your draft to create a friendly and businesslike style?

Read your message as if you were in your audience's shoes.

Which of the following audiences of organizational messages are people who have political, social, or economic power but do not have the power to stop a message or directly act on it?

watchdog audience

Catalina, a team lead at a company, has decided to change the work process of her team to improve quality. First, she has to get the approval of the company's operations head before she can present her proposal to the departmental head. Once she receives the head of operation's approval, she will make a presentation to the departmental head, who will then decide if the new process should be implemented or not. If the proposal is approved, the employees working under Catalina will have to implement the new process. In this scenario, the employees will be categorized as a(n)

secondary audience.

Jervase is a fact checker at a publishing company. He writes an email explaining the new schedule he and his team members will use to check chapters of a textbook. Which of the following individuals is the gatekeeper in this scenario?

Jervase's manager, who will decide if the new schedule should be presented to the editorial manager or not

The venture capitalist for a small company is attending a sales presentation made by one of the employees to an important client. Though the venture capitalist does not have the power to stop the message or act on it directly, he will carefully evaluate the interaction between the employee and the client. Based on the results of the presentation, he will decide whether to invest further in the company. Which of the following audiences does the venture capitalist represent?

the watchdog audience

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the __________ dichotomy measures how individuals orient themselves to the external world.


In the context of the four dichotomies in Myers-Briggs typology, which of the following statements is true?

Perceiving types prefer to live in a flexible, spontaneous way, enjoying possibilities.

In the context of the four dichotomies in Myers-Briggs typology, which of the following statements is true?

Sensing types trust their own experience more than someone else's account.

Saki's boss is of the intuitive type in Myers-Briggs typology. Considering this, which of the following will it be advisable for Saki to do when making and presenting decisions to her boss?

Use metaphors and analogies in explanations

Which of the following illustrates the psychographic profiling of customers?

an electric car designed for those who value eco-friendly products

The management at a start-up company decides to hire retired employees from banks, colleges, and other major companies to mentor its employees. This way, the company can gain a workforce that is both experienced and proficient at a lower cost. However, the average age of the employees in the company is only 32. Which of the following practices will make the new, older employees comfortable in the organization?

providing clearly defined roles

Which of the following questions will help analyze an organization's discourse community?

What kind of and how much evidence is needed to be convincing?

Jana is the head of a department and is in charge of supervising 30 employees. Most discussions related to her department take place orally in departmental meetings. However, Jana should deliver the message in a written form when she wants to

present specific details or complex data about a particular project.

Qing needs to write an email to all his customers promoting a new loyalty program. From his experience, he has realized that most customers do not view promotional emails as important and tend to ignore them. Which of the following practices should Qing implement so that the audience does not take his message to be unimportant?

Make the message in the email clear and concise.

Carmen is the head of the product development team. She has called the marketing team to a meeting to give them an overview of a new product they will need to promote soon. During the meeting, she will have to provide some technical information that is new to the audience. Which of the following practices should Carmen implement in order to effectively deliver the new information to the audience?

Use examples to explain concepts and terms.

Which of the following is an effective practice when requesting an action from the audience that is time-consuming, complicated, or psychologically challenging?

making the action as easy as possible

While designing a document that is meant to serve as a detailed guide for assembling a product, it is effective to

put any warnings at the beginning of the document.

Fancy Pants is a luxury apparel store that sells designer wear to its member clients, who are mostly movie stars and music artists. When selling merchandise, which of the following audience benefits is Fancy Pants most likely to stress?

The collection is exclusive, and each outfit can be further personalized to suit the client's taste.

An example of an intrinsic motivator for a sales representative would be

experiencing pleasure in helping the company grow.

The Grand Banquet Hotel is a business hotel for corporate clients looking for a premium place to host product launches, press releases, and shareholder meetings. Which of the following audience benefits should the hotel's advertisements stress to effectively appeal to its target customer?

large conference room that accommodates more than 300 people

Kiara is writing a project report that will eventually be viewed by her company's board of directors, project engineers, marketing executives, and clients. She knows that the needs of all the people who are going to view the document are different. Keeping this in mind, which of the following practices should Kiara adopt in writing the document?

She should use a more formal style to write the report.

Which of the following best demonstrates you-attitude?

protecting the audience's ego

Which of the following best helps apply you-attitude on a sentence level?

using "you" more often than "I" in positive situations

Carla, a manager, is required to inform her subordinate that he will not be receiving a promotion based on his annual performance review. Which of the following is the best way for Carla to give her subordinate this information using you-attitude?

No basis for a promotion was found in the annual performance review.

Morgan is Brian's manager. She has to inform Brian that she will not be able to approve his annual raise because of upcoming budget cuts. Which of the following is the best way for Morgan to convey this bad news using you-attitude?

The team will not receive raises this year due to budget cuts.

Vera owns an online retail store that sells wearable electronic devices. A new customer has just placed an order for a very expensive smart watch. Which of the following best illustrates a confirmation of the order using you-attitude?

Your order #2867 has been confirmed.

A manager has to inform her subordinates that their performances are not up to the mark. To maintain positive emphasis, which of the following is the best way for her to communicate the bad news to them?

To ensure that employee performance is good this year, we are changing the productivity guidelines.

Which of the following sentences in an advertisement for MegaWatt lightbulbs correctly applies positive emphasis?

MegaWatt lightbulbs offer a five-year warranty.

A sentence from a travel agent to a customer reads, "I hope this is the vacation package you are looking for." This sentence lacks positive emphasis primarily because it

contains a hidden negative.

A sentence reads, "To increase the skin cleansing you obtain from the product, we have added a special chemical to it, which has increased the price of the product." Which aspect of maintaining positive emphasis does this sentence best indicate?

linking a negative element to a benefit by placing the benefit first

Which of the following actions is most likely to emphasize the negative information in a message?

giving the negative information a lot of space on the page

In which of the following situations is it considered insensitive to use positive emphasis?

when terminating an employee's employment

Which branch of psychology studies how to help people thrive?


Maureen is attending a fundraiser for her nonprofit and is excited about being introduced to Anna Corbin, a renowned philanthropist. Since Maureen has not interacted with Anna before, Maureen should address Anna as

Ms. Corbin

Mia has planned a meeting with Khaled, her subordinate. Which of the following words spoken by Mia to Khaled indicates the lowest level of politeness?

attend the meeting tomorrow

In which of the following business situations would you typically need to be most polite?

if you are asking for something that will inconvenience the audience

Keeping in mind tone, power, and politeness in business messages, which of the following statements about trust is true?

Trust is enhanced by delivering what you promised.

Which of the following job titles is regarded as sexist in business communication?


With regard to biased language, which of the statements below is true about the following job titles: executive, accountant, inspector, pilot, and secretary?

They are all neutral.

To reduce bias in communication, when you are addressing a reader whose name or gender you do not know, you should

replace the salutation with a subject line.

Which of the following is the most effective way to make a sentence nonsexist?

omitting the pronouns

Which of the following activities in the composing process typically involves adding, deleting, or rearranging information?


Which of the following describes clustering as a technique for generating ideas?

writing a topic in the middle of the page and trying to create a pattern of ideas around it

For an oral presentation, a meeting, or a document with lots of visuals, try creating a __________, with a rectangle representing each page or unit.


Which of the following statements about reports is true?

Reports are more formal than letters or memos.

People who write when they are feeling under stress tend to

have a more indirect style of writing.

Which of the following half-truths about business writing should you follow?

Use big words correctly; otherwise, they may distance you from your audience.

Which of the following is an example of a sentence using passive voice?

The task was completed by the sales manager.

A sentence reads, "Plans for the new project are being made by the productivity breakthrough team." Which of the following statements correctly illustrates the active voice version of this sentence?

The productivity breakthrough team is making plans for the new project.

Which of the following sentences is a simple sentence?

Her desk has been moved to a corner at the other end of the floor.

Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?

I was given an option to transfer, but I chose to stay.

Which of the following is an effective guideline to follow while focusing on sentence length and structure?

Group the words in long and medium-length sentences into easy-to-process chunks.

The phrase "on the other hand" is typically used in business writing to

contrast ideas.

Which of the following transition words in business writing is suited to introduce an example?


The transition word "moreover" is typically used in business writing to

introduce another important item.

In an email to his manager, Raphael declines an offer to relocate to another city. Raphael writes "I appreciate the offer; __________, I am not able to accept it for personal reasons." Which of the following transitional words is suited to complete the given sentence?


The transition word "consequently" is typically used to

show cause and effect

Which activity in the composing process makes surface-level changes that make a document grammatically correct?


Which of the following defines cycling?

It is the process of drafting, getting feedback, revising, and getting more feedback.

In business writing, neglecting to quote and document material written by people outside the organization is


Which of the following is true of readability formulas?

They rely heavily on word length and sentence length.

The primary purpose of document design in business communications is to

project a desired image or brand.

Violating design conventions is risky because

it may signal that the author or designer is unreliable or unknowledgeable.

Dominic is designing a brochure. He has to decide between Arial and Calibri fonts for the body of the brochure. According to Charles Kostelnick's four levels of design, Dominic's choice belongs to the


Lena is preparing a PowerPoint presentation for a meeting with her clients. While preparing the presentation, she decides to list the services provided by her company using bullets. According to the four levels of design proposed by Charles Kostelnick, this decision by Lena is an example of __________ choices.


While writing a quarterly shareholder report, Toshi decides to use a bar graph to indicate the sales in different areas. Toshi's choice belongs to Charles Kostelnick's __________ of design.


Bernardo is writing a newsletter and decides to place the page number at the top right corner of the page. His choice belongs to Charles Kostelnick's __________ of design.


A web designer needs to ensure that the font he chooses will have equal spaces for every letter. In which of the following fonts would the letters "l" and "m" take the same amount of space?


Which of the following is a recommended strategy for creating white space?

Use bullets or numbering to list items.

Which of the following statements is true of headings?

They enable readers to turn quickly to sections of special interest.

When analyzing the rhetorical situation, you should consider your

purpose, medium, and audience.

What is the difference between accessible and inclusive design?

Any document can be made accessible, but inclusivity requires special certification from a government agency.

Phillipe has designed a brochure for a new product. He needs to test the brochure before printing several copies and distributing it. Which of the following is the best way to test the brochure?

Observe and interview five or more people as they read the brochure.

According to Jakob Nielsen, who among the following should be used to test a document?

very old or young readers

When designing a brochure, one should place content so that

the reader encounters important information on each spread.

The best way to tell a story with infographics is to

include a detailed title to frame the story.

Which of the following is a recommended method of creating ethical infographics?

Cite data sources at the bottom of the infographic.

Carla, a web designer, created a new website for a local jewelry designer. She made the website unique, including a custom interface that was very different from most other websites. The links were very clear, and navigation bars were present vertically at the left of the screen. She used small graphics and a white background. There was no music or sound effects. Although, the website had so many distinctive features, users did not like it. Which of the following is likely to be the reason for the failure of the website?

It was too different from other sites.

According to Jakob Nielsen, which of the following elements should be avoided when designing a webpage?

fixed font sizes

Which of the following is the best text to use on an ordering link so that a website remains accessible for vision-impaired users?

click to order

Which of the following is the best technique for usability testing of a website according to Jakob Nielsen?

Observe people using the site at various stages of design.

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In which of the following business situations would you typically need to be most polite?

In which of the following business situations would you typically need to be most polite? If you are asking for something that will inconvenience the audience. If you are asking for something that will help the person you are asking more than it will help you.

For which of the following situations would a business letter be more appropriate?

Business letters are preferred over e-mail when a permanent record is required, when a message is confidential, and when formality is necessary. A well-organized message helps the reader understand relationships and accept the writer's view. Sentences that average 20 words are most effective for business writing.

What is the most important reason business communication should be complete quizlet?

What is the most important reason business communication should be complete? It allows people to effectively act on the message right away.

Which of the following is an example of an internal business document?

Examples of internal documents are employee timecards and timesheets, production plans, purchase requisitions, receiving reports, sales orders, and scrap authorizations.


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