What is the difference between business products and consumer products quizlet?

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Which type of consumer products include those for which customers do not search at all?

unsought products

Unsought products are those products that potential customers do not search for at all because they do not want them yet or know that they can buy. Consumers probably will not buy these products if they see them unless promotions can show their value.

For most customer purchases, products such as toilet paper and breakfast cereal are classified as


Within the consumer product class, staples are convenience products that are bought often, routinely, and without much thought—like toilet paper, breakfast cereal, and most other packaged foods used almost every day in almost every household.

A difference between goods and services is that

customers can own goods, but they cannot keep services.

A good is a tangible item. It is usually easy to know exactly what one will get before one decides to buy a good, and once purchased, the item is in one's possession. In contrast, services are not physical—they are intangible. When one provides a customer with a service, the customer cannot keep it. Rather, a service is experienced, used, or consumed.

Max is designing a symbol for Clean Glow, a company that produces cleaning supplies. Once it is completed, the symbol will be legally registered as the exclusive property of Clean Glow, and the company will place the symbol on its products and will use it in its advertising. This symbol is an example of a(n)


This is an example of a trademark. A trademark includes words, symbols, and marks that are legally registered for use by a single company.

Which of the following is not a business product class?

shopping products

Business product classes are based on how buyers think about products and how the products will be used. The classes of business products are (1) installations, (2) accessories, (3) raw materials, (4) components, (5) supplies, and (6) professional services.

Which of the following demonstrates the promotional use of packaging?

The famous Energizer Bunny appears on the Energizer battery package.

Packaging involves promoting, protecting, and enhancing the product. Good packaging, as with the use of the Energizer Bunny on battery packages, makes products easier to identify and promotes the brand at the point of purchase.

A marketing manager for a firm which produces component parts should keep in mind that

quality is highly important because components become part of the buying firm's own product.

Because the purchaser of component parts integrate those components into their own finished product, quality is of great importance.

When Mark could not find his favorite candy bar, Pearson Salted Nut Roll, at his neighborhood supermarket, he drove across town to find it at another store. Mark was showing what level of brand familiarity?


Five levels of brand familiarity are useful for strategy planning: (1) rejection, (2) nonrecognition, (3) recognition, (4) preference, and (5) insistence. Brand insistence is the phase in which customers insist on a firm's branded product and are willing to search for it.

Whenever iHome developed a clock radio or music player that connected with the Apple iPod, iHome used the iPod brand name in its promotion with Apple's permission. In this case, for iHome, iPod is an example of a

licensed brand.

A special kind of family brand is a licensed brand. A licensed brand is a well-known brand that sellers pay a fee to use. Non-Apple firms that create accessories for iPhones and iPods do so under a brand license.

Which type of brand is created by producers?

manufacturer brands

Manufacturer brands are those brands created by producers.

A key difference between supplies and components is that

components, unlike supplies, become part of a finished product.

Components are processed expense items that become part of a finished product. In contrast, supplies do not become part of a finished product.

Which of the following is best defined as a product's ability to satisfy a customer's needs or requirements?


Quality can be best defined as a product's ability to satisfy a customer's needs or requirements. This definition focuses on the customer—and how the customer thinks a product will fit some purpose.

Which of the following statements about a firm's use of technology to supplement a core product offering is not accurate?

Augmented reality is used by firms to forecast customer needs.

In seeking to add customer value to core product offerings, many firms find that technology—often a website or software application—provides additional value and improves a customer's experience and satisfaction. Augmented reality is used to add to a customer's experience, whereas artificial intelligence, intelligent agents, and analytics are all concerned with predicting customer behavior and forecasting what the customer will want next.

Which of the following conditions would not be favorable to branding?

fluctuations in product quality due to inevitable variations in raw materials

The following are some of the conditions that are favorable to successful branding:
Dependable and widespread availability is possible. When customers start using a brand, they want to be able to continue using it.
There are economies of scale. If the branding is really successful, costs should drop and profits should increase.
The product is easy to label and identify by brand or trademark.
Demand is strong enough that the market price can be high enough to make the branding effort profitable.
By contrast, if a product's quality is liable to vary considerably over time then branding may not be advisable since customers expect brands to be consistent.

Pia's clothing company wants to diversify by acquiring a brand of accessories. Pia has found a brand that is well-known and performs well year after year, and her company is willing to pay a premium price because of this. The value of the brand to Pia's company is its

brand equity.

The value of a brand to its current owner or a company that wants to acquire it is known as brand equity. This is the brand's overall strength in the market.

Which of the following statements is true of the characteristics of services?

Services are perishable.

Services are perishable. They can't be produced and then stored to sell at a future time when more customers want to buy. This makes it difficult to balance supply and demand, especially if demand varies a lot.

Many customers will drive long distances to purchase Yummy Town doughnuts, even though other doughnuts are available for purchase at nearby locations. For such customers, Yummy Town doughnuts are

specialty products.

Any branded product that consumers insist on by name is a specialty product. Marketing managers want customers to see their products as specialty products and ask for them over and over again.

Which of the following products has a 100 percent emphasis on service?

hair styling

A product may be a physical good or a service, or a blend of both. A product can range from a 100 percent emphasis on a physical good, such as steel pipe, to a 100 percent emphasis on service, such as satellite radio. Many products include a combination of goods and services. When you eat out, you are buying food (a physical good) that is prepared and served by a restaurant's staff (a service).

A set of individual products that are closely related because they are produced or operate in a similar way, sold to the same target market, sold through the same types of outlets, or priced at about the same level, is known as a product


A product line is a set of individual products that are closely related. The seller may see the products in a line as related because they are produced or operate in a similar way, are sold to the same target market, are sold through the same types of outlets, or are priced at about the same level.

The Magnuson-Moss Act requires that

a warranty must be clearly written, if one is offered.

The federal Magnuson-Moss Act (of 1975) says that producers must provide a clearly written warranty if they choose to offer any warranty. The warranty does not have to be strong.

Which of the following statements about warranties is false?

Manufacturers are required to provide warranties by law.

While warranties have a variety of legal implications, manufacturers are not generally required by law to offer a warranty. The marketing manager should decide whether to offer a specific warranty, and if so, what the warranty will cover and how it will be communicated to target customers.

A large paint store has an app that allows customers to snap a picture of their room and see how different paint colors would look on their walls. This is an example of

augmented reality.

Augmented reality overlays a computer-generated image, sound, text or video on a user's view of the physical world.

Which of the following is true of the Lanham Act?

It specifies which types of marks can be protected.

The Lanham Act specifies what kinds of marks can be protected and the exact method of protecting them. It applies to goods shipped in both interstate and foreign commerce. It does not force registration, either domestically or in foreign nations.

Which of the following is true of consumer product classes?

Consumer product classes are based on how consumers think about and shop for products.

Consumer product classes are based on how consumers think about and shop for products. Business product classes are based on how professional buyers think about products and how they will be used.

Which of the following statements about the strategic importance of packaging is false?

Better packaging always raises total distribution costs.

Better packaging can reduce storing costs by cutting breakage, spoilage, and theft and can reduce goods damaged in shipment. Good packages also save space and weight so they are easier to transport, handle, and display.

What is the difference between consumer products and business products?

Products that are in their final form and are ready to be purchased and consumed by individuals or households for their personal satisfaction are classified as consumer products. On the other hand, if they are bought by a business for its own use, they are considered business products.

What is a difference between consumers and customers quizlet?

A customer buys products,while a consumer uses products.

What are business products quizlet?

A business product is used to manufacture other goods or services, to facilitate an organization's operations, or to resell to other customers. What is a consumer product? A consumer product is bought to satisfy an individual's personal wants.

What is a business product?

What are business products? A good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a want. It has a combination of tangible and intangible attributes (benefits, features, functions, uses) that a seller offers a buyer for purchase.


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