Dating ohne grenzen - auswandern für die liebe brittany banks

Photo Credit: Courtesy of: TLC

It takes a lot of effort to make a relationship last, especially when you’re dating someone whose culture is much different than yours.

Brittany and Yazan, stars of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, know all about those obstacles. Brittany, a 26-year-old resident of Palm Beach, FL, and Yazan, a 24-year-old resident of Jordan, struggled to mesh their two very different lifestyles. Besides the fact that the two lived thousands of miles away in different countries, they also came from two vastly different cultures. Brittany was a free-spirited young Black woman in the United States which was a contrast to Yazan’s strict family and Islamic lifestyle in the Middle East.

In order to make their relationship work, it took a lot of sacrifice, which included Brittany giving up her party lifestyle to move to Jordan with Yazan. It also meant considering converting to Islam and for Yazan, his family’s disapproval of their relationship.

Through all the ups and downs, Brittany has learned a lot from their experience. The reality star sat down with Travel Noire to share 5 tips for dating outside of your culture.

5 tips for dating outside your culture

1. Ask the hard questions, don’t be timid. 

• Will your families be a problem ?

• Will one’s culture take precedence over the others or will you both accept each other’s differences?

• What will your ideal marriage look like?

2. Meet each other’s families and lay out expectations and boundaries with them. 

Things get heated with Brittany and Yazan’s parents when the topic of matrimony comes up .

3. Travel together and have new experiences together 

4. Keep an open mind

Brittany and Yazan | Courtesy: TLC

5. Don’t be too serious or hard on yourselves. Have fun and be selfish! It’s your life to live not anyone else’s and you only get one. Live your truth and fulfill your purpose. 

Watch Brittany and Yazan’s relationship story unfold on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Mondays at 9:00 PM ET/PT on TLC.

The Narrative Of Black People In Nature

Travel Noire, World Hue, Travel, Wellness, Lifestyle

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    Bild: TLC / Photobank: 37061_ep204_008.JPG / Discovery

    Brittany ist schon auf dem Weg von Amerika nach Jordanien und wird am Folgetag eintreffen. Yazan kann es kaum erwarten, seine Verlobte in die Arme zu schließen. Seine Eltern haben eher Bedenken, ob die junge Frau wirklich zum Islam konvertieren wird – denn das ist für die traditionsbehaftete Familie die Voraussetzung für eine Heirat. Was sie noch nicht wissen: Brittany ist immer noch verheiratet und kann deshalb noch gar keine offizielle Verbindung mit Yazan eingehen. Ariela aus New Jersey steht inzwischen kurz vor ihrer Abreise nach Äthiopien, wo sie ihr Kind zur Welt bringen wird. (Text: TLC)

    Deutsche TV-PremiereMo 07.02.2022TLC Original-TV-PremiereMo 22.06.2020TLC U.S.
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  • Sumit SinghSelf
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