Compared to within-subjects designs, between-subjects designs require relatively ____.

1.A design that compares different groups of scores obtained from separate groups ofparticipants is a ____ design.a.single-subjects*b.between-subjectsc.within-subjectd.matched groups

2.An experiment that uses a different group of participants for each treatment conditionis called a ____ design.

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3.A between-subjects design differs from a within-subjects design in that in a between-subjects design, ____.

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4.In an experiment examining the effects of background noise on people’s ability to understand a verbal message, one group of participants is given a comprehension quiz afterlistening to a passage being read to them with no background noise. A week later, the same group of participants is given a comprehension quiz after listening to a passage beingread to them with 60 decibels of conversation as background noise. This is an example of a ____ design.

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5.In an experiment examining the effects of background noise on people’s ability to understand a verbal message, one group of participants is given a comprehension quiz afterlistening to a passage being read to them with no background noise. For comparison, a s

In an ____ the researcher manipulates one or more variables, attempts to control extraneous factors, and then measures how manipulated variables affect participants' responses.

A variable manipulated by a researcher is called a(n) _____ _____.

In an experiment, the response that is measured is called the ____ _____.

In Andrew Elliot's experiments, ____ was shown to be a conditioned stimulus that increased people's sense of threat and impaired their performance.

All experiments share a common underlying _____.

A(n) ____ is the best scientific tool available to draw clear conclusions about cause-effect relations.

_____ ____ means the ability to: 1. manipulate one or more independent variables; 2. choose the types of dependent variables that will be measured and how and when they will be measured; and 3. regulate other aspects of the research environment.

The goal of experimental control is to enable researchers to conclude that the variable they _____ is the cause of any obtained effects on behavior.

1. covariation of X and Y (as x varies, y varies; 2. temporal order (variation of x occurs before variation of y); and 3. absence of plausible alternative explanations

The 3 criteria that need to be met in order to conclude that variable X has a causal influence on variable Y:

Covariation of X and Y is achieved by manipulating the ____ variable and measuring whether scores on the dependent variable differ among those conditions.

The second causal criterion, ___ ___ is achieved by exposing participants to the manipulated independent variable PRIOR to any changes that may occur in the dependent variable.

Researchers attempt to achieve the absence of plausible alternative explanations by eliminating other ____ that might systematically cause Y to vary.

A factor that covaries with the independent variable in such a way that we can no longer determine which one has caused the changes in the dependent variable.

Potential confounding variables should be recognized ___ __ ____.

Researchers typically reduce confounding variables by keeping extraneous factors as ____ as possible across the different conditions of the experiment and balancing extraneous factors that cannot (in principle) be held _______.

___ __ occurs when the experimenter consistently alters his or her behavior toward participants based on the particular condition they are in.

Different participants are assigned to each of the conditions in the experiment

In between-subject design, researchers typically minimize the potential confounding effects of subject characteristics by using ____ _____

A procedure in which each participant has an equal probability of being assigned to one of the conditions in the experiment.

Each participant engages in every condition of the experiment one or more times.

A procedure in which the order of the conditions is varied so that no condition has an overall advantage relative to the other conditions.

qualitatively / quantitatively

Independent variables can be manipulated ____ and _____.

Altering the ___ environment (different room temperatures, types of sounds, types of reinforcement) is way to create an independent variable.

Altering the ___ environment may mean leading researchers to believe a job applicant is male or female, exposing infants to different voices, varying the size of groups, etc.

Varying an ___ could mean type or amount of psychotherapy, providing counseling or skills training, etc.

Varying a ___ might mean asking people to remember lists of words, abstract concepts, etc.

Varying an organism's ____ might mean disabling a particular gene, manipulating people's moods, etc.

In experiments, a ____-____ ___ has only one independent variable, and the IV has at least two conditions/levels.

In single-factor design, the independent variable must have at least two _____ (or levels).

single-factor, multilevel design

An experiment with one independent variable that has more than two levels is often called a __-___, ____ ____.

experimental condition (or experimental group)

Involves exposing participants to a treatment or an "active" level of the independent variable.

Control condition (or control group)

Condition in which participants do not receive the treatment of interest or are exposed to a baseline level of an independent variable.

One way to create experimental vs. control conditions is to manipulate the ____ vs.______ of some factor.

Typically, in ____-_____ experiments, each participant either engages in only one condition, or engages in all the conditions. These two approaches are called respectively a between-subjects design and a within-subjects design.

1. because each participant only engages in one condition, effects caused by exposure to one condition don't carry over to other conditions; 2. some scientific questions can only be examined using between-subjects design; 3. it doesn't tip off participants to the true purpose of the study so they are less likely to become sensitized; 4. performing in just one condition is less tiring

Advantages of between-subjects design:

1. difficult to keep extraneous factors about participants constant across the various conditions of an experiment; 2. independent variable has to "work harder" in order to be noticed; 3. researcher has to recruit and study more participants.

Disadvantages of between-subjects design:

1. Independent-groups design; 2. Matched-groups design; 3. Natural-groups design

Types of between-subjects design

independent-groups design ("random-groups design")

A between-subjects design where participants are randomly assigned to the various conditions of the experiment.

Each participant has an equal probability of being assigned to any particular condition.

Random assignment does not eliminate the fact that each research ______ has a unique psychological and biological makeup, a unique set of experiences, etc.

___ ____ does not eliminate the reality that individual differences may influence how participants respond during an experiment.

Random assignment attempts to distribute participants' individual differences across the various conditions in an _____ way.

"Equivalent" does not mean the groups in the various conditions will be ____ or perfectly matched on their personal characteristics at the outset of the experiment.

The greater number of _____, the more likely random assignment will successfully create equivalent groups.

random number table or random number generator

Tool an experimenter uses to randomly assign participants.

In ____ ___ we conduct a single round of all of the conditions, then another round, then another, for as many rounds as needed to complete the experiment. Within each round, the order of conditions is randomly determined.

A characteristic on which we match sets of individuals as closely as possible.

Each set of participants that has been matched on one or more attributes is randomly assigned the various conditions of the experiment.

____-____ ____ is used in between-subjects design when an experiment has only two conditions. Pairs of participants are matched and then each pair is randomly assigned to a condition.

A between-subjects design in which a researcher measures a subject variable, forms different groups based on people's level of that variable, then measures how the different groups respond on the other variable.

A personal characteristic on which individuals vary from one another.

selected independent variable (or quasi-independent variable)

A subject variable may be considered to be a ____ ____ ____ to distinguish it from a manipulated independent variable.

In reality, a natural-groups design is a ____ ____, not an experiment, because the variables are MEASURED rather than manipulated.

Viewing a natural-groups design as a correlational study rather than an experiment does not ____ the importance of natural-groups designs.

bidirectionality problem (does x cause y or does y cause x); third-variable problem

The two potential problems that limit the ability to draw clear causal conclusions from any correlational study:

The ability to assign participants _____ to the different conditions of an experiment is a cornerstone for between-subjects experiments.

Some people confuse random ____ with random _____.

While random sampling and random assignment both rely on the laws of probability and are considered good scientific practice, they are used to achieve different ______.

Procedure in which each member of a population has an equal probability of being selected into a sample chosen to participate in a study.

to select a sample of people whose characteristics are representative of the broader population from which those people have been drawn

The goal of random sampling:

Used to determine the specific condition to which each participant will be exposed; each participant has an equal probability of being assigned to any particular condition.

To take whatever sample of people you have and place them in different conditions in an unbiased way so that the researcher may assume that the groups of participants in the various conditions are equivalent overall to each other.

The goal of random assignment:

To select who will be in an experiment, ____ ____ is rarely used.

To select who will be in an experiment, researchers in human psychology usually have to use _____ sampling.

convenience sampling / random assignment

Although psychology researchers mostly rely on _____ sampling, they still use _____ assignment to determine who will be placed in the various conditions of the experiment.

within-subjects design ("repeated-measures design")

A study design in which each participant engages in every condition of the experiment one ore more times.

A key advantage of between-subjects design is that the study requires fewer ______.

An advantage of within-subjects design is that researchers can collect more ____ per condition.

More participants per condition helps ensure that the findings obtained by researchers are more ________ because they are based on a larger amount of data.

just-noticeable differences ("difference thresholds")

Individual perceptual differences that can only be established by exposing each participant to every condition of an experiment.

1. Participants may become aware of experiment's purpose or hypothesis; 2. Some experiments do not lend themselves to this type of design; 3. Order effects or carryover effects may occur.

Disadvantages to within-subjects design:

order effects ("sequence effects")

Occur when participants' responses are affected by the order of conditions to which they are exposed.

Reflect changes in participants' responses that result from their cumulative exposure to prior conditions.

Occur when participants' responses in one condition are uniquely influenced by the particular condition or conditions that preceded it.

To avoid a confounding factor, researchers need to _____ the order of the conditions so that no condition has an advantage or disadvantage relative to any other condition based on its position within the sequence.

1. Exposing participants to each condition one time: 2. Exposing participants to each condition more than one time.

Types of within-subjects designs:

1. All possible orders; 2. Latin square; 3. Random-selected orders

Three within-subjects designs in which participants are exposed to each condition one time:

all-possible orders design ("complete counterbalancing")

A within-subjects design (one participation) in which the conditions of an independent variable are arranged in every possible sequence, and an equal number of participants are assigned to each sequence. Ex: 4 types of cola; creates 24 taste-testing sequences; Therefore you would need a minimum of 24 participants, each assigned to 1 taste-testing sequence.

Start with one order of conditions; first P receives this order; the #1 position keeps moving to the end, so each P receives conditions in all the same order except for which one is # 1 (EX 1,2,3,4; 2,3,4,1; 3,4,1,2, 4,1,2,3.

random-selected-orders design

from the entire set of all possible orders, a sub-set of orders is randomly selected and each order is administered to one participant

block-randomization design

Each participant is exposed to multiple blocks of trials with each block for each participant containing a newly randomized order of all the conditions.

reverse-counter-balancing design (ABBA counterbalancing design)

Each participant receives a random order of all the conditions, then receives them again in the reverse order.

Researchers use ___ __ to summarize their data.

inferential statistical tests

Researchers use ___ __ ___ to help them determine whether their findings are statistically significant.

Helps researchers determine whether the overall pattern of differences among the mean scores of the conditions is statistically significant.

Helps researchers determine whether the difference between the mean scores of two conditions is statistically significant.

post-hoc tests (post-hoc comparisons)

more specific comparisons between specific conditions of the experiment.

Andrew Elliot's experiment was to test the hypothesis that the color ___ impairs people's achievement on cognitive tests.

The ability to regulate or exercise direction over something.

___ ___ includes the ability to 1) manipulate indep. variable(s); 2) choose the dep. variables to be measured, how they will be measured, when they will be measured; 3) regulate all aspects of the research environment, including choosing P's etc.

___ ___ is used to distribute P's individual differences across the experimental conditions in an unbiased, systematic way.

Random assignment helps create groups of P's that are assumed to be _____ to each other.

Experimenters control for confounding variables by _____ them.

To determine whether a __-___ relation exists, experimenters create an indep. variable with more than two levels.

multi-level designs uncover __-___ effects.

Between subjects design has the advantage that because P's engage in only conditions, effects cause by the _____ to that condition don't carry over to other conditions.

Some scientific ____ can only be answered using a between-subjects design (ex. imprinting on ducks.)

Having p's do every task in an experiment may tip them off about the _____ being studied.

tiring, time-consuming, stressful

Having P's do every task in an experiment may be too ____, ____ or _______.

Between-subjects designs are less effective at creating _____ groups of participants.

In a between-subjects design, the independent variable has to "____" harder to be noticed.

Between-subjects designs are ___ effective to detecting the effect of an independent variable.

In a between-subjects design, experimenters have to recruit and study more ________.

Within-subjects design does a better job of creating ____ groups at the outset of the experiment (because the same P's are in all conditions.)

When participants catch on to the order of the conditions and they speed up or alter their responses.

Reporting the mean score of participants in different conditions or reporting the percentage of trials on which a particular response occurred are examples of _____ statstics.

Statistically significant means findings are unlikely to be due to chance.

In most experiments researchers perform statistical tests designed for dependent variables that have been measured on an _____ or ______ scale (as opposed to nominal or ordinal scale).

When an experiment has only two conditions, there is only ___ step to perform; directly comparing the two conditions.

Traditionally, if less than ___ probability exists that chance factors could be solely responsible for the result, the finding is considered statistically significant.

If ANOVA does not reveal statistically significant overall pattern of findings, the analysis ______.

In addition to influencing the dependent variable, a confounding variable must also ___ with the independent variable.

An experimenter is investigating whether participants will act more aggressively toward a confederate when there is a tennis racket in the room than when there is a gun in the room. Unfortunately, the male experimenter is so nervous about the presence of the gun that he stands very close to the participants in the "gun" condition and further back from the participants in the "tennis racket" condition. This differential treatment of participants based on group status is called: 

In order to determine the test-retest reliability of a newly developed scale, a researcher administers the same scale at several different time points to the same participants. This is an example of a ______________ design. 

randomly assign participants to conditions

One of the BEST ways to ensure that groups in a between-subjects design are relatively equivalent with regard to attributes relevant to the dependent variable:

Another name for a within-subjects design is a _______________ design. 

qualitative; quantitative

An experimenter is interested in looking at the effects of race and differing levels of noise on physiological measures of stress. Race is an example of a(n) ______________ variable and noise is an example of a _____________ variable.

An experimenter is interested in determining whether a new epilepsy medication is effective at reducing seizures. Half of the participants receive the epilepsy mediation and the rest of the participants receive no treatment at all. The latter group is called the ____________ group. 

A researcher conducts an experiment on the effects of hostility on generosity. To assess hostility, the researcher administers a hostility scale to participants. Based on the participants' scores on the hostility scale, the experimenter assigns the participants to low, medium, or high hostility groups. This is an example of a ________________ design.

the participants in a sample are representative of the population.

The goal of random sampling is to ensure that: 

A memory researcher who is interested in investigating the effects of sleep deprivation on free recall of memorized words creates three conditions: no deprivation, partial deprivation, and total deprivation. These three conditions as a whole are called a: 

One of the major disadvantages of the Latin Square design is that it requires twice as many participants when it is a _____ subjects design.

A researcher is interested in whether the genre of music (i.e., classical, jazz, country, pop) affects mood. Participants are exposed to multiple trials in which they listen to all four types of music. For each trial, the order of the four types of music is randomly selected. This is an example of a(n) _________________ design.

A researcher designs an experiment to test the effects of three different types of noise (i.e., horn honking, baby crying, and bell ringing) on task performance. Each participant is assigned to all of the conditions in a random order and then is assigned to them again in the reverse order. This is an example of a(n) ____________ design.

The results of an experiment suggest that a year in college has an effect on time-management skills. Results of further analyses reveal that first-year students have poorer time-management skills than juniors or seniors, and that sophomores have poorer time-management skills than seniors. These additional analyses are called:

A researcher conducts a study with people with schizophrenia to determine whether participants who are administered an antipsychotic will have fewer hallucinations than participants who do not receive any treatment. In order to compare the means of the two groups, the researcher would conduct which of the following statistical tests? 

One of the main differences between a within-subjects and between-subjects design is that in a within-subjects design, the experimenter uses _________________ participants in different conditions.

___ ____ are a MAJOR disadvantage of a within-subjects design? 

A researcher is interested in the effect of the number of bystanders on helping. The researcher assigns each of the participants to one of the three conditions: no bystanders, one bystander, and seven bystanders. This is an example of a(n) ________________ design.

independent groups or random groups

A clinical psychologist is investigating whether electric shock therapy is more effective in reducing depressive symptoms than cognitive therapy or an antidepressant. The psychologist randomly assigns the same number of participants to each of the three conditions. This is an example of a(n) ___________________ design. 

Single-factor multi-level

self-esteem (i.e., low, medium, and high) on friendliness is an example of a___-____, ___-____ design

An experimenter conducts a single-factor experiment with three different conditions. The experimenter decides to have five different participants come in every day for 30 days. On each day, the experimenter randomly selects the order of the conditions and randomly assigns one of the five participants to each of the conditions. This is an example of a(n) __________________ design. 

______________ is used to compensate for order effects in within-subjects designs.

A researcher is studying the effects of sign color (i.e., green, blue, red) on participants' reaction time in a simulated driving test. The researcher first administers an intelligence test to all six of the participants. On the basis of these scores, the researcher divides them into two groups (i.e., low intelligence, high intelligence) of three participants. The researcher then takes the three participants from the low intelligence group and assigns one of them to each of the three sign color conditions. Following this, the researcher takes the three participants from the high intelligence group and assigns one of them to each of the three sign color conditions. This is an example of a(n): 

selected independent; quasi-independent; subject

A health psychologist is conducting a study on the effects of optimism on treatment adherence. The health psychologist administers a scale to assess optimism and, on the basis of participants' scores, assigns participants to the low, medium, or high optimism group. what are appropriate terms for the variable optimism in this study? 

A researcher is interested in examining the effects of two different learning environments (i.e., solitary, small-group) on test performance. The researcher has the same participants take part in the solitary condition first and the small-group condition last and has them take the same test after each condition. The researcher finds that the participants perform better in the small-group condition than in the solitary condition. The researcher would like to conclude that the small-group condition is more effective, but is concerned about the possibility of ___________ effects. 

complete counter-balancing or all-possible orders

A researcher wants to investigate whether the type of test (i.e., mathematics, reading, spelling) affects the degree of distress evoked in participants. The researcher creates all possible orders of these three conditions (i.e., 6 orders) and then assigns an equal number of participants to each of the 6 orders. This is an example of a ___________________ design. 

A researcher is interested in whether the taste of food (i.e., spicy, salty, sweet, sour) will affect how much people eat. Rather than administer all possible orders of these foods to each participant, the researcher decides to randomly select only two of the 24 possible orders (i.e., spicy, salty, sweet, sour; AND salty, spicy, sour, sweet). Each participant receives only one of the two orders. This is an example of a ___________________ design.

An alcohol researcher is interested in determining whether class year (i.e., first-year, sophomore, junior, senior) has an effect on the number of alcoholic drinks consumed per week. The researcher should conduct a(n) __________ to determine if there is a relationship between year in college and weekly drinking. 

____ ____ are NOT conducted if the ANOVA reveals no statistically significant pattern of results.

What is an advantage of the between subjects design versus the within

While a between-subjects design has fewer threats to internal validity, it also requires more participants for high statistical power than a within-subjects design. Advantages: Prevents carryover effects of learning and fatigue. Shorter study duration.

What does between subjects mean in a between subjects experiment quizlet?

each participant experiences only one level of the independent variable. IN A BETWEEN SUBJECTS DESIGN. Significant differences between treatment groups are more difficult to detect when. researchers assign a small number of subjects to each treatment condition.

When comparing means in a two group design which statistical analysis is most appropriate group of answer choices?

Standard ttest – The most basic type of statistical test, for use when you are comparing the means from exactly TWO Groups, such as the Control Group versus the Experimental Group.

Which statement best characterizes a between subjects experimental design?

ESSAY. 61 : Describe the basic characteristics of a between-subjects experiment. Correct Answer : In a between-subjects experiment different groups of individuals are compared. A researcher manipulates the independent variable to create different treatment conditions.


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