Would a change in the price of movie tickets shift the supply curve Why or why not quizlet?

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-The amount of any good, service, or resource that people are willing and able to sell during a specified period at a specified price
- For example, when the price of spring water is $1.50 a bottle, a spring owner decides to sell 2,000 bottles a day. The 2,000 bottles a day is the quantity supplied of spring water by this individual producer.
-represents a specific good at a specific price.
-Quantity supplied is affected by price, but supply itself can be affected by several factors. Among those factors are the cost of related goods, the prices of resources (such as what it costs to manufacture the item), the number of sellers, and worker productivity.
-one quantity at one price.

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b. supply, lower

The supply curve for gasoline shows the relationship between the price of gasoline and the quantity of gasoline supplied by production, assuming that all the determinants of supply are held constant. The following list displays determinants of supply, which are the factors that affect the quantity of gasoline producers want to sell at a given price:

-Price of inputs
-Production technology
-Number of producers
-Expectations of producers

Therefore, if the price of gasoline changes, the result is a movement along the supply curve from the old place to the new one. However, if a change occurs in any of the factors that determine supply, such as the discovery of a large new reserve of crude oil, the result is shift of the supply curve.

In this case, the supply of gasoline increases because of the new oil reserve causing the equilibrium price to decline.

The price of coffee rose sharply last month, while the quantity sold remained the same. Each of five people suggests an explanation:
Tom: Demand increased, but supply was perfectly inelastic.
Dick: Demand increased, but it was perfectly inelastic.
Harry: Demand increased, but supply decreased at the same time.
Larry: Supply decreased, but demand was unit elastic.
Mary: Supply decreased, but demand was perfectly inelastic.

Who could possibly be right?
a. Tom, Dick, and Harry
b. Tom, Dick, and Mary
c. Tom, Harry, and Mary
d. Dick, Harry, and Larry
e. Dick, Harry, and Mary

In a market with a binding price ceiling, an increase in the ceiling will ________ the quantity supplied, ________ the quantity demanded, and reduce the ________.
a. increase, decrease, surplus
b. decrease, increase, surplus
c. increase, decrease, shortage
d. decrease, increase, shortage

Sets with similar terms

Would a change in the price of movie tickets shift the supply curve?

Problem. An increase in the price of movie theater tickets (a substitute for DVD rentals) will cause the demand curve for DVD rentals to shift to the right. An increase in the wages paid to DVD rental store clerks (an increase in the cost of a factor of production) shifts the supply curve to the left.

How does supply curve changes when price changes?

A change in supply leads to a shift in the supply curve, which causes an imbalance in the market that is corrected by changing prices and demand. An increase in the change in supply shifts the supply curve to the right, while a decrease in the change in supply shifts the supply curve left.

What happens to the demand curve if the price of tickets increases?

As we can see on the demand graph, there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. Economists call this the Law of Demand. If the price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down (but demand itself stays the same). If the price decreases, quantity demanded increases.

Does a change in price mean movement along the supply curve?

A change in price causes a movement along the supply curve; such a movement is called a change in quantity supplied. As is the case with a change in quantity demanded, a change in quantity supplied does not shift the supply curve. By definition, it is a movement along the supply curve.


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