Who is responsible for configuration management under the aws shared responsibility model?

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Level 17

Question 230-260

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Which service enables customers to audit and monitor changes in AWS resources?

Which AWS service identifies security groups that allow unrestricted access to a user’s AWS resources?

It is shared between AWS and the customer.

According to the AWS shared responsibility model, who is responsible for configuration management?

Which AWS service is a content delivery network that securely delivers data, video, and applications to users globally with low latency and high speeds?

Which benefit of the AWS Cloud supports matching the supply of resources with changing workload demands?

A user is running an application on AWS and notices that one or more AWS-owned IP addresses is involved in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Who should the user contact FIRST about this situation?

There are no upfront commitments.Users have the ability to provision resources on demand.

Which of the following are benefits of hosting infrastructure in the AWS Cloud?

It is an online tool with a set of automated checks that provides recommendations on cost optimization, performance, and security.

What is AWS Trusted Advisor?

Which AWS service or feature allows a company to visualize, understand, and manage AWS costs and usage over time?

Which AWS service offers on-demand access to AWS security and compliance reports?

Companies can deploy applications in multiple AWS Regions to reduce latency.Amazon CloudFront has multiple edge locations around the world to reduce latency

What are the benefits of using the AWS Cloud for companies with customers in many countries around the world?

Which AWS service handles the deployment details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, Auto Scaling, and application health monitoring?

Which AWS service provides inbound and outbound network ACLs to harden external connectivity to Amazon EC2?

When a company provisions web servers in multiple AWS Regions, what is being increased?

reduces capital expenditures.

The pay-as-you-go pricing model for AWS services:

Physical security of global infrastructure

Under the AWS shared responsibility model, AWS is responsible for which security-related task?

Which AWS service enables users to consolidate billing across multiple accounts?

Under the AWS shared responsibility model, which of the following is an example of security in the AWS Cloud?

How can an AWS user with an AWS Basic Support plan obtain technical assistance from AWS?

Performance efficiency,Security

Which of the following are pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework?

After selecting an Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host reservation, which pricing option would provide the largest discount?

The application will have higher availability because it can withstand a service disruption in one Availability Zone.

What is an advantage of deploying an application across multiple Availability Zones?

Direct the user to the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator for an estimate.

A Cloud Practitioner is asked how to estimate the cost of using a new application on AWS. What is the MOST appropriate response?

Build a VPN connection between an on-premises device and a virtual private gateway in the new VPC.Connect the company’s on-premises data center to AWS using AWS Direct Connect.

company wants to migrate its applications to a VPC on AWS. These applications will need to access on-premises resources. What combination of actions will enable the company to accomplish this goal?

A web application running on AWS has been spammed with malicious requests from a recurring set of IP addresses. Which AWS service can help secure the application and block the malicious traffic?

automate the infrastructure provisioning process.

Treating infrastructure as code in the AWS Cloud allows users to:

A company requires a dedicated network connection between its on-premises servers and the AWS Cloud Which AWS service should be used?

Which AWS service can be used to query stored datasets directly from Amazon S3 using standard SQL?

model and provision resources.

AWS CloudFormation is designed to help the user:

Which of the following is AWS responsible for in the shared responsibility model?

Depending on the services deployed, this shared model can help relieve the customer's operational burden. This is because AWS operates, manages, and controls the components from the host operating system and virtualization layer down to the physical security of the facilities in which the service operates.

Which controls are shared under AWS shared responsibility model?

This customer/AWS shared responsibility model also extends to IT controls. Just as the responsibility to operate the IT environment is shared between AWS and its customers, so is the management, operation, and verification of IT controls shared.

Who is accountable for security and compliance under the AWS shared responsibility model?

The shared model provides constructive mechanisms to illustrate the separation of tasks between AWS and the customer. AWS is responsible for the security and compliance of the Cloud, where the customer is responsible for security and compliance in the Cloud.

Which duty is the customer's responsibility while managing AWS lambda functions under the AWS shared responsibility model?

Shared responsibility Customers themselves are responsible for the security of their code, the storage and accessibility of sensitive data, and identity and access management (IAM) to the Lambda service and within their function.


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