Which statement expresses the irony of this particular kind of corruption to the democratic process?

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"Having therefore no foreign establishments, either colonial or military, the ships of war of the United States, in war, will be like land birds, unable to fly far from their own shores. To provide resting places for them, where they can coal and repair, would be one of the first duties of a government proposing to itself the development of the power of the nation at sea."

Source: //wadsworth.com/history_d/special_features/ilrn_legacy/waah2c01c/content/amh2/readings/seapower.html

In what way did Mahan's thesis in The Influence of Sea Power Upon History support the idea of Manifest Destiny?

 a) Mahan argued that a strong navy would allow the United States to prevent future conflicts around the world.

 b) Mahan argued that a strong navy would allow the United States to surpass Great Britain as the world's leading sea power.

 c) Mahan argued that a strong navy would allow the United States to defend the territory gained along its western borders.

 d) Mahan argued that a strong navy would allow the United States to expand beyond its borders and become a world power.

2) Which statement explains how political bosses were able to gain and maintain power?

 a) They bribed state and local officials in return for government appointments.

 b) They gave help to constituents on the local level in return for their votes.

 c) They used the courts to delay elections until they consolidated their power.

 d) They withheld local services until people pledged to give the boss their votes.

3) This quote is from Lincoln Steffen's 1904 book The Shame of the Cities. In this excerpt, Steffens describes a speech given by a corrupt Philadelphia official who was trying to counter charges that his ward was "low down":

"[The orator] reminded his hearers that his was the ward of Independence Hall, and naming over signers of the Declaration of Independence, he closed his highest flight of eloquence with the statement that 'these men, the fathers of American liberty, voted down here once. And,' he added, with a catching grin, 'they vote here yet.'"

Which statement expresses the irony of this particular kind of corruption to the democratic process?

 a) The founders of American democracy would not have expected corruption in Philadelphia.

 b) The descendants of the founders of American democracy were the leaders of corrupt political machines.

 c) The voters cast their ballots in a building called Independence Hall but they were not free to make their own decisions.

 d) The men who once stood for democratic ideals and fair government now support corrupt political machines

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