Which personality characteristic tends to lead to effectiveness in jobs with a lot of opportunities to interact with others?

While most employers evaluate job candidates on their skills and experience, many companies are increasingly using personality measures to determine whether a candidate is a good fit. According to a survey from the Society for Human Resource Management, nearly 20% of employers say they use some type of personality test as part of the hiring process.

In a new study published in the journal Perspectives in Psychological Science, psychologists Paul R. Sackett and Philip T. Walmsley of the University of Minnesota analyzed several large data sets of hiring and job performance information to find out which personality attributes companies value most.

Sackett and Walmsley used a well-established model for measuring personality known as the Big Five as the theoretical basis for their study. In the Big Five model, an individual’s personality can be described using measures of five personality traits: conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness to experience.

The researchers analyzed a large set of data on job interviews to find out which personality traits companies look for when they’re hiring. Much of the data came from an analysis of structured job interviews, in which employers assess candidates for particular personality traits in order to make sure they’re a good fit for the job and overall work environment. For example, a company that is hiring a salesperson would want to assess job candidates for the traits of extraversion and friendliness to make sure they’re likely to work well with customers.

After crunching the numbers, Sackett and Walmsley found that conscientiousness–which involves being dependable, persevering, and orderly–was by far the most highly sought after personality attribute for job applicants. Agreeableness–being cooperative, flexible and tolerant–was the second most prized personality trait.

But, do these personality traits predict how well someone will actually perform on the job?

To find out, the researchers looked at the relationship between personality traits and three work performance criteria: whether an employee is able to complete their work to satisfaction, how often an employee goes above and beyond at work, and how often they engage in negative behaviors.

Again, conscientiousness and agreeableness came out on top. In the analysis, conscientiousness was the trait most closely associated with overall job performance, with agreeableness coming in second.

The researchers also analyzed data indicating the specific skills and qualities needed to be successful at over a thousand different jobs, drawn from a Department of Labor database called O*NET. They wanted to find out which of the Big Five personality traits are most often cited as important qualities for success across the entire American workforce.

The researchers found that overall attributes related to conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability were considered important for a wide variety of jobs from construction to health care.

“In conclusion, our findings provide robust evidence that attributes related to Conscientiousness and Agreeableness are highly important for workforce readiness across a variety of occupations that require a variety of training and experience qualifications,” write Sackett and Walmsley.

Although conscientiousness is, on average, the most highly valued attribute, the researchers caution that specific occupations may have different rankings for personality traits. However, Sackett and Walmsley also advise that knowing which traits are highly valued generally could be helpful information for students or people who haven’t yet decided on specific career goals.


Sackett, P. R, Walmsley, P. T. (2014). Which Personality Attributes Are Most Important in the Workplace? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(5), 538-551. DOI: 10.1177/1745691614543972

People have often researched what it is that makes us behave the way we do. Behaviors can come from different influences like environmental factors or personality traits. Many different theories and models on personality traits exist, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that separates people out into 16 different personalities. Another model is the Big Five Personality Model (OCEAN), which puts forth the idea that human personality is made up of five basic dimensions.

According to Essentials of Organizational Behavior: 14th Edition, much research exists to support this personality model, and test scores have been a solid predictor of how people will behave in real life. A 2015 study published in the Academy of Management Journal found that all the traits were “more predictive of performance for jobs” when the work was performed in an unstructured environment with freedom to make choices and that the traits also indicated how a person’s specific traits would act in a situation.

The best way to remember the Big Five Personality Model traits is to remember the acronym OCEAN: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Openness to Experience

This trait is often referred to as the depth of someone’s mental experiences, or imagination. It encompasses someone’s desire to try new things, be open and think creatively. People who score high in this area are generally artistic and curious, while those who score low tend to be conventional and stay in their comfort zones.


This trait measures a person’s reliability and dependability. Someone who scores higher in this area is more goal-oriented, tends to control impulses, and is usually very organized. They are likely to see success in school and excel as a leader. Those who score lower in this area are more likely to be impulsive and procrastinate on assignments.


The extroversion trait indicates how social and talkative a person may be. Those scoring high in extroversion are generally more assertive, socially confident, and recharge from interacting with people, while those who score lower are more likely to seek solitude and introspection.


Agreeableness shows how well someone can get along with other people. People scoring high in this trait are usually well-liked, sympathetic, and affectionate, and those who score lower are perceived as blunt, rude, and sarcastic.


The last OCEAN trait is also known as emotional stability. It measures how well a person can control emotions like anxiety and sadness. Scoring high in this area indicates that someone may be prone to those emotions and may also have low self-esteem. Those receiving a low score are probably more confident and adventurous.

The Big Five Personality Traits in the Workplace

Many studies have been conducted on the OCEAN model and behavior, and how these traits can somewhat predict a person’s workplace social behavior and performance. Having a deeper understanding of these behaviors can help coworkers and managers create trust, better relate to one another and cultivate a stronger workplace culture.

Which of the Big Five Personality Traits Has the Biggest Influence on Job Performance?

According to Essentials of Organizational Behavior: 14th Edition, the big five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is conscientiousness. Those who score higher in this trait are likely to have higher levels of job-related knowledge as those who are highly conscientious learn more. They’re likely to have the aspects of a strong leader. However, they’re also more likely to put work first over anything else and aren’t as likely to adapt to changing situations. They may face issues over learning a complex skill early on because they tend to focus on their performance instead of the learning process, and they are generally not as creative.

How Do the Other Personality Traits Play a Role?

Neuroticism high scores may indicate a higher propensity toward employee burnout, as those employees have a tougher time managing their emotions. High emotional stability is linked to high life and job satisfaction, as well as lower stress levels. Additionally, those with emotional stability have a better chance of dealing with workplace demands, especially fast-paced change.

Extroverts are people who take charge of situations. Typically, a high extroversion score shows that that person may have strong leadership ability. They are more likely to behave impulsively than introverts, however.

People who are open also have an easier time with workplace changes and are more adaptable. They are also usually effective leaders and are “less susceptible to a decline in performance over a longer time period,” according to Essentials of Organizational Behavior.

Agreeable people are generally liked more and tend to follow the rules. They also demonstrate higher job satisfaction and are less likely to be involved in workplace accidents. Those who score low on agreeableness are more likely to behave in a way that creates counterproductive work behavior and may have less career success over the long term.

How Can Leaders Use the Big Five Traits to Motivate Employees?

According to a 2016 paper published in Science Direct, “leaders who have an understanding of how individuals’ personalities differ can use this understanding to improve their leadership effectiveness and lead to improving employees’ job performance.”

If leaders know their employees’ tendencies, strengths, and weaknesses, they can use these to help their employees and keep them motivated.

Leaders can also use the Big Five on themselves to assess their behaviors and demonstrate to employees how to not only maximize their strengths but also learn from their weaknesses as they drive the organization to success and continue to evaluate organizational behavior. A master’s degree in organizational leadership can provide leaders with an even deeper understanding of what goes into effective business interactions.

Related Reading:

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What’s the Difference?

Emotional Intelligence and Its Importance in the Workplace

Which personality trait is most related to job performance?

In the analysis, conscientiousness was the trait most closely associated with overall job performance, with agreeableness coming in second.

Which of the big five personality traits has the greatest effect on job performance?

Conscientiousness is the strongest predictor of all five traits for job performance (John & Srivastava, 1999). A high score of conscientiousness has been shown to relate to high work performance across all dimensions.

How does personality influence job performance?

Understanding one's personality can help an employee modify behaviour at work, play to strengths, improve on weaknesses, interact with coworkers more effectively and ultimately lead to career success.

Which personality trait has the strongest and most positive effect on performance?

The personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance is: conscientiousness.


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