Which of the following was a consequence of the Montgomery bus boycott quizlet?

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Terms in this set (39)

The single most important stimulant to the postwar economy was

cold war-related military spending.

What stance did Eisenhower take in terms of New Deal programs?

He retained most New Deal programs and even expanded some of them, while also working to rid the government of the "excesses" that had resulted from many years of Democratic control.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the baby boom in the United States?

It was a postwar trend that reinforced the idea that a woman's place was in the home and helped drive economic growth due the market of goods centered on children.

What trend did home ownership tend to follow between 1945 and 1960?

It significantly increased.

What was the phenomenon of "white flight" in the 1950s after the Second World War?

It was the movement of many whites to suburbs in response to the migration of African Americans from the rural South to northern cities in search of better opportunities after the war.

Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by


The American policy of "massive retaliation" refers to the

strategy of using the threat of nuclear war to prevent Communist aggression and, thus, keeping the financial cost manageable.

What was one way in which the 1957 Soviet launch of Sputnik was significant?

It led to increased U.S. government funding for science education and defense spending.

What was the state of car ownership in America by 1955?

Most American households owned a car, resulting in a greater range of choices such as the growth of fast-food restaurants as well as unintended consequences such as environmental pollution.

Which of the following is an accurate assessment of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960?

Although they were the first civil rights laws since the late nineteenth century, they ultimately were watered down in terms of enforcement and, thus, failed to have much consequence.

The first step in Egyptian General Gamal Abdel Nasser's bid to become the leader of the Arab world was

seizing the Suez Canal.

Why did the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) work to replace the leaders of Guatemala and Iran in the 1950s?

Both countries had governments viewed as "unfriendly" regimes, and it was feared they would join the Soviet bloc.

Blacks who moved to northern cities tended to find

new problems due to racial prejudice but better lives overall.

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the

persistence of poverty in the 1950s.

How did Eisenhower describe his domestic policy of dynamic conservatism?

"conservative when it comes to money, and liberal when it comes to human beings"

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the United States in the 1950s?

Although white, middle-class Americans enjoyed unprecedented economic growth, the idealized image of America at the time was much more complicated in terms of race and class, and many feared what the new age of nuclear terror might bring.

What was the significance of the Federal-Aid Highway Act (1956)?

It created a large network of interstate highways, which in turn helped create jobs, tourism opportunities, and economic growth.

What was one way in which the intervention of the United States in Iran in the 1950s was significant?

A CIA-engineered coup in Iran was viewed as successful and emboldened Eisenhower to authorize other secret operations to undermine governments thought to be falling victim to communism.

What was the policy of "massive resistance" as promoted by senators such as Harry F. Byrd of Virginia?

southern opposition led by the Citizens' Councils and local and state governments against federal efforts to integrate public schools

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Beats?

This controversial group of artists was self-absorbed and reckless, and often rejected traditional responsibilities of middle-class life.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)?

It was a civil rights organization led by Martin Luther King Jr. that coordinated activities between a cluster of organizations such as churches and community groups.

What was the Supreme Court's decision in the case Brown v. Board of Education?

It struck down "separate but equal" in public education.

Which of the following statements accurately describes President Eisenhower's civil rights record?

Although committed in principle, he took a very passive approach to civil rights in reality, preferring to leave the issue to local and state governments.

What was the significance of the "falling-domino" theory?

Describing how quickly communism would spread once it infiltrated a nation, the theory was used by Eisenhower to justify beginning conflicts such as the Vietnam War, despite the fact that anti-colonial insurgencies often resulted from nationalist motives.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the impact of the GI Bill on African Americans?

Benefits experienced by African Americans were limited because for example, most colleges and universities remained racially segregated and refused to admit blacks.

According to the advertisements in popular magazines at the time, the ideal woman of the mid-1950s was

a white suburban housewife.

The music Alan Freed labeled "rock 'n' roll" was actually

rhythm and blues.

Encouraged American propaganda broadcasts through Radio Free Europe, ________ nationalists rebelled against occupying Communist troops in 1956.


Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in

the U.S. Army.

One of the factors that contributed to religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was

the desire to combat "godless" communism.

What tactic did Martin Luther King Jr. and the activists who organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott follow in their protest?

nonviolent civil disobedience

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in

the suburbs.

An important reason for passage of the GI Bill was to

prevent widespread unemployment.

In 1957, nine African American students attended Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas for the first time. Which of the following statements accurately describes the actions taken by Eisenhower?

Eisenhower reluctantly dispatched federal troops there to maintain law and order, angering many southern politicians.

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was MOST shaped by his experience in

the military.

Which of the following differentiated the postwar era from earlier periods of prosperity?

a consumer culture in which a large number of people participated

With the end of the Second World War, women workers who had taken on traditionally male jobs during the war were encouraged to

give up their jobs to returning veterans.

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing


During Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency, moderate republicanism involved the promise of restoring the authority of state and local governments.


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Which of the following was a consequence of the Montgomery bus boycott?

Lasting 381 days, the Montgomery Bus Boycott resulted in the Supreme Court ruling segregation on public buses unconstitutional.

What was the effect of the Montgomery bus boycott quizlet?

As a result of the boycott, on June 5, 1956, a Montgomery federal court ruled that any law requiring racially segregated seating on buses violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was successful in establishing the goal of integration.

What was the Montgomery bus boycott quizlet?

What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott? A civil-rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating.

What are the causes of the Montgomery bus boycott?

The event that triggered the boycott took place in Montgomery on December 1, 1955, after seamstress Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white passenger on a city bus. Local laws dictated that African American passengers sat at the back of the bus while whites sat in front.


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