Which of the following types of leader clarifies the role and task requirements of subordinates?


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The ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals. Leadership
Being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful. Humility
A leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring. Interactive Leadership
Distinguishing personal characteristics such as intelligence, values, and appearance. Traits
A type of behavior that describes the extent to which the leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust. Consideration
A type of leader behavior that describes the extent to which the leader is task oriented and directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment. Initiating Structure
A two-dimensional leadership theory that measures the leader's concern for people an for production. Leadership Grid
A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific organizational situations. Contingency Approach
A contingency approach to leadership that links the leader's behavioral style with the task readiness of subordinates. Situational Theory
A situational variable that makes a leadership style unnecessary or redundant. Substitute
A situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors. Neutralizer
A leader who has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance. Charismatic Leader
An attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable. Vision
A leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change. Transformational Leader
A leader who clarifies subordinates' role and task requirements, initiates structure, provides rewards, and displays consideration for subordinates. Transactional Leader
Thinking independently and being mindful of the effect of one's behavior on achieving goals. Critical Thinking
Failing to consider the possibilities beyond what one is told; accepting others' ideas without thinking. Uncritical Thinking
A person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization. Alienated Follower
A follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills. Conformist
A follower who has qualities of all four follower styles, depending on which fits the prevalent situation. Pragmatic Survivor
A person who exhibits neither critical independent thinking nor active participation. Passive Follower
A critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the organization. Effective Follower
The potential ability to influence others' behavior. Power
The effect a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others. Influence
Power that stems from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it. Legitimate Power
Power that results from the authority to punish or recommend punishment. Coercive Power
Power that results from the authority to bestow rewards on other people. Reward Power
Power that stems from special knowledge of or skill in the tasks performed by subordinates. Expert Power
Power that results from characteristics that command subordinates' identification with, respect and admiration for, and desire to emulate the leader. Referent Power
A leader who works to fulfill subordinates' needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission. Servant Leader
Distinguishing right from wrong and choosing to do right in the practice of leadership. Moral Leadership
The ability to step forward through fear and act on one's values and conscience. Courage

Which type of leader clarifies the role and task requirements of subordinates and typically involves an exchange between the leader and his her subordinates give and take )?

Transactional Leadership The leader has a right to "punish" team members if their work doesn't meet an appropriate standard. Transactional leadership is present in many business leadership situations, and it does offer some benefits. For example, it clarifies everyone's roles and responsibilities.

Which of the following types of leader is one who has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance?

The charismatic leader has the ability to motivate subordinates to transcend their expected performance. Charismatic leaders typically have a strong vision for the future and they can motivate others to help realize it.

Which type of leader works to fulfill subordinated needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission?

A leader who works to fulfill subordinates' needs and goals as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission is called a servant leader.

What type of leader uses his or her position to control the decision making process thereby restricting the decision making freedom of subordinates?

Authoritarian leadership, also known as autocratic leadership, is a management style in which an individual has total decision-making power and absolute control over his subordinates.


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