Which of the following psychologists is most closely associated with the school of structuralism?

290534567 C) psychology is a broader field, covering all aspects of behavior and mental processes. Psychology is different from other disciplines, such as psychiatry, that deal with people because A) psychology focuses only on animal research. B) psychology focuses on mental disorder. C) psychology is a broader field, covering all aspects of behavior and mental processes. D) psychologists must have doctoral degrees. E) psychologists do research. 1 290534568 D) a school psychologist Which one would be considered an applied psychologist? A) a psychiatrist B) a social worker C) a psychologist doing basic research D) a school psychologist E) a professor of psychology at the university 2 290534569 B) introspection Which of the following is a method you would use to tell whether a friend had experienced a perceptual shift while viewing the Necker cube? A) behaviorism B) introspection C) structuralism D) sensation E) perception 3 290534570 A) sensations and perceptions are the result of activity in the nervous system. Rene Descartes made a science of psychology possible when he suggested that A) sensations and perceptions are the result of activity in the nervous system. B) science should be based entirely on common sense rather than on religion. C) replicability of results was essential. D) psychology should be a branch of philosophy. E) the elements of conscious experience could be arranged into a periodic table. 4 290534571 D) structuralists. One of the roots of cognitive psychology sought to identify the "elements of conscious experience." Adherents tp this viewpoint were called A) functionalists. B) Gestalt psychologists. C) behaviorists. D) structuralists. E) psychoanalysts. 5 290534572 D) neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, genetics: the biological perspective In which one of the following sets are all factors associated with the perspective indicated? A) memory, personality, environment: the behavioral perspective B) changes through the lifespan, changes as the result of mental disorders, changes as a result of social pressure: the developmental perspective C) mental health, mental disorder, mental imagery: the trait perspective D) neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, genetics: the biological perspective E) sensation, perception, memory: the psychoanalytic perspective 6 290534573 E) the cognitive view If you were a teacher trying to understand how students learn, which of the following viewpoints would be most helpful? A) the developmental view B) psychoanalytic view C) the trait view D) evolutionary psychology E) the cognitive view 7 290534574 B) Wilhelm Wundt Psychology's scientific origins are usually traced to the late 19th century, when ______ established the first psychological laboratory. A) William James B) Wilhelm Wundt C) Sigmund Freud D) John B. Watson E) Max Wertheimer 8 290534575 A) functionalism. "To understand consciousness of behavior, you must focus on the probable purpose of an action or process." This statement reflects the arguments of A) functionalism. B) humanism. C) structuralism. D) Gestalt psychology. E) behaviorism. 9 290534576 C) psychodynamic/clinical According to the ______ approach, which is a variation of the ______-view, a person's behavior and personality develop as a result of unconscious inner tensions and conflicts. A) behaviorist/trait B) evolutionary/biological C) psychodynamic/clinical D) structuralist/behavioral E) introspective/cognitive 10 290534577 D) cognitive psychology. All of the following areas are applied psychology specialties, except A) clinical psychology. B) school psychology. C) counseling psychology. D) cognitive psychology. E) industrial/organizational psychology. 11 290534578 D) Carl Rogers. Which researcher is most closely associated with the founding of humanistic psychology? A) Sigmund Freud B) Max Wertheimer C) William James D) Carl Rogers E) John Watson 12 290534579 D) survival and reproduction. According to the evolutionary approach in modern psychology, human behavior is the result of the natural selection of behaviors that promote A) appropriate responses to novel situations. B) cultural conformity. C) ability to process information. D) survival and reproduction. E) conflict between individual goals and societal limits. 13 290534580 B) confirmational bias. The tendency to attend to evidence that confirms our expectations is known as A) empirical investigation. B) confirmational bias. C) introspection. D) functionalism. E) Gestalt perspective. 14 290534581 A) behavioral Which of psychology's nine perspectives says that psychology should not study mental processes, such as sensation, perception, memory, thinking, motivation, and emotion? A) behavioral B) biological C) cognitive D) evolutionary/sociobiological E) trait 15 290534582 A) the positive side of human nature. The humanistic approach toward psychology emphasizes A) the positive side of human nature. B) our brain biochemistry. C) stimulus-response relationships in humans. D) the deterministic nature of human environments. E) unconscious motivations. 16 290534583 D) the "facilitator" was unknowingly guiding the student in their responses. In initial studies regarding facilitated communication to treat autistic children results looked promising. Upon further research it was found that this only occurred because A) parents wanted their children to become better. B) the children really were communicating without any aide from others. C) the researchers had "Coached" the children and facilitators before the experiment began. D) the "facilitator" was unknowingly guiding the student in their responses. E) the children were told the correct answers. 17 290534584 E) psychodynamic The ______-approach views behavior as driven by powerful inner forces and conflicts. A) behavioristic B) humanistic C) sociocultural D) biological E) psychodynamic 18 290534585 C) Neuroscience. The Biological View is most closely associated with the discipline of A) Evolution. B) Chemistry. C) Neuroscience. D) Natural Selection. E) Development. 19 290534586 D) James. The individual who believed that consciousness is a "stream of ideas" rather than elements that should be broken into smaller parts was A) Plato. B) Wundt. C) Darwin. D) James. E) Hall. 20 290534587 E) Now study the entire life span. How has the field of Developmental Psychology changed in recent years? A) Now focus primarily on childhood development. B) Now focus on how our culture influences our behavior. C) Now focus on developmental disorders. D) Now focus on assisting children with cognitive deficits. E) Now study the entire life span. 21 290534588 A) medicine to treat those suffering from mental illness. One likely difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist is that a psychiatrist would tend to use more A) medicine to treat those suffering from mental illness. B) talk therapy when dealing with clients having difficulties. C) cognitive therapy when dealing with clients irrational thoughts. D) behavioral modification with their clients. E) research than psychologists. 22 290534589 A) Psychodynamic Jake has had a troubled past. He had a difficult time getting along with his parents as a child and today he still holds much hostility towards his parents. He thinks he might be holding a longstanding grudge against them, but he cannot remember what it is. What field of psychology would be most interested in getting to the root of Jake's troubled childhood? A) Psychodynamic B) Cognitive C) Sociocultural D) Humanistic E) Behavioral 23 290534590 B) trait theory This perspective looks at the long-standing personality characteristics of an individual, and how this may impact their affect, behaviors and cognition. A) behavioral theory B) trait theory C) sociocultural theory D) psychodynamic theory E) humanistic theory 24 290534591 C) insure that they do not look only for information that reaffirms what they already know. Researchers need to be aware of the Confirmation Bias to A) assure that they are not involved in their own studies. B) make sure that they are not being purposefully deceitful. C) insure that they do not look only for information that reaffirms what they already know. D) make sure they are not giving the participants the answers. E) make sure that they do not practice pseudoscience. 25 290534592 C) phony unscientific psychology masquerading as the real thing. Pseudopsychology is A) the study of perception and cognition. B) the scientific study of human and animal behavior. C) phony unscientific psychology masquerading as the real thing. D) Freud's method of analyzing patients. E) the study of the psyche. 26 290534593 D) 2 years A maters degree in psychology typically involves how many additional years of study once an individual has completed their undergraduate studies? A) 6 years B) 4 years C) 3 years D) 2 years E) 5 years 27 290534594 D) Experimental Psychology. Alfred works in a laboratory at the University of Freud. He runs rats through mazes to determine how long it will take them to form a cognitive map. Alfred is primarily working the field of A) Engineering Psychology. B) I/O Psychology. C) Applied Psychology. D) Experimental Psychology. E) School Psychology. 28 290534595 A) comparing how often Americans and Canadians spank their children A sociocultural psychologist would be most interested in which of the following? A) comparing how often Americans and Canadians spank their children B) determining whether mothers of fathers are more likely to spank their children C) examining how spanking has served an evolutionary purpose throughout history D) asking parents why they spank their children E) measuring how children respond after they are spanked 29 290534596 C) asks people to describe their sensory experiences. The research technique of introspection A) studies groups of people interacting with one another. B) studies children rather than adolescents and adults. C) asks people to describe their sensory experiences. D) measures people biologically by using tools such as an MRI or PET scan. E) exposes people to a variety of stressful situations to determine how they will respond. 30 290534597 Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 31 290534598 Structuralism School of psychology devoted to uncovering the basic structures that make up mind and thought. 32 290534599 Functionalism School of psychology that believed that mental processes should be understood in terms of their adaptive purpose. 33 290534600 Cognitive View People are information-processing systems. 34 290534601 Trait View Individual differences result in our underlying patterns of stable characteristics. 35 290534602 Developmental View People undergo predictable patterns of change throughout their lives. 36 290534603 Behavioral View Behavior is shaped by learning. 37 290534604 Evolutionary/Sociobiological View Behavior has developed and adapted over time. 38 290534605 Biological View People are complex systems that respond to both environmental and hereditary influences. 39 290534606 Humanistic View Emphasized human growth and potential. 40

Which of the following psychologists is most closely associated with structuralism?

Major thinkers associated with structuralism include Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener. The focus of structuralism was on reducing mental processes down into their most basic elements. The structuralists used techniques such as introspection to analyze the inner processes of the human mind.

Who was most closely associated with the structuralist school of psychology?

structuralism, in psychology, a systematic movement founded in Germany by Wilhelm Wundt and mainly identified with Edward B. Titchener.

Who is associated with the school of structuralism?

Structuralism is considered the first school of thought in psychology, and was established in Germany by Wilhelm Wundt, and mainly associated with Edward B. Titchener.

Who is most closely associated with structuralism?

Structuralism in psychology (also structural psychology) is a theory of consciousness developed by Wilhelm Wundt and his student Edward Bradford Titchener. This theory was challenged in the 20th century.


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