Which of the following is the best definition for what we call the self quizlet?

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Terms in this set (75)

Two families were in conflict over who had the rights to a particular piece of land, and needed to negotiate a solution. In light of research on the discontinuity effect, which of the following would be most likely to defuse competition and promote cooperation?

A negotiation involving one individual from each of the groups.

After you discuss your views on abortion with a group of like-minded friends, they are likely to

become more extreme.

Most members of a group were moderately in favor of raising the group's membership fees. They got together to discuss that issue. In light of research of Group Polarization, it would be reasonable to predict that

the group would be even more extremely in favor of raising fees after the discussion

Which of the following is​ not ​an actual research finding?

In some cultures, social rejection does not seem to be a source of stress.

Research on brainstorming reveals that

people in brainstorming groups sometimes experience evaluation apprehension and are reluctant to share their ideas.

Imagine that you had just taken your first brief unicycle riding lesson, and now had to perform in front of a group of people—even though you still were not very good or well-practiced at riding a unicycle. Research on social facilitation effects would lead to the prediction that

you will perform worse in front of the group than you would have if you were alone.

Which of the following statements about social facilitation and task performance is tru

The presence of other people increases arousal, but arousal effect on performance will depend on the nature of the task.

To what does the "Need to Belong" refer?

The need of human beings to have close and enduring relationships with other people

Studies of medical decision-making teams reveal that

they are just as likely to disproportionately focus on shared information (at the expense of unshared information) as other kinds of groups.

The group polarization effect is defined as

The tendency for a group's attitudes, beliefs, or decisions to become more extreme after discussion

In group discussions, some information is "shared" (that is, all group members know it) and some is "unshared" (that is, only one or a few group members know it). Research on group discussions indicates that

groups disproportionately focus on shared information.

Research on brainstorming reveals that

people in brainstorming groups often have trouble making themselves heard and sharing their ideas because not everyone can talk at once ("production blocking")

What has research on the relationship between gender and leadership effectiveness concluded?

Men are more effective in some situations and women in others.

What is the definition of a transactive memory system?

A group in which the information needed to accomplish some task or tasks is distributed in an organized and predictable way across different group members.

Which of the following is the best definition of deindividuation?

A state of mind common in large crowds in which people become less aware of themselves as individuals and more likely to let the situation (as opposed to their own values) guide their behavior.

In a classic study of Social Loafing by Latané, Williams, and Harkins (1979), participants were simply asked to yell as loud as they could. They found that

individual participants shouted more loudly when they were alone (or thought they were alone) than when they shouted along with other people.

What is a "transformational leader"?

A charismatic leader who can inspire his or her followers to adopt new values and goals.

What does it mean to say that a group is engaging in "Groupthink"?

The group is intolerant of dissent, isolated from outside influences, and led by someone who is intolerant of viewpoints different from his/her own.

Studies of medical decision-making teams reveal that

they are just as likely to disproportionately focus on shared information (at the expense of unshared information) as other kinds of groups.

A social dilemma, as defined by the textbook (and as exemplified by the "tragedy of the commons" and the prisoner's dilemma game) might consist of

having to decide whether to make a suggested (but not required) contribution when attending a museum that is supported by the public

Which of the following is a fair summary of research on culturally diverse groups?

All of the above.

According to research on the discontinuity effect, in potentially competitive situations,

groups are generally more competitive than individuals.

What is transactional leader?

A kind of leader who is essentially a manger focused on doing a job and getting things done

In light of research of group polarization it would be reasonable to predict that?

The group would be even more exterely in favor of raising fees after the discussion.

Which of the theories below best predicts why your enemy's enemy will likely become your friend?

Balance Theory

According to Rosenbaum's (1986) repulsion hypothesis

People are more repelled by others who don't share their attitudes then they are attracted to people who do share their attitudes

In Dutton and Aron's study of misattribution of arousal, some men were interviewed by a female experimenter on a solid and stable footbridge and others were interviewed by a female experimenter on a wobbly and unstable footbridge. They found that

Men interviewed on the unstable bridge were more likely to telephone the experimenter and seemed more attracted to her

What would we have expected to happen in Dutton and Aron's study of misattribution of arousal if (unlike in the original experiment) the experimenters had called subjects attention to how scary the wobbly and unstable footbridge was?

The results of the study would have been much weaker (that is, the difference between conditions would have been less pronounced)

What is the relationship between physical proximity and attraction

Physical proximity is a very important predictor of who becomes friends with whom

According to the evolutionary perspective on differences in what men and women seek in mates

Men generally place more emphasis on physical attractiveness, and women are generally more focused on how ambitious, industrious, and successful men are

Which of the following would be an example of a relationship that is consistent with the idea of complementary?

A dominant woman marries a submissive man

Cross- Cultural research on the criteria used by people to judge the attractiveness of women provides most evidence for

Similar standards of beauty across cultures when it comes to "neonatal" facial features

Research on physical attractiveness has found support for all of the following except one. For which one is there not support

Older people are less likely to be biased against unattractive people than are younger people

A neighbor initially seems to dislike you, but after a while, she becomes clearly fond of you. Based on research by Aronson and Linder (1960) on "Gain Loss Effects," it would be reasonable to predict that

You will like her even more than if she had been fond of you from the beginning

The extent to which attitude similarity promotes attraction and liking depends on the ___ and the ____

Proportion of shared attitudes; magnitude of similarity

Research has been conducted on the effects of attitude similarity on attraction and on the effects of complementarity on attraction (that is, the idea that opposite attract). That research

Provides more evidence for the importance of similarity than for the importance of complementarity

According to balance theory, which of the following situations would lead to tension or psychological discomfort

You like Fred, Fred dislikes Barney, but you like Barney

Given what we know about the implicit egotism, we might expect a man name Grant Raven to be most likely to move to which of the following places?

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Research examining context effects on judgements of attractiveness suggests that

When the average person's attractiveness is evaluated after very attractive people have been seen, he or she will be seen as unattractive

Which of the following describes the actual findings of research conducted on the effects of attractiveness

None of the Above

Which of the following is the best definition of the attractiveness stereotype?

The belief that attractive people are better people and observing of better treatment than unattractive people

Playing "hard to get" increases attraction primarily when it's done


In Walster et al.'s computer dance study, participants' satisfaction with their dates was influenced primarily by

Their physical attractiveness

For reasons she can't explain, Becky likes the person who sits next to her in Astronomy class (a class she really enjoys), even though the two of them have never spoken. Also, for reasons she can't explain, Becky feels a bit annoyed by the person who sits next to her in sociology class ( a class she doesn't enjoy), even though they too have never spoken, Becky's experience is consistent with

Classical conditioning

What does research suggest about how women who "play hard to get" are perceived?

Women who are selectively hard to get are seen as very​ ​desirable

What are the consequences of being involved in a relationship that has to take place secretly?

Initial attraction to the other person in the relationship can be amplified, or increased, by secrecy.

Marital status and happiness are correlated, but that correlation has been hard to interpret. But Lucas, Clark, Georgellis, and Diener (2003) conducted a 15-year long longitudinal study examining marital status and happiness. Their study revealed that

happy people are more likely to marry than unhappy people

Mikulincer and Shaver (2001) subliminally primed people with words like "closeness," "love," and "support" (that is, "secure base schema" words). They then had participants form an impression of a stranger (an "out-group" member). They found that

these participants formed a more positive impression of the out-group member than did participants who had been primed with other positive words.

According to Sternberg's (1986) Triangular Theory of Love, a relationship characterized by high levels of intimacy and commitment represents:

Companionate love

While ____ is a playful love style focused on game playing and conquest, ____ is an obsessive love style based on jealousy and insecurity.

Ludus; Mania

Ainsworth's "Strange situation" technique has been used to study

infants' attachment styles

You find yourself in a relationship in which your outcomes exceed both your expectations for the relationship and your expectations regarding alternatives. According to comparison level theory, your relationship is marked by

Attractive stability.

According to McCollough et al. (1997), what is the sequence of events by which an apology can lead to the resolution of a conflict?

Apology, empathy, forgiving, conciliatory behavior

Research by Finkel et al. showed that a person is most likely to forgive a relationship partner's betrayal when

the relationship is characterized by a high level of commitment.

Participants in a study by Morris et al. (2007) were asked to act like landlords and decide who to accept as tenants in a property they were renting. It was found that participants

were much more likely to rent the property to a married couple than to an unmarried couple or same-sex friends.

What are the long-term effects of having very positive, even idealistic expectations about one's partner in a relationship?

Such positive expectations are beneficial primarily when people are able to confirm them by making positive attributions for their partners' behavior.

Jeremy did not like to go out to meet people. Instead, he spent most of his time with his best friend Julie. They had many things in common and were great friends. Eventually, their friendship turned into a romantic relationship. Which one of John Alan Lee's love styles characterizes this type of love?


Research on the attachment styles of adults indicates that

most adults seem to display secure attachment.

According to Love Styles Theory (Lee, 1973), the kind of love that develops out of friendship and interaction is


Omar is consumed by fears that his partner doesn't really love him and may end the relationship any day. Omar is ________ attached.


According to attachment research, which of the following statements illustrates the relationship between attachment styles and relationship satisfaction?

People with secure attachment styles have relationships marked by the most trust, commitment, and satisfaction.

In mature relationships, self-disclosure tends to

Decline and become lower in evaluative intimacy

Which of the following is NOT true of research on the social penetration model of self-disclosure (Altman & Taylor, 1973)?

breadth of self-disclosure continuously expands between people in long-term relationships.

What does "negative affect reciprocity" in a relationship refer to?

A communication pattern in which two people both express negative feelings and their conflict escalates.

What is the definition of a communal relationship (as opposed to an exchange relationship)?

A relationship in which giving and receiving benefits is based on need and on wanting to please the other person.

Which represents the least optimal solution to a conflict in the termination stage?

One partner dominating the other

Falling in love at first sight and basing relationships on strong physical and emotional attraction are signs that ____ is your color of love (Lee, 1973).


Annabel is somewhat uncomfortable being close to others, and is reluctant to depend on other people. Annabel's attachment style is


Research based on Rubin's (1970) Love and Liking scales found that

scores on the love and liking scales were more highly correlated for men than for women.

According to Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, love has three basic ingredients. They are

intimacy, passion, and commitment.

According to research on self-disclosure in relationships

All of the above.

The highest form of love, ____, is ____ and is characterized by high levels of all three components of Sternberg's love triangle.

Consummate; difficult to achieve

How do communal and exchange relationships differ?

Reciprocity is not expected in communal relationships.

People in exchange relationships are always happier than those in communal relationships. According to Sternberg's (1986) Triangular Theory of Love, a relationship characterized by high levels of intimacy and commitment represents:

Companionate love

According to research on self-disclosure in relationships,

All of the above

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Which of the following best defines Mead's theory of the self?

Mead defines the emergence of the self as a thoroughly social process: “The self, as that which can be an object to itself, is essentially a social structure, and it arises in social experience” (Mead, 1934).

Which of the following is a definition of how sociologists define self?

self. The conscious being, personified in a human body, which is made and reformulated through social interaction.

Which of the following is the best definition of social interaction?

social interaction: The process of reciprocal influence exercised by individuals over one another during social encounters.

What does the term presentation of self Mean quizlet?

What does the term "presentation of self" mean? efforts to create impressions in the minds of others.


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