Which of the following is among the minerals that are in great demand during pregnancy because they are involved in building the skeleton?


Read the full fact sheet

  • If you are pregnant, aim to include the recommended nutrients in your diet, rather than increasing your kilojoule intake.
  • Pregnancy creates extra demands for certain nutrients, including iron and folate.
  • Good food hygiene during pregnancy can help reduce your risk of listeriosis (listeria) and salmonella.

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Related information

  • In Victoria, you can have two types of abortion: surgical and medication. Both types are safe and reliable. You can have a medication abortion up to nine weeks of pregnancy. You can have a surgical abortion from around six weeks of pregnancy onwards.

  • There’s no safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy. It’s safest to not drink at all during pregnancy, when trying to conceive, and while breastfeeding.

  • The size of a standard drink can vary according to the type of alcohol.

  • A common misconception is that anorexia nervosa only affects young women, but it affects males and females of all ages.

  • Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body's cells, and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation.

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Content on this website is provided for information purposes only. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional. The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Which of the following is the single most potent indicator of an infant's future health status?

which of the following is the major factor in low birthweight

the stage of human gestation from eight weeks after conception until birth of an infant is called an

which of the following determines whether the mother is able to grow a healthy placenta

the mothers pre-pregnancy nutrition

all of the following are true concerning the placenta except

the fetus receives nutrients and carbon dioxide across the placenta

at eight weeks of development the fetus is characterized by

a beating heart and a fully formed digestive system

malnutrition in the mother early in pregnancy affects the babys

during the second trimester of pregnancy a daily increase of __ calories above the allowance for pregnant women is recommended

all pregnant women need generous amounts of ___ to spare their protein and to provide their energy

which of the following nutrients is related to the prevention of neural tube defects

to obtain the folate that can reduce the risk of neural tube defects, a woman who is capable of becoming pregnant should

eat folate-fortified foods and take a daily supplement containing 800 micrograms of folic acid

fortified food sources of folate include all of the following except

which of the following does not contain vitamin b12

which of the following is among the minerals that are in great demand during pregnancy because they are involved in building the skeleton

a pregnant woman should strive to meet her DRI for ___ by increasing intakes of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other foods rich in this mineral or by taking a 600 mg supplement daily

which of the following statements is true concerning iron during pregnancy

the body conserves iron even more than usual and iron supplements are needed

a pregnancy weight gain of __ pounds is recommended for women who are at their appropriate weights

the ideal pattern of weight gain for a healthy weight woman is thought to be about ___ pounds total during the first three months of pregnancy

a pregnant teenager with a body mass index in the normal range is encouraged to gain __ pounds or so

the nausea of morning sickness

arises from hormonal changes of early pregnancy and can often be alleviated

which of the following should be avoided during pregnancy

alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy can result in all of the following except

risk factors for gestational diabetes include all of the following except

women who have uncontrolled high blood glucose levels during pregnancy may experience complications such as

which of the following is not one of the key elements to help identify women with preeclampsia

the effect of maternal nutritional deprivation during lactation is to

reduce the quantity of milk

exclusively breastfed babies need supplements of __ but formula fed babies do not

it is desirable to begin feeding the infant iron fortified cereals by about ___ months

which of the following is characteristic of colostrum

it contains antibodies from the mothers blood and it contains white cells from the mothers blood

the addition of foods to a babys diet should be governed by all of the following considerations except

Which of the following minerals is in great demand during pregnancy because they are involved in building the skeleton?

During pregnancy, the baby growing in its mother's womb needs plenty of calcium to develop its skeleton. This need is especially great during the last 3 months of pregnancy. If the mother doesn't get enough calcium, her baby will draw what it needs from the mother's bones.

What minerals are needed more during pregnancy?

All nutrients are important, but these six play a key role in your baby's growth and development during pregnancy:.
Folic acid..
Vitamin D..

Which mineral is involved in building the fetal skeleton?

During pregnancy, approximately 30 grams of calcium is deposited in the foetal skeleton, while the rest of calcium is stored in the maternal skeleton, probably due to calcium demands during lactation [2,13,14].

What are the two nutrients that a pregnant mother needs to have a strong bone?

Calcium — Strengthen bones.

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