Which of the following best explains the governments of the shaded area shown on the map?

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Study Guide
Diagnostic Test

This activity contains 32 questions.

Which of the following citations describes a primary source?


Which of the following sources would a historian most likely use to obtain information about the social and occupational structure of Atlanta, Georgia, during the late nineteenth century?


Which of the following best describes a major feature of classical Mayan civilization?


Which of the following geographic factors had the greatest influence on economic life in ancient Egyptian culture?


Which of the following best describes a shared aim of Enlightenment philosophers?


Which of the following accurately lists four major historical events between 1600 and 1825 in the order in which they occurred?


In their efforts to achieve power in Germany, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi supporters benefited most from which of the following?


World War II most influenced the movement for African independence by:


Which of the following best describes a major cause of warfare between English settlers and Native Americans in North America during the first half of the seventeenth century?


Which of the following best describes a major effect of the American Revolution on U.S. society?


The political battles of the 1790s between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson centered on differences over the:


During the first half of the nineteenth century, reformers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton most often based their demands for women's rights on the:


Jane Addams and Lillian Wald played major roles in Progressive Era efforts to:


Which of the following late nineteenth-century developments most influenced the emergence of a national market for the exchange of goods and services in the United States?


Which of the following best describes a major legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs for dealing with the Great Depression?


Which of the following best describes a major reason for the unprecedented economic affluence of U.S. society in the two decades after World War II?


Which of the following activities best represents an application of the fundamental geographic theme of human-environment interaction?


Which of the following statements best illustrates the geographic theme of movement?


The shaded region on the map above represents which of the following?


Which of the following patterns of global resource distribution had the greatest influence on international relations during the twentieth century?


Which of the following is a major religious tradition in all three of the lettered areas on the map?


In 1800, most of the world's population lived in rural areas. By 2000, the overwhelming majority of people in developed countries lived in towns and cities. This change was primarily a consequence of the:


One can best distinguish totalitarian governments from traditional dictatorships by examining which of the following features of the two political systems?


The term gerrymandering refers to which of the following practices in the U.S. political system?


Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary . . . shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.

The excerpt above from the U.S. Constitution best illustrates the meaning of which of the following political principles?


The ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights can best be used to illustrate the meaning of which of the following principles of the U.S. Constitution?


Congress can most strongly influence foreign policy through the exercise of which of the following powers?


Which of the following best illustrates how the principle of separation of powers operates in the U.S. system of government?


Command economies and market economies tend to differ most in their:


A young woman is trying to decide whether she should return to college full time and complete her bachelor's degree or accept an entry-level management position at a local company. Which of the following economic concepts applies most directly to the decision this person is trying to make?


Which of the following measures would provide the best assessment of the effect of government fiscal policy on the U.S. economy?


Which of the following best describes an important role of the Federal Reserve in the U.S. economy?


Answer choices in this exercise appear in a different order each time the page is loaded.

Which of the following best explains the governance of the shaded areas on the map?

16. which of the following best explains the governance of the shaded areas shown on the map? D. these areas show where indigenous peoples have limited amount of self-government at a national scale.

Which boundary type best explains the influence of landscape on the political borders of the North African region?

Which of the following boundary types best explains the influence of landscape on the political borders of the North African region? Geometric, with straight lines, disregarding physical feature or tribal cultural differences of the areas.

Which of the following types of political boundaries best describe the border between the United states and Canada?

Antecedent boundaries are drawn before the cultural landscape emerged and before a large population was present, like the border between the US and Canada.

Which of the following best explains how the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea unclos influences claims to the islands by both countries?

Which of the following best explains how the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) influences claims to the islands by both countries? The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts.


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